In the first case convergence occurs and in the second case, the infinite series diverges. Forthis reason, people will sometimes write ∑
∞k=m ak <∞ to denote the case where convergence
occurs and ∑∞k=m ak = ∞ for the case where divergence occurs. Be very careful you never
think this way in the case where it is not true that all ak ≥ 0. For example, the partialsums of ∑
∞k=1 (−1)k are bounded because they are all either −1 or 0 but the series does not
converge.One of the most important examples of a convergent series is the geometric series.
This series is ∑∞n=0 rn. The study of this series depends on simple high school algebra and
Theorem 4.4.11 on Page 61. Let Sn ≡ ∑nk=0 rk. Then
Sn =n
rk, rSn =n
rk+1 =n+1
Therefore, subtracting the second equation from the first yields (1− r)Sn = 1−rn+1 and soa formula for Sn is available. In fact, if r ̸= 1,Sn =
1−r .By Theorem 4.4.11, limn→∞ Sn =1
1−r in the case when |r|< 1. Now if |r| ≥ 1, the limit clearly does not exist because Sn failsto be a Cauchy sequence (Why?). This shows the following.
Theorem 5.1.4 The geometric series, ∑∞n=0 rn converges and equals 1
1−r if |r| < 1and diverges if |r| ≥ 1.
If the series do converge, the following holds.
Theorem 5.1.5 If ∑∞k=m ak and ∑
∞k=m bk both converge and x,y are numbers, then
ak =∞
∑k=m+ j
ak− j (5.1)
xak + ybk = x∞
ak + y∞
bk (5.2)∣∣∣∣∣ ∞
∣∣∣∣∣≤ ∞
∑k=m|ak| (5.3)
where in the last inequality, the last sum equals +∞ if the partial sums are not boundedabove.
Proof: The above theorem is really only a restatement of Theorem 4.4.8 on Page 60and the above definitions of infinite series. Thus
ak = limn→∞
ak = limn→∞
n+ j
∑k=m+ j
ak− j =∞
∑k=m+ j
ak− j.
To establish 5.2, use Theorem 4.4.8 on Page 60 to write
xak + ybk = limn→∞
xak + ybk = limn→∞
ak + yn
= x∞
ak + y∞