Proof: By assumption, g+ h′ = g′+ h. Then from the Lebesgue integral’s righteousalgebraic desires, Theorem 10.6.1,

∫gdµ +

∫h′dµ =

∫g′dµ +

∫hdµ which implies the

claimed result. ■

Lemma 10.7.5 Let Re(L1 (Ω)

)denote the vector space of real valued functions in

L1 (Ω) where the field of scalars is the real numbers. Then∫

dµ is linear on Re(L1 (Ω)


the scalars being real numbers.

Proof: First observe that from the definition of the positive and negative parts of a func-tion, ( f +g)+−( f +g)−= f++g+−( f−+g−) because both sides equal f +g. Thereforefrom Lemma 10.7.4 and the definition, it follows from Theorem 10.6.1 that∫

f +gdµ ≡∫

( f +g)+− ( f +g)− dµ =∫




f+dµ +∫


f−dµ +∫



f dµ +∫


what about taking out scalars? First note that if a is real and nonnegative, then (a f )+ = a f+

and (a f )− = a f− while if a < 0, then (a f )+ = −a f− and (a f )− = −a f+. These claimsfollow immediately from the above definitions of positive and negative parts of a function.Thus if a < 0 and f ∈ L1 (Ω) , it follows from Theorem 10.6.1 that∫

a f dµ ≡∫

(a f )+ dµ−∫

(a f )− dµ =∫

(−a) f−dµ−∫

(−a) f+dµ

= −a∫

f−dµ +a∫

f+dµ = a(∫



)≡ a

∫f dµ.

The case where a≥ 0 works out similarly but easier. ■Now here is the main result.

Theorem 10.7.6 ∫dµ is linear on L1 (Ω) and L1 (Ω) is a complex vector space. If

f ∈ L1 (Ω) , then Re f , Im f , and | f | are all in L1 (Ω) . Furthermore, for f ∈ L1 (Ω) ,∫f dµ ≡

∫(Re f )+ dµ−

∫(Re f )− dµ + i

[∫(Im f )+ dµ−

∫(Im f )− dµ


∫Re f dµ + i

∫Im f dµ

and the triangle inequality holds, ∣∣∣∣∫ f dµ

∣∣∣∣≤ ∫ | f |dµ. (10.4)

Also, for every f ∈ L1 (Ω) it follows that for every ε > 0 there exists a simple function ssuch that |s| ≤ | f | and

∫| f − s|dµ < ε.

Proof: First consider the claim that the integral is linear. It was shown above that theintegral is linear on Re

(L1 (Ω)

). Then letting a+ ib,c+ id be scalars and f ,g functions in

L1 (Ω) ,

(a+ ib) f +(c+ id)g = (a+ ib)(Re f + i Im f )+(c+ id)(Reg+ i Img)

286 CHAPTER 10. THE ABSTRACT LEBESGUE INTEGRALProof: By assumption, g +h’ = g'+h. Then from the Lebesgue integral’s righteousalgebraic desires, Theorem 10.6.1, f gdu+ fh'du = f g'du+ [hdu which implies theclaimed result.Lemma 10.7.5 Let Re (L' (Q)) denote the vector space of real valued functions inL' (Q) where the field of scalars is the real numbers. Then f du is linear on Re (L' (Q)),the scalars being real numbers.Proof: First observe that from the definition of the positive and negative parts of a func-tion, (f +g)’ —(f+g) =ft+gt—(f- +87) because both sides equal f +g. Thereforefrom Lemma 10.7.4 and the definition, it follows from Theorem 10.6.1 that[frsdu = [ter -(t+8) du= [pf +etau— [fp +enan[faut [edu ( [rans [e-au) = | fas J ean.what about taking out scalars? First note that if a is real and nonnegative, then (af)* =af*and (af) =af~ while if a <0, then (af)* = —af~ and (af) = —af*. These claimsfollow immediately from the above definitions of positive and negative parts of a function.Thus if a < 0 and f € L! (Q), it follows from Theorem 10.6.1 thatfotdu = [Cary au- [apy du= [| (-@ frau | (-a) frau— a[rau+a rrau=a( [rau [ rau) =a / fd.The case where a > 0 works out similarly but easier. INow here is the main result.Theorem 10.7.6 f du is linear on L' (Q) and L' (Q) is a complex vector space. Iff €L' (Q), then Re f,Im f, and | f| are all in L' (Q). Furthermore, for f € L' (Q),[tau[ ep) au [Ref an +i Jams an | (imp) aye[Refdu+i [1m fayand the triangle inequality holds,| / fay| < fifldu. (10.4)Also, for every f € L' (Q) it follows that for every € > 0 there exists a simple function ssuch that |s| <|f| and f|f—s|du<e.Proof: First consider the claim that the integral is linear. It was shown above that theintegral is linear on Re (L! (Q)) . Then letting a+ib,c-+ id be scalars and f, g functions inL'(Q),(a+ib) f +(c+id) g = (a+ ib) (Re f+ilmf)+(c+id) (Reg +ilmg)