It is required to show that µ (S) = µ (S\ (A\B))+ µ (S∩ (A\B)) . First consider S \(A\B) . From the picture, it equals(

S∩AC ∩BC)∪ (S∩A∩B)∪(S∩AC ∩B

)Therefore, µ (S)≤ µ (S\ (A\B))+µ (S∩ (A\B))

≤ µ(S∩AC ∩BC)+µ (S∩A∩B)+µ

(S∩AC ∩B

)+µ (S∩ (A\B))

= µ(S∩AC ∩BC)+µ (S∩A∩B)+µ

(S∩AC ∩B



= µ(S∩AC ∩BC)+µ

(S∩A∩BC)+µ (S∩A∩B)+µ

(S∩AC ∩B

)= µ

(S∩BC)+µ (S∩B) = µ (S)

and so this shows that A\B ∈S whenever A,B ∈S .Since Ω ∈S , this shows that A ∈S if and only if AC ∈S . Now if A,B ∈S , A∪B =

(AC ∩ BC)C = (AC \ B)C ∈ S . By induction, if A1, · · · ,An ∈ S , then so is ∪ni=1Ai. If

A,B ∈S , with A∩B = /0,

µ(A∪B) = µ((A∪B)∩A)+µ((A∪B)\A) = µ(A)+µ(B).

By induction, if Ai∩A j = /0 and Ai ∈S ,

µ(∪ni=1Ai) =



µ(Ai). (8.9)

Now let A = ∪∞i=1Ai where Ai ∩A j = /0 for i ̸= j. ∑

∞i=1 µ(Ai) ≥ µ(A) ≥ µ(∪n

i=1Ai) =

∑ni=1 µ(Ai). Since this holds for all n, you can take the limit as n → ∞ and conclude,

∑∞i=1 µ(Ai) = µ(A) which establishes 8.6.

Consider part 8.7. Without loss of generality µ (Fk)< ∞ for all k since otherwise thereis nothing to show. Suppose {Fk} is an increasing sequence of sets of S . Then lettingF0 ≡ /0, {Fk+1 \Fk}∞

k=0 is a sequence of disjoint sets of S since it was shown above thatthe difference of two sets of S is in S . Also note that from 8.9

µ (Fk+1 \Fk)+µ (Fk) = µ (Fk+1)

and so if µ (Fk)< ∞, then

µ (Fk+1 \Fk) = µ (Fk+1)−µ (Fk) .

Therefore, letting F ≡ ∪∞k=1Fk which also equals ∪∞

k=1 (Fk+1 \Fk) , it follows from part 8.6just shown that

µ (F) =∞


µ (Fk+1 \Fk) = limn→∞



µ (Fk+1 \Fk)

= limn→∞



µ (Fk+1)−µ (Fk) = limn→∞

µ (Fn+1) .

In order to establish 8.8, let the Fn be as given there. Then, since (F1 \Fn) increases to(F1 \F), 8.7 implies


(µ (F1)−µ (Fn)) = limn→∞

µ (F1 \Fn) = µ (F1 \F) .

188 CHAPTER 8. MEASURES AND MEASURABLE FUNCTIONSIt is required to show that p (S) = w(S\(A\B)) +u(SN(A\B)). First consider S \(A \ B). From the picture, it equals(SMAC NBS) U(SNANB)U (SNAS NB)Therefore, u(S) < u(S\(A\B))+u(SN(A\B))< pw(SNACNBS) + (SANANB) + pu (SNAC NB) +h (SN(A\B))= pw (SNACNBS) + (SNANB) +h (SNAS NB) + (SNANBS)Lt (SAC NBY) +b (SNANBS) + (SNANB) + (SNAS NB)= w(SNB°) +u(SNB)=u(S)and so this shows that A \ B € .Y whenever A,B € .Y.Since Q € .Y, this shows that A € .Y if and only if AC € .Y. Now if A,B €.Y, AUB=(AS BS) = (AC \ B)© € SY. By induction, if Ay,---,An € Y, then so is U'_,A;. IfA,Be SY, withAnB=9,u (AUB) = M((AUB)MA) +H ((AUB) \A) = H(A) +H (B).By induction, if A; NA; = 9 and A; € -Y,nw(Ui Ai) = (Ai). (8.9)i=lNow let A = U_,A; where Aj; NA; = 9 for iF j. Y72) (Ai) > U(A) > U(VL| Ai) ="_,"(A;). Since this holds for all n, you can take the limit as — © and conclude,Y 2, H(A;) = L(A) which establishes 8.6.Consider part 8.7. Without loss of generality U (Fi) < °° for all k since otherwise thereis nothing to show. Suppose {F;,} is an increasing sequence of sets of 7. Then lettingFo = 0, {Fx+1 \Fihceo is a sequence of disjoint sets of Y since it was shown above thatthe difference of two sets of .Y is in .7. Also note that from 8.9M (Fei \ Fe) +o Fe) = HF)and so if (Fi,) < o°, thenMe (Fie-t \ Fe) = oH (Fevi) — M (Fe) -Therefore, letting F = Uz_, Fx which also equals U_, (Fi+1 \ Fi), it follows from part 8.6just shown that©YH (Fie \ Fe) = lim YY (Fist \ Fi)k=0 k=0Lu (F)= lim Ye (Ft) —e (Fe) = lim p (Fist).no =O n-ooIn order to establish 8.8, let the F;, be as given there. Then, since (F; \ F;,) increases to(F, \ F), 8.7 implieslim (H (Fi) — H(Fn)) = lim (Fi \ Fn) = B (Fi \F).noo