4.6. EXERCISES 121
the balls{
x, δ x2
. Finitely many of these cover K.{
xi,δ xi2
consider what happens if you let δ ≤ min{
δ xi2 , i = 1,2, · · · ,n
}. Explain why this
works. You might draw a picture to help get the idea.
6. Suppose C is a set of compact sets in a metric space (X ,d) and suppose that theintersection of every finite subset of C is nonempty. This is called the finite inter-section property. Show that ∩C , the intersection of all sets of C is nonempty.This particular result is enormously important. Hint: You could let U denote the set{
KC : K ∈ C}
. If ∩C is empty, then its complement is ∪U = X . Picking K ∈ C ,
it follows that U is an open cover of K. K ⊆ ∪mi=1KC
i =(∩m
i=1Ki)C Therefore, you
would need to have{
KC1 , · · · ,KC
is a cover of K. In other words, Now what doesthis say about the intersection of K with these Ki?
7. If (X ,d) is a compact metric space and f : X → Y is continuous where (Y,ρ) isanother metric space, show that if f is continuous on X , then it is uniformly contin-uous. Recall that this means that if ε > 0 is given, then there exists δ > 0 such thatif d (x, x̂) < δ , then ρ ( f (x) , f (x̂)) < ε . Compare with the definition of continuity.Hint: If this is not so, then there exists ε > 0 and xn, x̂n such that d (xn, x̂n)< 1/n butρ ( f (xn) , f (x̂n))≥ ε . Now use compactness to get a contradiction.
8. Prove the above problem using another approach. Use the existence of the Lebesguenumber in Problem 5 to prove continuity on a compact set K implies uniform conti-nuity on this set. Hint: Consider C ≡
{f−1 (B( f (x) ,ε/2)) : x ∈ X
}. This is an open
cover of X . Let δ be a Lebesgue number for this open cover. Suppose d (x, x̂) < δ .Then both x, x̂ are in B(x,δ ) and so both are in f−1
f (x̄) , ε
)). Hence
ρ ( f (x) , f (x̄))<ε
2, ρ ( f (x̂) , f (x̄))<
Now consider the triangle inequality.
9. Let X be a vector space. A Hamel basis is a subset of X ,Λ such that every vector ofX can be written as a finite linear combination of vectors of Λ and the vectors of Λ
are linearly independent in the sense that if {x1, · · · ,xn} ⊆ Λ and ∑nk=1 ckxk = 0 then
each ck = 0. Using the Hausdorff maximal theorem, show that every non-zero vectorspace has a Hamel basis. Hint: Let x1 ̸= 0. Let F denote the collection of subsets ofX , Λ containing x1 with the property that the vectors of Λ are linearly independent.Partially order F by set inclusion and consider the union of a maximal chain.
10. Suppose X is a nonzero real or complex normed linear space and let
V = span(w1, ...,wm)
where {w1, ...,wm} is a linearly independent set of vectors of X . Show that V is aclosed subspace of X with V ⊊ X . First explain why Theorem 4.2.11 implies anyfinite dimensional subspace of X can be written this way. Hint: You might want touse something like Lemma 4.4.7 to show this.
11. Suppose X is a normed linear space and its dimension is either infinite or greater thanm where V ≡ span(w1, ...,wm) for {w1, ...,wm} an independent set of vectors of X .