= d2 +yTz, y ≡ ((u,v1) , · · · ,(u,vn))T , z ≡

(z1, · · · ,zn)T

From ∗, Gz= y,

(G(v1, ...,vn) 0

yT 1





). Now use Cramer’s

rule to solve for d2 and get

d2 =


G(v1, ...,vn) y

yT |u|2)

det(G(v1, ...,vn))≡ detG(v1, ...,vn,u)

detG(v1, ...,vn)

23. In the situation of Problem 21, let fk (x)≡ xk and let V ≡ span( fp1 , ..., fpn). give anestimate for the distance d between fm and V for m a nonnegative integer and as inthe above problem − 1

2 < p1 < · · · < pn. Use Theorem 1.9.28 in the appendix andthe above problem with vi ≡ fpi and vn+1 ≡ fm. Justify the following manipulations.

The numerator in the above formula for the distance is of the form ∏ j<i≤n+1(pi−p j)2

∏i, j≤n+1(pi+p j+1)

=∏ j<i≤n (pi− p j)

2∏ j≤n (m− p j)


∏i, j≤n (pi + p j +1)∏ni=1 (pi +m+1)∏

nj=1 (p j +m+1)(2m+1)

While G( fp1 , ..., fpn) =∏ j<i≤n(pi−p j)


∏i, j≤n(pi+p j+1). Thus d =

∏ j≤n|m−p j|∏




24. Suppose ∑nk=0 aktk = 0 for each t ∈ (−δ ,δ ) where ak ∈ X , a linear space. Show that

each ak = 0.

25. Suppose A ⊆ Rp is covered by a finite collection of Balls F . Show that then thereexists a disjoint collection of these balls, {Bi}m

i=1, such that A⊆∪mi=1B̂i where B̂i has

the same center as Bi but 3 times the radius. Hint: Since the collection of balls isfinite, they can be arranged in order of decreasing radius. Mimic the argument forVitali covering theorem.

12423.24.25.CHAPTER 4. LINEAR SPACES=a +y"z, y=((uv1).--*,(ujyn))’, z= (zl + 2")From x, Ge=u,( CO ote) ) ( D ) = ( val? ). Now use Cramer’stule to solve for d? and getaet( Oy Vn) y, )L= y |u| _ detG(v4,...,Vn,u)7 det (G(v1,---;¥n)) ~ detG(vq,.--5¥n)In the situation of Problem 21, let fi (x) = x* and let V = span(fy,,.-., fp,)- give anestimate for the distance d between f,, and V for m a nonnegative integer and as inthe above problem —5 < pi <-++ < pn. Use Theorem 1.9.28 in the appendix andthe above problem with v; = fp, and vp41 = fm. Justify the following manipulations.2The numerator in the above formula for the distance is of the form Hisise1(2=P/)Tij<nti (pitpj+1)2 2_ Tj<i<n (Pi Pi)” j<n (m— Pj)Tij<n (Pit Pi t+ UT (Vi + m+ 1) TT) (pj ++ 1) (2m+ 1); _ Tsien (pips) — ___Mizn|m—p,While G(fp, ’ fon) ~ Ti jen(pitpj+l)’ Thus d = "1 (pitm+1)(V2m+1) °Suppose )'7_9 a,t* = 0 for each t € (—6,5) where ax € X, a linear space. Show thateach a, = 0.Suppose A C R? is covered by a finite collection of Balls . Show that then thereexists a disjoint collection of these balls, {Bi}, such that A C U2 Bi where B; hasthe same center as B; but 3 times the radius. Hint: Since the collection of balls isfinite, they can be arranged in order of decreasing radius. Mimic the argument forVitali covering theorem.