Proof: First of all, why does the series make sense?∥∥∥∥∥ q



∥∥∥∥∥≤ q


∥∥∥Ak∥∥∥≤ q

∑k=p∥A∥k ≤


rk ≤ rp

1− r

and so the partial sums are Cauchy in L (X ,X) . Therefore, the series converges to some-thing in L (X ,X) by completeness of this normed linear space. Now why is it the inverse?


Ak (I−A) ≡ limn→∞



Ak (I−A) = limn→∞






)= lim


(I−An+1)= I


∥∥≤ ∥A∥n+1 ≤ rn+1. Similarly,



Ak = limn→∞

(I−An+1)= I

and so this shows that this series is indeed the desired inverse.Next suppose A ∈ O so A−1 ∈ L (X ,X) . Then suppose ∥A−B∥ < r

1+∥A−1∥ ,r < 1.

Does it follow that B is also invertible? B = A− (A−B) = A[I−A−1 (A−B)

]. Then∥∥A−1 (A−B)

∥∥ ≤ ∥∥A−1∥∥∥A−B∥ < r and so

[I−A−1 (A−B)

]−1 exists. Hence B−1 =[I−A−1 (A−B)

]−1 A−1. Thus O is open as claimed. As to continuity, let A,B be as justdescribed. Then using the Neuman series,


[I−A−1 (A−B)





(A−1 (A−B)


∥∥∥∥∥=∥∥∥∥∥ ∞


(A−1 (A−B)




∥∥A−1∥∥k+1 ∥A−B∥k = ∥A−B∥∥∥A−1∥∥2





≤ ∥B−A∥∥∥A−1∥∥2 1

1− r.

Thus I is continuous at A ∈ O. ■Next features the inverse in which there are two different spaces.

Lemma 8.1.5 Let

O≡ {A ∈L (X ,Y ) : A−1 ∈L (Y,X)}

and let I : O→L (Y,X) , IA≡ A−1. Then O is open and I is in Cm (O) for all m = 1,2, · · · .Also

DI(A)(B) =−I(A)(B)I(A). (8.1)

In particular, I is continuous.

206 CHAPTER 8. IMPLICIT FUNCTION THEOREMProof: First of all, why does the series make sense?yas vivit§s Des 7<) ||‘} < <yr<qyak=pand so the partial sums are Cauchy in ¥ (X,X). Therefore, the series converges to some-thing in Y (X,X) by completeness of this normed linear space. Now why is it the inverse?yak (I—A)k=0k=0 k=1n n ntl: key _ k kjim, 2 a'—A) sin (Ea yA")= lim (—A"*!) =1noobecause ||A”*!|| < ||Al|"*! <r"*!. Similarly,(I—A) yak = lim (1—A"*!) =1k=0n—yooand so this shows that this series is indeed the desired inverse.Next suppose A € O so A! € Y(X,X). Then suppose ||A — Bl] < 1" <1.ir1+||A~Does it follow that B is also invertible? B= A—(A—B) =A[I—A7!(A-—B)]. Then||A~! (A—B)|| < ||A7!]| |A—B|| <r and so [J—A™! (A—B)] exists. Hence Bo! =[1—A~! (A—B)] ~'A-l. Thus O is open as claimed. As to continuity, let A,B be as justdescribed. Then using the Neuman series,1\|A — 3BI| = a"! —[1—A-! (AB) al= a!—¥ (4t(a—a))*a = (4142) "ai= aco co k< AT HIT 4 — BIE = A — BI ATH I? ail (Sopay)< Et ait = baa IE (oy1< |B-All|A“'| —.Thus 3 is continuous at A € O. HfNext features the inverse in which there are two different spaces.Lemma 8.1.5 LetO={AEL(X,Y):A 1 eL(Y,X)}and let3:O— &(Y,X),IA=A!. Then O is open and 3 is inC™ (O) for allm=1,2,-+-.AlsoD3(A) (B) = —3(A) (B)3(A). (8.1)In particular, 3 is continuous.