Here is the Ascoli Arzela theorem.

Theorem 3.10.5 Let (X ,dX ) be a compact metric space and let (Y,dY ) be a com-plete metric space. Thus (C (X ,Y ) ,ρ) is a complete metric space. Let A ⊆ C (X ,Y ) bepointwise compact and equicontinuous. Then A is compact. Here the closure is taken in(C (X ,Y ) ,ρ).

Proof: The more useful direction is that the two conditions imply compactness of A .I prove this first. Since A is a closed subset of a complete space, it follows from Theorem3.5.8, that A will be compact if it is totally bounded. In showing this, it follows fromLemma 3.10.3 that it suffices to verify that A is totally bounded. Suppose this is notso. Then there exists ε > 0 and a sequence of points of A , { fn} such that ρ ( fn, fm) ≥ ε

whenever n ̸= m.By equicontinuity, there exists δ > 0 such that if

d (x,y)< δ ,

then dY ( f (x) , f (y))< ε

8 for all f ∈A . Let {xi}pi=1 be a δ net for X . Since there are only

finitely many xi, it follows from pointwise compactness that there exists a subsequence,still denoted by { fn} which converges at each xi. Now let x ∈ X be arbitrary. There existsN such that for each xi in that δ net,

dY ( fn (xi) , fm (xi))< ε/8 whenever n,m≥ N

Then for m,n≥ N,

dY ( fn (x) ,dY m (x))

≤ dY ( fn (x) , fn (xi))+dY ( fn (xi) , fm (xi))+dY ( fm (xi) , fm (x))

< dY ( fn (x) , fn (xi))+ ε/8+dY ( fm (xi) , fm (x))

Pick xi such that d (x,xi) < δ . {xi}pi=1 is a δ net and so this is surely possible. Then by

equicontinuity, the two ends are each less than ε/8 and so for m,n≥ N,

dY ( fn (x) , fm (x))≤ 3ε

8Since x is arbitrary, it follows that ρ ( fn, fm)≤ 3ε/8< ε which is a contradiction. It followsthat A and hence A is totally bounded. This proves the more important direction.

Next suppose A is compact. Why must A be pointwise compact and equicontinuous?If it fails to be pointwise compact, then there exists x ∈ X such that { f (x) : f ∈A } is notcontained in a compact set of Y . Thus there exists ε > 0 and a sequence of functions in A{ fn} such that d ( fn (x) , fm (x)) ≥ ε . But this implies ρ ( fm, fn) ≥ ε and so A fails to betotally bounded, a contradiction. Thus A must be pointwise compact. Now why must it beequicontinuous? If it is not, then for each n ∈ N there exists ε > 0 and xn,yn ∈ X such thatd (xn,yn) < 1/n but for some fn ∈ A , d ( fn (xn) , fn (yn)) ≥ ε. However, by compactness,there exists a subsequence


}such that limk→∞ ρ

(fnk , f

)= 0 and also that xnk ,ynk →

x ∈ X . Hence

ε ≤ d(



), fnk


))≤ d



), f(xnk



), f(ynk



), fnk


))≤ ρ

(fnk , f



), f(ynk


(f , fnk

)and now this is a contradiction because each term on the right converges to 0. The middleterm converges to 0 because f


), f(ynk

)→ f (x). See Lemma 3.2.6. ■

3.10. COMPACTNESS IN C(X,Y) ASCOLI ARZELA THEOREM 79Here is the Ascoli Arzela theorem.Theorem 3.10.5 Ler (X,dx) be a compact metric space and let (Y,dy) be a com-plete metric space. Thus (C(X,Y),p) is a complete metric space. Let @ CC(X,Y) bepointwise compact and equicontinuous. Then & is compact. Here the closure is taken in(C(X,Y),p).Proof: The more useful direction is that the two conditions imply compactness of .°/.I prove this first. Since ./ is a closed subset of a complete space, it follows from Theorem3.5.8, that e/ will be compact if it is totally bounded. In showing this, it follows fromLemma 3.10.3 that it suffices to verify that is totally bounded. Suppose this is notso. Then there exists € > 0 and a sequence of points of «7, {f,,} such that p (fu, fin) > €whenever n 4 m.By equicontinuity, there exists 6 > 0 such that ifd(x,y) <6,then dy (f (x), f (y)) < § for all f € /. Let {x;}?_, be a 6 net for X. Since there are onlyfinitely many x;, it follows from pointwise compactness that there exists a subsequence,still denoted by {f,,} which converges at each x;. Now let x € X be arbitrary. There existsN such that for each x; in that 6 net,dy (fn (xi) , fm (Xi) < €/8 whenever n,m > NThen for m,n > N,dy (fn (x) ,dym (x))< dy (fn (%) 5 fn i)) + dy fn (Xi) 5 fm (7) + dy (Fin (Xi) 5 fm ())<_ dy (fn (%) fn 04) + €/8 + dy (Sin (Xi) + fm (X))Pick x; such that d(x,x;) < 6. {x;}?_, is a 6 net and so this is surely possible. Then byequicontinuity, the two ends are each less than €/8 and so for m,n > N,dy (fal) fn (8) <9Since x is arbitrary, it follows that p (fn, fn) < 3€/8 < € which is a contradiction. It followsthat </ and hence is totally bounded. This proves the more important direction.Next suppose / is compact. Why must ./ be pointwise compact and equicontinuous?If it fails to be pointwise compact, then there exists x € X such that {f (x) : f € H} is notcontained in a compact set of Y. Thus there exists € > 0 and a sequence of functions in{ fn} such that d (fy (x), fin (x)) > €. But this implies p (fin, fr) > € and so &/ fails to betotally bounded, a contradiction. Thus < must be pointwise compact. Now why must it beequicontinuous? If it is not, then for each n € N there exists € > 0 and x,y, € X such thatd(Xn,Yn) < 1/n but for some fn € &, d (fn (Xn), fn (n)) = €. However, by compactness,there exists a subsequence { Ting } such that limy-_,.. ( Sino f ) = 0 and also that Xn,,¥n, 7x € X. Hencee<d (tng (Xn, ) dn (Yng)) <d (Sng (Xn) -f (%m,))+d (f (xn) F (Ynp)) +d(f (ne) In (Yn,))<p (fn) +d (f (xn,) Ff (Yn)) +p (fF. fn)and now this is a contradiction because each term on the right converges to 0. The middleterm converges to 0 because f (Xn, ) if (yng) — f (x). See Lemma 3.2.6.