Definition 8.7.2 If (X ,F ,µ) is a measure space, it is called σ finite if there areXn ∈F with ∪nXn = X and µ (Xn) < ∞. Note that by considering Yn = Xn \Xn−1,X0 ≡ /0we could assume X = ∪nYn where the Yn are disjoint.

Then there is a useful general result.

Theorem 8.7.3 Let (X ,d) be a metric space and suppose µ is σ finite and outerregular. Then µ is inner regular. If every closed set is the countable union of compact sets,then in the definition of inner regular, one can replace “closed” with “compact”.

Proof: Whenever µ (F) ,µ (G) < ∞ for G ⊇ F,µ (G\F) = µ (G)− µ (F) . I will usethis simple observation without comment in the following. To show the measure space isregular, the following picture might help or it might not. V is between the dotted lines.




Let F be a bounded measurable set and let µ (U \F) < ε where U is open and letK ⊆ U, K closed and µ (U \K) < ε . I can get such a K because every open set is thecountable union of closed sets

U = ∪∞k=1

{x : dist

(x,UC)≥ 1


}≡ ∪∞

k=1Kk, ...Kk ⊆ Kk+1...

thus µ (U) < µ (Kk) for all k large enough since µ (U) = limk→∞ µ (Kk) by Lemma 8.2.4.Then let V be open and µ(V \ (U \F)) < ε where V ⊇U \F = U ∩FC so VC ⊆UC ∪F .This is possible because all sets are in F . Then VC ∩K ⊆

(UC ∪F

)∩K = F ∩K ⊆ F .

Now VC ∩K is compact and

µ(F \(K∩VC)) = µ

(F ∩

(KC ∪V

))= µ (F ∩V )+µ

(F ∩KC)

≤ µ (F ∩V )+µ (U \K)< µ (F ∩V )+ ε

However, ε > µ(V \ (U \F)) = µ

(V ∩

(U ∩FC

)C)= µ

(V ∩

(UC ∪F

))≥ µ (V ∩F) and

so µ(F \(K∩VC

))≤ 2ε . That µ (F) = sup{µ (K) : K ⊆ F} follows from observing that

µ (F) = limn→∞ µ (F ∩B(0,n)) and then applying what was just shown to a suitable F ∩B(0,n). As to the last claim, it follows from observing that for K a closed set, there is anincreasing sequence of compact sets {Kn} whose union is K and then using Lemma 8.2.4.■

The following is a nice formulation of the above and also gives a useful claim aboutuniqueness.

Theorem 8.7.4 Suppose (X ,F ,µ) ,F ⊇B (X) is a measure space for X a metricspace and µ is σ finite, X = ∪nXn with µ (Xn)< ∞ and the Xn disjoint Borel sets. Supposealso that µ is outer regular. Then for each E ∈ F , there exists F,G an Fσ and Gδ set

192 CHAPTER 8. MEASURES AND MEASURABLE FUNCTIONSDefinition 8.7.2 If (X,F,[) is a measure space, it is called o finite if there areXn € F with UpX, = X and U(X,) < . Note that by considering Yn, = Xn \ Xn—1,X0 =we could assume X = UnY, where the Y, are disjoint.Then there is a useful general result.Theorem 8.7.3 Let (X,d) be a metric space and suppose U is © finite and outerregular. Then wy is inner regular. If every closed set is the countable union of compact sets,then in the definition of inner regular, one can replace “closed” with “compact”.Proof: Whenever 1 (F),u(G) < % for GD F,u(G\F) =u(G)—pU(F). I will usethis simple observation without comment in the following. To show the measure space isregular, the following picture might help or it might not. V is between the dotted lines.er ae»* ".ss =e rs° Vo *Let F be a bounded measurable set and let u(U\F) < € where U is open and letK CU, K closed and u(U\ K) < €. I can get such a K because every open set is thecountable union of closed sets1U=VUe) {: : dist (x,U°) > i} = Up Ke, ... Ke C Kegthus u(U) < u(K;) for all k large enough since W (U) = limg500 ft (Ky) by Lemma 8.2.4.Then let V be open and (V \ (U \ F)) < € where V DU\ F =UNF© so VO CUS UF.This is possible because all sets are in .%. Then VON K C (UCUF)NK =FNK CF.Now V°NK is compact anduw (F\ (KV)u (FO (KOUV)) =H(FAV) +h (FNK®)< pw(FOV)+H(U\K)<uU(FNV)+eHowever, € > u(V\(U\F)) =u (vn (UnF*)‘) = (VA (UCUF)) > w(VAF) andso uw (F\ (KNV°)) < 2e. That p (F) = sup {u (K) : K C F} follows from observing thatL(F) = lim, 0 ~ (FB (0,n)) and then applying what was just shown to a suitable FMB(0,n). As to the last claim, it follows from observing that for K a closed set, there is anincreasing sequence of compact sets {K,,} whose union is K and then using Lemma 8.2.4.aThe following is a nice formulation of the above and also gives a useful claim aboutuniqueness.Theorem 8.7.4 suppose (X,F,M),F D B(X) is a measure space for X a metricspace and [L is oO finite, X = U,X, with pt (X,) < cand the X, disjoint Borel sets. Supposealso that pt is outer regular. Then for each E € F, there exists F,G an Fg and Gg set