[0,1/2] ,−x ≥ ln(1− x) ≥ −2x. See [8] which is where I read this. That product is

∏ j≤n


1− |m−p j|(p j+m+1)

))and so ln of this expression is






∣∣m− p j∣∣

(p j +m+1)


which is in the interval[−2




∣∣m− p j∣∣

(p j +m+1)





∣∣m− p j∣∣

(p j +m+1)


and so dn → 0 if and only if ∑∞j=1

(1− |m−p j|

(p j+m+1)

)= ∞. Since pn → ∞ it suffices

to consider the convergence of ∑ j

(1− p j−m

(p j+m+1)

)= ∑ j


(p j+m+1)

). Now recall

theorems from calculus.

16. For f ∈ C ([a,b] ;R) , real valued continuous functions, let | f | ≡(∫ b

a | f (t)|2)1/2

( f , f )1/2 where ( f ,g) ≡∫ b

a f (x)g(x)dx. Recall the Cauchy Schwarz inequality|( f ,g)| ≤ | f | |g| . Now suppose 1

2 < p1 < p2 · · · where limk→∞ pk = ∞. Let Vn =span(1, fp1 , fp2 , ..., fpn) . For ∥·∥ the uniform approximation norm, show that for ev-ery g ∈C ([0,1]) , there exists there exists a sequence of functions, fn ∈Vn such that∥g− fn∥→ 0. This is the second Müntz theorem. Hint: Show that you can approxi-mate x→ xm uniformly. To do this, use the above Müntz to approximate mxm−1 with∑k ckxpk−1 in the inner product norm.

∫ 10

∣∣mxm−1−∑nk=1 ckxpk−1

∣∣2 dx ≤ ε2. Thenxm−∑



xpk =∫ x


nk=1 ckt pk−1

)dt. Then∣∣∣∣∣xm−





∣∣∣∣∣≤∫ x




ckt pk−1

∣∣∣∣∣dt ≤∫ 1




ckt pk−1


Now use the Cauchy Schwarz inequality on that last integral to obtain






∣∣∣∣∣≤ ε.

In case m = 0, there is nothing to show because 1 is in Vn. Explain why the resultfollows from this and the Weierstrass approximation theorem.

17. Suppose f : [a,b]→ [0,1] is piecewise linear, equal to 1 on [a+h,b−h] and 0 at a,b.Show that

∫ ba f (x)dx = h+(b−a−2h) = b−a−h.

14016.17.CHAPTER 5. FUNCTIONS ON NORMED LINEAR SPACES[0,1/2],-—x > In(1 —x) > —2x. See [8] which is where I read this. That product is[j<n (1 — (1 — ees) and so In of this expression ispjtmt+1yin(1—(y—-lm=Palj=l (Pj +m 1)which is in the intervalcoy (;_ mer) oy (,_ ime ailox ( (pj+m-+l1) }’ X (pp tm+1)and so d, —+ 0 if and only if 57_, (1 _ oe. J= oo, Since p, — © it sufficesto consider the convergence of )); (1 — es) = Yj (Gatty) . Now recallpen Jtheorems from calculus.For f € C({a,b];R), real valued continuous functions, let |f| = ( ale) 0? =(f, fy! > where (f,g) = [ iM f (x)g(x)dx. Recall the Cauchy Schwarz inequality\(f,8)| < lfllg|. Now suppose 5 < pi < p2-+: where limy_,.. py = 09. Let V, =span (1, fp, .fpo++++sfpn) - For ||-|| the uniform approximation norm, show that for ev-ery g € C((0,1]), there exists there exists a sequence of functions, f, € V, such that|g — fn|| ++ 0. This is the second Miintz theorem. Hint: Show that you can approxi-mate x — x” uniformly. To do this, use the above Miintz to approximate mx”~! withY,cex?*! in the inner product norm. fo |mx""—! —yeey cyxPr! | dx < e?. Thenx — hy exPk = Jy (mt! — YR, egt?*!) dt. Thenx 1< | ars [10 0Now use the Cauchy Schwarz inequality on that last integral to obtainncx” y? EK Pkk=l Pkdtnmt”! — y? cyte!k=1nmt”! — y? cyte!k=1In case m = 0, there is nothing to show because | is in V,. Explain why the resultfollows from this and the Weierstrass approximation theorem.Suppose f : [a,b] — [0, 1] is piecewise linear, equal to 1 on [a+h,b—h] and Oat a,b.Show that [? f (x)dx =h+(b—a—2h) =b—a-—h.