2.8 Arithmetic of IntegersHere we consider some very important algebraic notions including the Euclidean algorithmjust mentioned and issues related to whether two numbers are relatively prime, prime num-bers and so forth. The following definition describes what is meant by a prime number andalso what is meant by the word “divides”.

Definition 2.8.1 The number a divides the number b if, in Theorem 2.7.11, r = 0.That is, there is zero remainder. The notation for this is a|b, read a divides b and a is calleda factor of b. A prime number is one which has the property that the only numbers whichdivide it are itself and 1 and it is at least 2. The greatest common divisor of two positiveintegers m,n is that number p which has the property that p divides both m and n and alsoif q divides both m and n, then q divides p. Two integers are relatively prime if their greatestcommon divisor is one. The greatest common divisor of m and n is denoted as (m,n) .

There is a phenomenal and amazing theorem which relates the greatest common divisorto the smallest number in a certain set. Suppose m,n are two positive integers. Then if x,yare integers, so is xm+ yn. Consider all integers which are of this form. Some are positivesuch as 1m+ 1n and some are not. The set S in the following theorem consists of exactlythose integers of this form which are positive. Then the greatest common divisor of m andn will be the smallest number in S. This is what the following theorem says.

Theorem 2.8.2 Let m,n be two positive integers and define

S≡ {xm+ yn ∈ N : x,y ∈ Z } .

Then the smallest number in S is the greatest common divisor, denoted by (m,n) .

Proof: First note that both m and n are in S so it is a nonempty set of positive integers.By well ordering, there is a smallest element of S, called p = x0m+y0n. Either p divides mor it does not. If p does not divide m, then by Theorem 2.7.11, m = pq+r where 0 < r < p.Thus m = (x0m+ y0n)q+ r and so, solving for r,

r = m(1− x0)+(−y0q)n ∈ S.

However, this is a contradiction because p was the smallest element of S. Thus p|m. Simi-larly p|n.

Now suppose q divides both m and n. Then m = qx and n = qy for integers, x and y.Therefore,

p = mx0 +ny0 = x0qx+ y0qy = q(x0x+ y0y)

showing q|p. Therefore, p = (m,n).This amazing theorem will now be used to prove a fundamental property of prime

numbers which leads to the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, the major theorem whichsays every integer can be factored as a product of primes.

Theorem 2.8.3 If p is a prime and p|ab then either p|a or p|b.

Proof: Suppose p does not divide a. Then since p is prime, the only factors of p are 1and p so follows (p,a)= 1 and therefore, there exists integers, x and y such that 1= ax+yp.Multiplying this equation by b yields b = abx+ ybp. Since p|ab, ab = pz for some integerz. Therefore, b = abx+ ybp = pzx+ ybp = p(xz+ yb) and this shows p divides b.