9.5 Fatou’s LemmaThe next theorem, known as Fatou’s lemma is another important theorem which justifiesthe use of the Lebesgue integral.
Theorem 9.5.1 (Fatou’s lemma) Let fn be a nonnegative measurable function. Letg(ω) = liminfn→∞ fn(ω). Then g is measurable and
∫gdµ ≤ liminfn→∞
∫fndµ . In other
words,∫(liminfn→∞ fn)dµ ≤ liminfn→∞
Proof: Let gn(ω) = inf{ fk(ω) : k ≥ n}. Then
g−1n ([a,∞]) = ∩∞
k=n f−1k ([a,∞]) =
k=n f−1k ([a,∞])C
)C ∈F .
Thus gn is measurable by Lemma 8.1.4. Also g(ω) = limn→∞ gn(ω) so g is measurablebecause it is the pointwise limit of measurable functions. Now the functions gn form anincreasing sequence of nonnegative measurable functions so the monotone convergencetheorem applies. This yields∫
gdµ = limn→∞
∫gndµ ≤ lim inf
The last inequality holding because∫
gndµ ≤∫
fndµ. (Note that it is not known whetherlimn→∞
∫fndµ exists.) ■
9.6 The Integral’s Righteous Algebraic DesiresThe monotone convergence theorem shows the integral wants to be linear. This is theessential content of the next theorem.
Theorem 9.6.1 Let f ,g be nonnegative measurable functions and let a,b be non-negative numbers. Then a f +bg is measurable and∫
(a f +bg)dµ = a∫
f dµ +b∫
gdµ. (9.3)
Proof: By Theorem 8.1.6 on Page 181 there exist increasing sequences of nonnegativesimple functions, sn→ f and tn→ g. Then a f +bg, being the pointwise limit of the simplefunctions asn+btn, is measurable. Now by the monotone convergence theorem and Lemma9.2.3, ∫
(a f +bg)dµ = limn→∞
∫asn +btndµ = lim
sndµ +b∫
)= a
∫f dµ +b
∫gdµ. ■
As long as you are allowing functions to take the value +∞, you cannot consider some-thing like f +(−g) and so you can’t very well expect a satisfactory statement about theintegral being linear until you restrict yourself to functions which have values in a vectorspace. To be linear, a function must be defined on a vector space. This is discussed next.