There is also the following general result about the existence of a measurable ε net.This is formulated in Banach space because it is convenient to add. A Banch space is justa complete normed vector space. It could also be formulated in Polish space with a littlemore difficulty. One just defines things a little differently.

Proposition 9.15.12 Let ω →K (ω) be a measurable multifunction where K (ω) isa pre compact set. Recall this means its closure is compact. Thus K (ω) must have anε net for each ε > 0. Then for each ε > 0, there exists N (ω) and measurable functionsy j, j = 1,2, · · · ,N (ω) , y j (ω) ∈K (ω) , such that ∪N(ω)

j=1 B(y j (ω) ,ε) ⊇K (ω) for eachω . Also ω → N (ω) is measurable.

Proof: Suppose that ω →K (ω) is a measurable multifunction having compact val-ues in X a Banach space. Let {σn (ω)} be the measurable selections such that for eachω,{σn (ω)}∞

n=1 is dense in K (ω). Let y1 (ω) ≡ σ1 (ω) . Now let 2(ω) be the first indexlarger than 1 such that

∥∥σ2(ω) (ω)−σ1 (ω)∥∥> ε

2 . Thus 2(ω) = k on the measurable set{ω ∈Ω : ∥σ k (ω)−σ1 (ω)∥> ε



ω ∈Ω : ∩k−1j=1

∥∥σ j (ω)−σ1 (ω)∥∥≤ ε


}Suppose 1(ω) ,2(ω) , · · · ,(m−1)(ω) have been chosen such that this is a strictly increas-ing sequence for each ω, each is a measurable function, and for i, j ≤ m−1,∥∥σ i(ω) (ω)−σ j(ω) (ω)

∥∥> ε


Each ω → σ i(ω) (ω) is measurable since it equals ∑∞k=1 X[i(ω)=k] (ω)σ k (ω) . Then m(ω)

will be the first index larger than (m−1)(ω) such that∥∥σm(ω) (ω)−σ j(ω) (ω)∥∥> ε


for all j (ω) < m(ω). Thus ω → m(ω) is also measurable because it equals k on themeasurable set(


ω :∥∥σ k (ω)−σ j(ω) (ω)

∥∥> ε

2, j ≤ m−1

})∩{ω : (m−1)(ω)< k}


ω :∥∥σ k−1 (ω)−σ j(ω) (ω)

∥∥≤ ε

2, j ≤ m−1

})The top line says that it does what is wanted and the second says it is the first after(m−1)(ω) which does so.

Since K (ω) is a pre compact set, it follows that the above measurable set will beempty for all m(ω) sufficiently large called N (ω) , also a measurable function, and so theprocess ends. Let yi (ω) ≡ σ i(ω) (ω) . Then this gives the desired measurable ε net. Thefact that

∪N(ω)i=1 B(yi (ω) ,ε)⊇K (ω)

follows because if there exists z ∈K (ω)\(∪N(ω)

i=1 B(yi (ω) ,ε)), then B

(z, ε


)would have

empty intersection with all of the balls B(yi (ω) , ε


)and by density of the σ i (ω) in K (ω) ,

there would be some σ l (ω) contained in B(z, ε


)for arbitrarily large l and so the process

would not have ended as shown above. ■

9.15. MULTIFUNCTIONS AND THEIR MEASURABILITY 277There is also the following general result about the existence of a measurable € net.This is formulated in Banach space because it is convenient to add. A Banch space is justa complete normed vector space. It could also be formulated in Polish space with a littlemore difficulty. One just defines things a little differently.Proposition 9.15.12 Let @ — .% (@) be a measurable multifunction where H (q) isa pre compact set. Recall this means its closure is compact. Thus XZ (@) must have an€ net for each € > 0. Then for each € > 0, there exists N(@) and measurable functionsyj J = 1,2,---,N(@), yj(@) € # (@), such that UB (y;(@),€) > 4 (@) for each@. Also @ + N(@) is measurable.Proof: Suppose that @ + .% (@) is a measurable multifunction having compact val-ues in X a Banach space. Let {o,,(@)} be the measurable selections such that for each@,{On(@)},_, is dense in .#% (@). Let yj (@) = 0; (@). Now let 2(@) be the first indexlarger than 1 such that ||6() (@) — 01 (@)|| > §. Thus 2(@) = k on the measurable set{wcQ: \|ox(@) — 01 (@) || > 5}n{@eg: n=! \lo;(@) — 01 (@)|| < 5}Suppose 1 (@) ,2(@),--- ,(m— 1) (@) have been chosen such that this is a strictly increas-ing sequence for each @, each is a measurable function, and for i,j <m—1,E||) (®) — Fa) (®)|| > 5-Each @ — Oj(¢) (@) is measurable since it equals YP i(@)=K (@) Ox (@). Then m(@)will be the first index larger than (m— 1) (@) such thatE|!Om(o) (@) = F j@) (@)|] > 5for all j(@) < m(@). Thus @ — m(@) is also measurable because it equals k on themeasurable set(n{o: || Ox (@) — 6 j@) (@)|| > =, j<m-1})n{o: (m—1)(@) <k}n(u{a: || Ox—-1 (@) — 6 j(@) (@)|| < =, j<m-1})The top line says that it does what is wanted and the second says it is the first after(m— 1) (@) which does so.Since .%(@) is a pre compact set, it follows that the above measurable set will beempty for all m(q@) sufficiently large called N(q@) , also a measurable function, and so theprocess ends. Let y;(@) = Oj) (@). Then this gives the desired measurable € net. Thefact thatUN B(yi(@) ,€) 2% (@)follows because if there exists z € % (@) \ (um By; (a), e)), then B (z, §) would have€) 2@1£) and by density of the oj (@) in .% (@),) for arbitrarily large / and so the processempty intersection with all of the balls B (yi (@),there would be some ©; (@) contained in B (z, §would not have ended as shown above.