7.4 Taylor ApproximationsFirst recall the following one variable calculus theorem. It is in my on line book “Calculusof One and Many Variables” or in any elementary Calculus book. See Problem 3 below onPage 176.

Theorem 7.4.1 Let h : (−δ ,1+δ )→ R have m+ 1 derivatives. Then there existst ∈ (0,1) such that

h(1) = h(0)+m


h(k) (0)k!

+h(m+1) (t)(m+1)!


Now suppose U is an open set in Rp and f : U → R is Cm+1 with x0 ∈U . For x ∈B(x0,r)⊆U , let h(t) = f (x0 + t (x−x0)) , t ∈ (0,1) . Then

h′ (t) = ∑i

∂ f (x0 + t (x−x0))

∂xi(xi− x0i) , h′′ (t) = ∑


∂ 2 f∂xi1∂xi2

(xi1 − x0i1)(xi2 − x0i2)

and continuing this way,

h(k) (t) = ∑i1,··· ,ik

∂ k f∂xi1∂xi2 · · ·∂xik



(xi j − x0i j


Then the Taylor approximation is of the form h(1) = f (x) =

f (x0)+m


1k! ∑

i1,··· ,ik

∂ k f (x0)

∂xi1∂xi2 · · ·∂xik



(xi j − x0i j


1(m+1)! ∑

i1,··· ,im+1

∂ m+1 f (x0 + t (x−x0))

∂xi1∂xi2 · · ·∂xim+1



(xi j − x0i j


The last term being the remainder with t ∈ (0,1). Thus, if the (m+1)st partial derivativesare all bounded, this shows that if ∥x−x0∥ is sufficiently small, then the difference be-tween f (x) and that series on the right in 7.19 other than the remainder term will also bevery small.

7.5 Second Derivative TestNow consider the case where U ⊆ Rn and f : U → R is C2 (U). Then from Taylor’s theo-rem, if v is small enough, there exists t ∈ (0,1) such that

f (x+v) = f (x)+D f (x)v+D2 f (x+tv)v2

2. (7.20)


D2 f (x+tv)(ei)(e j) ≡ D(D( f (x+tv))ei)e j

= D(

∂ f (x+ tv)∂xi

)e j =

∂ 2 f (x+ tv)∂x j∂xi