Lemma 9.8.5 Let µ be a finite measure on a σ algebra containing B (X) , the Borelsets of X , a separable complete metric space, Polish space. Then if C is a closed set,

µ (C) = sup{µ (K) : K ⊆C and K is compact.}

It follows that for a finite measure on B (X) where X is a Polish space, µ is inner regularin the sense that for all F ∈B (X) ,

µ (F) = sup{µ (K) : K ⊆ F and K is compact}

Proof: Let {ak} be a countable dense subset of C. Thus ∪∞k=1B



)⊇C. Therefore,

there exists mn such that


(C \∪mn



))≡ µ (C \Cn)<


2n , ∪mnk=1 B




Now let K =C∩ (∩∞n=1Cn) . Then K is a subset of Cn for each n and so for each ε > 0 there

exists an ε net for K since Cn has a 1/n net, namely a1, · · · ,amn . Since K is closed, it iscomplete and so it is also compact since it is complete and totally bounded, Theorem 3.5.8.Now

µ (C \K)≤ µ (∪∞n=1 (C \Cn))<



2n = ε.

Thus µ (C) can be approximated by µ (K) for K a compact subset of C. The last claimfollows from Lemma 9.8.4. ■

The next theorem is the main result. It says that if the measure is outer regular and µ isσ finite then there is an approximation for E ∈F in terms of Fσ and Gδ sets in which theFσ set is a countable union of compact sets. Also µ is inner and outer regular on F .

Theorem 9.8.6 Suppose (X ,F ,µ) ,F ⊇B (X) is a measure space for X a metricspace and µ is σ finite, X =∪nXn with µ (Xn)< ∞ and the Xn disjoint. Suppose also that µ

is outer regular. Then for each E ∈F , there exists F,G an Fσ and Gδ set respectively suchthat F ⊆ E ⊆ G and µ (G\F) = 0. In particular, µ is inner and outer regular on F . Incase X is a complete separable metric space (Polish space), one can have F in the abovebe the countable union of compact sets and µ is inner regular in the sense of 9.20.

Proof: Since µ is outer regular and µ (Xn) < ∞, there exists an open set Vn ⊇ E ∩Xnsuch that

µ (Vn \ (E ∩Xn)) = µ (Vn)−µ (E ∩Xn)<ε

2n .

Then let V ≡ ∪nVn so that V ⊇ E. Then E = ∪nE ∩Xn and so

µ (V \E)≤ µ (∪n (Vn \ (E ∩Xn)))≤∑n

µ (Vn \ (E ∩Xn))< ∑n


2n = ε

Similarly, there exists Un open such that µ(Un \

(EC ∩Xn

))< ε

2n ,Un ⊇ EC ∩Xn so if U ≡∪nUn,µ

(U \EC

)= µ

(E \UC

)< ε. Now UC is closed and contained in E because U ⊇EC.

Hence, letting ε = 12n , there exist closed sets Cn, and open sets Vn such that Cn ⊆E ⊆Vn and

µ (Vn \Cn)<1

2n−1 . Letting G≡∩nVn,F ≡∪nCn,F ⊆ E ⊆G and µ (G\F)≤ µ (Vn \Cn)<1

2n−1 . Since n is arbitrary, µ (G\F) = 0.

9.8. MEASURES AND REGULARITY 255Lemma 9.8.5 Let u be a finite measure on a o algebra containing B(X), the Borelsets of X, a separable complete metric space, Polish space. Then if C is a closed Set,L(C) = sup{u(K): K CC and K is compact.}It follows that for a finite measure on &(X) where X is a Polish space, pL is inner regularin the sense that for all F © B(X),LL (F) =sup{u(K): K CF and K is compact}Proof: Let {ax} be a countable dense subset of C. Thus U_; B (ax, +) 2 C. Therefore,there exists m, such thatm 1 € m 1u (cuts («.2)) =u (C\Gy) < Qn? Uz," B («..*) =Ch.Now let K =CN(M"_,C,,). Then K is a subset of C,, for each n and so for each € > 0 thereexists an € net for K since C, has a 1/n net, namely a1,--- ,@m,. Since K is closed, it iscomplete and so it is also compact since it is complete and totally bounded, Theorem 3.5.8.Noww(C\K) < M(US4 (C\ CG) <aThus yt (C) can be approximated by u(K) for K a compact subset of C. The last claimfollows from Lemma 9.8.4.The next theorem is the main result. It says that if the measure is outer regular and pL isoO finite then there is an approximation for E € ¥ in terms of Fg and Gg sets in which theFg set is a countable union of compact sets. Also p is inner and outer regular on F.Theorem 9.8.6 suppose (X,F,M),F D B(X) is a measure space for X a metricspace and | is oO finite, X = UnXn with LL (X,) < cand the X, disjoint. Suppose also that uwis outer regular. Then for each E € F, there exists F,G an Fy and Gg set respectively suchthat F CE C Gand u(G\F) =0. In particular, [ is inner and outer regular on F. Incase X is a complete separable metric space (Polish space), one can have F in the abovebe the countable union of compact sets and yp is inner regular in the sense of 9.20.Proof: Since pL is outer regular and Ll (X,,) < 0, there exists an open set V, D ENX,such that(Vn \ (EOXn)) = # Va) = HEN Xn) < 5Then let V = U,V, so that V D E. Then E = U,E MX, and soEW(V\E) SW (Un (Vn \ (EOXn))) < VB (Vn \ (ENXn)) <n =€n nSimilarly, there exists U,, open such that (Un \ (EC MXn)) < Oa Un D EC NX, soifU =UnUn, W (U \ ES) = H (E\ US) <€. Now UC is closed and contained in E because U 2 E°.Hence, letting c= = oa , there exist closed sets C,,, and open sets V,, such that C, C E CV, anduv, n\Cn) < = st. Letting G= nln = UnCn, F CE C Gand u(G\ F) <u(Vi\Cr) <oe =: Since n is arbitrary, u(G\ F) =