the definition, µ is outer regular and so it follows from Theorem 8.7.4 that µ is regularbecause it is finite on compact sets and X is the union of countably many compact sets soµ is σ finite. Thus µ (F)≤ µ (E)≤ µ (G) = µ (F)+µ (G\F) = µ (F).

The measure µ is uniquely determined. If µ,ν are two, then if K is compact, thereis a sequence of open sets Vn decreasing to K such that µ (K) = limn→∞ µ (Vn) ,ν (K) =limn→∞ ν (Vn) . Now let K ≺ fn ≺Vn. By Claim 2, L fn→ µ (K) and L fn→ ν (K) so µ = ν

on all compact sets. Therefore, µ = ν on all Fσ sets. Now every open set V is the countableunion of a sequence of increasing compact sets from the assumptions on X so µ = ν onevery open set. It follows that the two σ algebras are the same and the measures areequal. To see this, µ

(F̂)≤ µ (E) ≤ µ

(Ĝ),ν(F̃)≤ ν (E) ≤ ν


where these G and Fare respectively Gδ and Fσ with µ

(Ĝ\ F̂

)= 0 similar with the other pair. So let G = G̃∩

Ĝ,F = F̃∪ F̂ and then µ (G\F) = 0,ν (G\F) = 0. Now if the two σ algebras are Fµ ,Fν

then if E ∈Fµ , then E differs from F by a subset of a set of ν measure zero. Therefore, bycompleteness of ν it follows that E ∈Fν . Also µ (E) = µ (F) = ν (F) = ν (E) . The sameargument shows that Fν ⊆Fµ . ■

Definition 8.8.3 Let L f be given by Theorem 5.8.8. That is∫Rp

f dx =∫ b1


· · ·∫ bp


f (x1,x2, ...,xp)dxp · · ·dx1

whenever f vanishes outside of ∏pi=1 (ai,bi). The resulting measure defined in Theorem

8.8.2, denoted as mp is Lebesgue measure.

From the above theorem mp is a Borel measure meaning that the Borel sets are measur-able. Also it has the regularity properties. What does it do to boxes?

Theorem 8.8.4 Lebesgue mesure is translation invariant. This terminology meansthat mp (E) = mp (E +z). Also mp


pi=1 (ai,bi)

)= mp


pi=1 [ai,bi]

)= ∏

pi=1 (bi−ai) .

Proof: What is mp (R) where R = ∏pi=1 (ai,bi)? Let Rn = ∏


(ai +

1n ,bi− 1



let fn = 1 on Rn while vanishing off of R2n and piecewise linear in each variable. Thenfrom the definition, there is g ∈ Cc (R) such that mp (R) < Lg + ε where here g ≺ R.However, since the distance from the support of g to the boundary of R is positive, itfollows that for all n large enough, g ≤ fn and so mp (R) < L fn + ε . Now letting n→∞ and computing

∫ b1a1· · ·∫ bp

apfn (x1,x2, ...,xp)dxp · · ·dx1, (You could use Problem 17 on

Page 140.) it follows that mp (R) < ∏pi=1 (bi−ai)+ ε. Since ε is arbitrary, it follows that

mp (R) ≤ ∏pi=1 (bi−ai) . In fact these will be equal because for each n,L fn ≤ mp (R) and

as just observed, L fn→∏pi=1 (bi−ai). In the case of a closed box, ∏

pi=1 (ai +δ ,bi−δ )⊆

∏pi=1 [ai,bi]⊆∏

pi=1 (ai−δ ,bi +δ ) and so for every δ > 0 and sufficiently small,








(bi−ai−2δ ) ,p


(bi−ai +2δ )


and so mp(∏

pi=1 [ai,bi]

)= mp


pi=1 (ai,bi)

)= ∏

pi=1 (bi−ai) .

Let K be all sets of the form ∏pi=1 (ai,bi) where −∞ ≤ ai < bi ≤ ∞. Clearly F is

closed with respect to finite intersections. Let G be the Borel sets F such that

mp (z+F ∩ (−m,m)p) = mp (F ∩ (−m,m)p) .

8.8. CONSTRUCTING MEASURES FROM FUNCTIONALS 195the definition, is outer regular and so it follows from Theorem 8.7.4 that yz is regularbecause it is finite on compact sets and X is the union of countably many compact sets solis o finite. Thus uw (F) < M(E) <M (G) =uU(F)+H(G\F) =u (F).The measure pt is uniquely determined. If u,v are two, then if K is compact, thereis a sequence of open sets V,, decreasing to K such that u (K) = limy 0p (Vn), V(K) =limy—yoo V (V;,) . Now let K < fy, < Vy. By Claim 2, Lf, > u(K) and Lf, > v(K) sou=von all compact sets. Therefore, 4 = v on all Fg sets. Now every open set V is the countableunion of a sequence of increasing compact sets from the assumptions on X so U = Vv onevery open set. It follows that the two o algebras are the same and the measures areequal. To see this, u (Ff) < u(E) < u(G),v(F) < v(E) < v(G) where these G and Fare respectively Gs and Fg with up (G\ F) = 0 similar with the other pair. So let G= GNG,F =F UF and then up (G\ F) =0,v(G\ F) =0. Now if the two o algebras are Fy, Fythen if E € F, u» then E differs from F’ by a subset of a set of v measure zero. Therefore, bycompleteness of v it follows that E € Ay. Also uw (E) =u (F) =V(F) = Vv(E). The sameargument shows that 7, C ¥,,. iDefinition 8.8.3 Let Lf be given by Theorem 5.8.8. That isfac= fo Pssst) ipIRPwhenever f vanishes outside of Te | (4;,;). The resulting measure defined in Theorem8.8.2, denoted as mp is Lebesgue measure.From the above theorem mz, is a Borel measure meaning that the Borel sets are measur-able. Also it has the regularity properties. What does it do to boxes?Theorem 8.8.4 Lebesgue mesure is translation invariant. This terminology meansthat mp (E) = mp (E +z). Also mp (TT?_, (ai,bi)) = mp (12, (ai, bil) = TT, (bi — a) -Proof: What is m,(R) where R = []?_, (ai,b;)? Let Rn = TTP, (a +4,b;-+) andlet f, = 1 on R, while vanishing off of R2, land piecewise linear in each variable. Thenfrom the definition, there is g € C,(R) such that m,(R) < Lg +e where here g ~ R.However, since the distance from the support of g to the boundary of R is positive, itfollows that for all n large enough, g < f, and so mp(R) < Lfn +¢€. Now letting n >co and computing Ir . “fe fn (%1,,%2, +--,Xp) dXp++-dx1, (You could use Problem 17 onPage 140.) it follows that m,(R) < []?_, (bi — ai) + €. Since € is arbitrary, it follows thatmp (R) < TT, (bi — ai) . In fact these will be equal because for each n,Lf, < mp (R) andas just observed, Lf, > Me, (b; — a;). In the case of a closed box, otan (a, +6,b;-—6) CP lai,bi] CTL, (ai — 6,5; + 6) and so for every 5 > 0 and sufficiently small,my (i a, 7 < fle 28), [] bi a:+28)i=1 j=1 i=1and so mp (TT, [ai,bi]) = mp (12, (ai,bi)) = 12, (b — ai) -Let .% be all sets of the form []_, (ai,b;) where —c < a; < bj < e. Clearly F isclosed with respect to finite intersections. Let Y be the Borel sets F' such thatmp (2+ FA (—m,m)?) = mp (FA(—m,m)?).