Proof: First of all, from the binomial theorem,m




)xk (1− x)m−k = e−tmx





xk (1− x)m−k

= e−tmx (1− x+ xet)m= e−tmxg(t)m , g(0) = 1,g′ (0) = g′′ (0) = x

Take a partial derivative with respect to t twice.




)(k−mx)2 et(k−mx)xk (1− x)m−k

= (mx)2 e−tmxg(t)m +2(−mx)e−tmxmg(t)m−1 g′ (t)

+e−tmx[m(m−1)g(t)m−2 g′ (t)2 +mg(t)m−1 g′′ (t)

]Now let t = 0 and note that the right side is m(x− x2)≤ m/4 for x ∈ [0,1] . Thus




)(k−mx)2 xk (1− x)m−k = mx−mx2 ≤ m/4 ■

With this preparation, here is the first version of the Weierstrass approximation theorem.I will allow f to have values in a complete, real or complex normed linear space. Thus,f ∈C ([0,1] ;X) where X is a Banach space, Definition 4.3.7. Thus this is a function whichis continuous with values in X as discussed earlier with metric spaces.

Theorem 5.6.2 Let f ∈C ([0,1] ;X) and let the norm on X be denoted by ∥·∥ .

pm (x)≡m



)xk (1− x)m−k f





qk (x) f(


)Then these polynomials having coefficients in X converge uniformly to f on [0,1]. Alsoq0 (0) = 1,qk (0) = 0 for k ̸= 0, and qm (1) = 1 while qk (1) = 0 for k ̸= m.

Proof: Let ∥ f∥∞

denote the largest value of ∥ f (x)∥. By uniform continuity of f ,there exists a δ > 0 such that if |x− x′| < δ , then ∥ f (x)− f (x′)∥ < ε/2. By the binomialtheorem,

∥pm (x)− f (x)∥ ≤m



)xk (1− x)m−k

∥∥∥∥ f(


)− f (x)

∥∥∥∥≤ ∑| k



)xk (1− x)m−k

∥∥∥∥ f(


)− f (x)

∥∥∥∥+2∥ f∥∞ ∑| k



)xk (1− x)m−k





)xk (1− x)m−k ε

2+2∥ f∥

∞ ∑(k−mx)2≥m2δ



)xk (1− x)m−k

≤ ε

2+2∥ f∥






)(k−mx)2 xk (1− x)m−k ≤ ε

2+2∥ f∥




< ε

provided m is large enough. Thus ∥pm− f∥∞< ε when m is large enough. ■

Note that we do not need to have X be complete in order for this to hold. It would havesufficed to have simply let X be a normed linear space.

5.6. WEIERSTRASS APPROXIMATION THEOREM 131Proof: First of all, from the binomial theorem,+ m t(k— m—k -t - m tk\ Uk m—ky ( k )(e m)) (1 =x) =emy k (c )x (1—x)”k=0 k=0=e (1 x-txe")" = e™8(0)", g(0) = 1,8! (0) =8" (0) =»Take a partial derivative with respect to t twice.my ( A ) (k — mx)? ef) x (1. — xyk=0= (mx)? eg (t)" +2 (—mx) emg (1) 8! (t)+e [m(m— 1) g(t)" 8! (t) +mg(t)" |" (0)]Now let t = 0 and note that the right side is m(x —x?) < m/4 for x € [0,1]. Thusmy ( A ) (k — mx)? x* (1—x)"* = mx—mx? <m/4k=0With this preparation, here is the first version of the Weierstrass approximation theorem.I will allow f to have values in a complete, real or complex normed linear space. Thus,f © C((0,1];X) where X is a Banach space, Definition 4.3.7. Thus this is a function whichis continuous with values in X as discussed earlier with metric spaces.Theorem 5.6.2 Let f €C((0,1];X) and let the norm on X be denoted by |\-\\._y(m) x ry (k ‘ kmo =E (1 )ta-o'r(5) =Lawsr(5)Then these polynomials having coefficients in X converge uniformly to f on {0,1]. Alsogo (0) = 1,4, (0) = 0 for k £0, and qm (1) = 1 while qx (1) = 0 fork Am.Proof: Let ||/||,, denote the largest value of ||f(x)||. By uniform continuity of f,there exists a 6 > 0 such that if |x—x’| < 6, then || f (x) — f (x’)|| < €/2. By the binomialtheorem,lms) —Feol (F )Aa—a'e (5) 209: J. i tama G) 209 vairie E teamsTherefore,<¥( k ) kaa 8S +2 y ( ” ) tana(k—mx)? >m2.71m—— <€4 82€ 1 &Afm 2 mk — E<a — _ _ <a<54+2Ilflee h (7) bm ha <5 +2 lifprovided m is large enough. Thus ||p,, — f||,, < € when m is large enough.Note that we do not need to have X be complete in order for this to hold. It would havesufficed to have simply let X be a normed linear space.