It is clear from the construction that |s| ≤ | f |.What about 9.4? Let θ ∈ C be such that |θ | = 1 and θ
∫f dµ = |
∫f dµ| . Then from
what was shown above about the integral being linear,∣∣∣∣∫ f dµ
∣∣∣∣= θ
∫f dµ =
∫θ f dµ =
∫Re(θ f )dµ ≤
∫| f |dµ.
If f ,g ∈ L1 (Ω) , then it is known that for a,b scalars, it follows that a f +bg is measur-able. See Lemma 9.7.2. Also
∫|a f +bg|dµ ≤
∫|a| | f |+ |b| |g|dµ < ∞. ■
The following corollary follows from this. The conditions of this corollary are some-times taken as a definition of what it means for a function f to be in L1 (Ω).
Corollary 9.7.7 f ∈ L1(Ω) if and only if there exists a sequence of complex simplefunctions, {sn} such that
sn (ω)→ f (ω) for all ω ∈Ω
∫(|sn− sm|)dµ = 0 (9.7)
When f ∈ L1 (Ω) , ∫f dµ ≡ lim
∫sn. (9.8)
Proof: From the above theorem, if f ∈ L1 there exists a sequence of simple functions{sn} such that ∫
| f − sn|dµ < 1/n, sn (ω)→ f (ω) for all ω
Then∫|sn− sm|dµ ≤
∫|sn− f |dµ +
∫| f − sm|dµ ≤ 1
n +1m .
Next suppose the existence of the approximating sequence of simple functions. Thenf is measurable because its real and imaginary parts are the limit of measurable functions.By Fatou’s lemma,
∫| f |dµ ≤ liminfn→∞
∫|sn|dµ < ∞ because |
∫|sm|dµ| ≤∫
|sn− sm|dµ which is given to converge to 0. Thus {∫|sn|dµ} is a Cauchy sequence and
is therefore, bounded.In case f ∈ L1 (Ω) , letting {sn} be the approximating sequence, Fatou’s lemma implies∣∣∣∣∫ f dµ−
∣∣∣∣≤ ∫ | f − sn|dµ ≤ lim infm→∞
∫|sm− sn|dµ < ε
provided n is large enough. Hence 9.8 follows. ■This is a good time to observe the following fundamental observation which follows
from a repeat of the above arguments.
Theorem 9.7.8 Suppose Λ( f ) ∈ [0,∞] for all nonnegative measurable functionsand suppose that for a,b≥ 0 and f ,g nonnegative measurable functions,
Λ(a f +bg) = aΛ( f )+bΛ(g) .
In other words, Λ wants to be linear. Then Λ has a unique linear extension to the set ofmeasurable functions { f measurable : Λ(| f |)< ∞} , this set being a vector space.