Proof: The set of jumps J is countable so it is a Borel set of measure zero, an Fσ set.Since f is increasing, its only points of discontinuity are points where it has a jump. Henceit is continuous off this set J. f−1 ([c,∞)) is an interval of the form [d,∞) or (d,∞). Thusf is Borel measurable. Consider D+ f for x /∈ J. Let gr (x)≡ sup0<u≤r

f (x+u)− f (x)u . Thus it

is the supremum of functions continuous on JC. Hence if x ∈ g−1r (c,∞) ,c≥ 0, and x /∈ JC,

f (x+u)− f (x)u > c for some 0 < u≤ r. It follows that, since f is continuous at x, if x̂ is close

enough to x, it is also true that f (x̂+u)− f (x̂)u > c. Thus if x∈ g−1

r (c,∞)∩JC, then for some δ x

small enough, (x−δ x,x+δ x)⊆ g−1r (c,∞). Hence, g−1

r (c,∞)∩JC is the intersection of anopen set, the union of the intervals (x−δ x,x+δ x) for x ∈ g−1

r (c,∞)∩ JC, with JCa Borelset. It follows that gr is decreasing in r and is measurable because, since J is countable,[gr > c] is the union of a countable set with a Borel set. Thus for all x,

D+ f (x) = limr→0+



f (x+u)− f (x)u

)= lim

r→0+(gr (x)) = lim

rn→0grn (x)

where rn is a decreasing sequence converging to 0. It follows that x→ D+ f (x) is Borelmeasurable as claimed because it is the limit of Borel measurable functions. Similar rea-soning shows that the other derivates are measurable also. ■

Theorem 9.13.4 Let f : R→ R be increasing. Then f ′ (x) exists for all x off a setof measure zero.

Proof: Let Nab for 0 < a < b denote either{x : D+ f (x)> b > a > D+ f (x)


x : D− f (x)> b > a > D− f (x)},

or {x : D− f (x)> b > a > D+ f (x)


x : D+ f (x)> b > a > D− f (x)}

From the above lemma, Nab is measurable. Assume that Nab is bounded and let V be openwith V ⊇ Nab, m(Nab)+ ε > m(V ) . By Corollary 9.12.3 and the above discussion, thereare open, disjoint intervals {In} , each centered at a point of Nab such that

2∆ f (In)

m(In)< a, m(Nab) = m(Nab∩∪iIi) = ∑

im(Nab∩ Ii)

Now do for Nab∩ Ii what was just done for Nab and get disjoint intervals J ji contained in Ii

with2∆ f

(J j



J ji

) > b, m(Nab∩ Ii) = ∑j


Nab∩ Ii∩ J ji


a(m(Nab)+ ε)> am(V )≥ a∑i

m(Ii)> ∑i

2∆ f (Ii)≥∑i


2∆ f(

J ji

)≥ b∑



J ji

)≥ b∑



J ji ∩Nab

)= b∑

im(Nab∩ Ii) = bm(Nab)

Since ε is arbitrary and a < b, this shows m(Nab) = 0. If Nab is not bounded, apply theabove to Nab∩ (−r,r) and conclude this has measure 0. Hence so does Nab.

9.13. DIFFERENTIATION OF INCREASING FUNCTIONS 267Proof: The set of jumps J is countable so it is a Borel set of measure zero, an Fg set.Since f is increasing, its only points of discontinuity are points where it has a jump. Henceit is continuous off this set J. f~! ({c,¢)) is an interval of the form [d,o) or (d,o). Thusf is Borel measurable. Consider D* f for x ¢ J. Let g, (x) = supgey<, LOFW-S) Thus ituis the supremum of functions continuous on J©. Hence if x € g,!(c,0°) ,c > 0, and x ¢J©,feet Ste) > c for some 0 < u <r. It follows that, since f is continuous at x, if £ is closeenough to x, it is also true that Le rw)= fe) >c. Thus if x € g,! (c,00) N/E, then for some 5,small enough, (x — 6,,x+ 6x) C g, | (c,). Hence, g-! (c,0c) NJ is the intersection of anopen set, the union of the intervals (x — 5,,x+6,) for x € g~! (c,00) NJ, with Ja Borelset. It follows that g, is decreasing in r and is measurable because, since J is countable,(g, > c] is the union of a countable set with a Borel set. Thus for all x,D* f (x) = lim ( sup Feri) ) = lim (g,(x)) = jim 8m (x)r0+ \Q<u<r u r>0+where r, is a decreasing sequence converging to 0. It follows that x + D* f (x) is Borelmeasurable as claimed because it is the limit of Borel measurable functions. Similar rea-soning shows that the other derivates are measurable also.Theorem 9.13.4 Let f :R > R be increasing. Then f' (x) exists for all x off a setof measure zero.Proof: Let N,, for 0 < a < b denote either{x: Dif (x) >b>a>D yf (x )}, {x: Df (x )>b>a>D_f(x)},or{x:D~ f (x) )>b>a>Dzsf (x (x) }, fx: D*f (x )>b>a>D_f(x)}From the above lemma, N,, is measurable. Assume that Nz, is bounded and let V be openwith VD Nap, m(Nap) +€ > m(V). By Corollary 9.12.3 and the above discussion, thereare open, disjoint intervals {/,,}, each centered at a point of N,» such that2Af Un)m (In)<a, m(Nap) =m (Nap VU) =dim( Nap O1;)Now do for Na, OZ; what was just done for N,, and get disjoint intervals Ji contained in J;with2af (4/ )m(v!)a(m(Nap) +€) > am(V )2a¥im(h )> P20 )= EY 2a (7)= bE Ym (ui) 2PL Em (si Naw) = BY n(n ab) = bm (Nan)Since € is arbitrary and a < b, this shows m(N,») = 0. If Nz» is not bounded, apply theabove to Nay 1 (—r,r) and conclude this has measure 0. Hence so does Nap.> b, m(Ngp Vi) =Em(n ww; )Then