Now 9.24 impliesµ (U1)

2N2 +2≤ 2µ (E)

2N2 +2=

µ (E)N2 +1



µ (Bi) .

Also U1 was chosen such that (1− r)µ (U1)< µ (E) , and so

λ µ (E)≥ λ (1− r)µ (U1) =

(1− 1

2Np +2

)µ (U1)

≥ µ (U1)−m1


µ (Bi) = µ (U1)−µ


j=1B j

)= µ

(U1 \∪m1

j=1B j

)≥ µ

(E \∪m1

j=1B j


Since the balls are closed, you can consider the sets of F which have empty intersectionwith ∪m1

j=1B j and this new collection of sets will be a Vitali cover of E \∪m1j=1B j. Letting this

collection of balls play the role of F in the above argument, and letting E \∪m1j=1B j play

the role of E, repeat the above argument and obtain disjoint sets of F , {Bm1+1, · · · ,Bm2} ,such that

λ µ

(E \∪m1

j=1B j

)> µ

((E \∪m1

j=1B j


j=m1+1B j

)= µ

(E \∪m2

j=1B j


and so λ2µ (E)> µ

(E \∪m2

j=1B j

). Continuing in this way, yields a sequence of disjoint

balls {Bi} contained in F and µ

(E \∪N

j=1B j

)≤ µ

(E \∪mk

j=1B j

)< λ

kµ (E ) for all k. If

the process stops because E gets covered, then N is finite and if not, then N =∞. Therefore,µ

(E \∪N

j=1B j

)= 0 and this proves the Theorem. ■

It is not necessary to assume µ (E) < ∞. It is given that µ (B(x,R)) < ∞. LettingC (x,r) be all y with ∥y−x∥ = r. Then there are only finitely many r < R such thatµ (C (x,r))≥ 1

n . Hence there are only countably many r < R such that µ (C (x,r))> 0.

Corollary 9.12.3 Let E nonempty set and either 1 or 2 along with the regularity con-ditions 3 and 4. Suppose F is a collection of closed balls which cover E in the sense ofVitali. Then there exists a sequence of disjoint balls {Bi} ⊆F such that

µ(E \∪N

j=1B j)= 0,N ≤ ∞

Proof: By 3, µ is finite on compact sets. Recall these are closed and bounded. Thereare at most countably many numbers, {bi}∞

i=1 such that µ (C (0,bi)) > 0. It follows thatthere exists an increasing sequence of positive numbers, {ri}∞

i=1 such that limi→∞ ri = ∞

and µ (C (0,ri)) = 0. Now let

D1 ≡ {x : ∥x∥< r1} ,D2 ≡ {x : r1 < ∥x∥< r2} ,· · · ,Dm ≡ {x : rm−1 < ∥x∥< rm} , · · · .

Let Fm denote those closed balls of F which are contained in Dm. Then letting Em denoteE ∩Dm, Fm is a Vitali cover of Em,µ (Em) < ∞, and so by Theorem 9.12.2, there exists

264 CHAPTER 9. MEASURES AND MEASURABLE FUNCTIONSNow 9.24 implies(Ui). 2H(E) HE)< = “\2N> +2 ~ 2N)4+2 Net <2 E Bi)Also U; was chosen such that (1 —r) u (U1) < H#(E), and soAt(E) > A(1—r) (Ui) = (1 spp) Hwmy>p(U1)— dH (i) =u(Ui)—E (U7,Bi)=m (Ui \UM Bj) > (E\UM |B).Since the balls are closed, you can consider the sets of # which have empty intersectionwith Ui B and this new collection of sets will be a Vitali cover of E \ Ui B '- Letting thiscollection of balls play the role of ¥ in the above argument, and letting E \ Ui Bj playthe role of E, repeat the above argument and obtain disjoint sets of F, {Bm,+1,°--,Bm},such thatAp (E\U",B)) > ((E\ Uj Bi) \U2 na Bi) =H (E\U7 Bi)»and so A*—f (E) > Bf (E \ Ui? |B i); Continuing in this way, yields a sequence of disjointballs {B;} contained in ¥ and 1 (E \ UN _B)) <u (E \ UI B)) < ATE (E ) for all k. Ifthe process stops because E gets covered, then N is finite and if not, then N = -. Therefore,L (E \ UB i) = 0 and this proves the Theorem. MfIt is not necessary to assume U(E) < oe. It is given that u(B(a,R)) < oe. LettingC(a,r) be all y with ||y—a|| =r. Then there are only finitely many r < R such thatu(C(a,r)) > +. Hence there are only countably many r < R such that 4 (C(a,r)) > 0.Corollary 9.12.3 Let E nonempty set and either 1 or 2 along with the regularity con-ditions 3 and 4. Suppose F is a collection of closed balls which cover E in the sense ofVitali. Then there exists a sequence of disjoint balls {B;} C F such thatHt (E\UjL,B;) =0,N <Proof: By 3, yu is finite on compact sets. Recall these are closed and bounded. Thereare at most countably many numbers, {b;};-, such that 1 (C(0,b;)) > 0. It follows thatthere exists an increasing sequence of positive numbers, {r;};-, such that lim;_,..rj = °°and pt (C (0,7;)) = 0. Now letDi = {a:|\a||<ri},Do={a:r, < |la|| <r},Dm {xi rm—1 < ||al| <rm}y--:-Let ¥,, denote those closed balls of Y which are contained in D,,. Then letting E,,, denoteENDy, Fm is a Vitali cover of En, (Em) < °°, and so by Theorem 9.12.2, there exists