Proof: By Theorem 9.1.6 on Page 239 there exists an increasing sequence of nonnega-tive simple functions, {sn} which converges pointwise to f . By the monotone convergencetheorem and Lemma 10.11.2,∫
φ ( f )dµ = limn→∞
∫φ (sn)dµ = lim
0φ′ (t)µ ([sn > t])dm
0φ′ (t)µ ([ f > t])dm ■
This theorem can be generalized to a situation in which φ is only increasing and con-tinuous. In the generalization I will replace the symbol φ with F to coincide with earliernotation.
The following lemma and theorem say essentially that for F an increasing functionequal to 0 at 0,
∫(0,∞] µ ([ f > t])dF =
F ( f )dµ . I think it is particularly memorable ifF is differentiable when it looks like what was just discussed.
∫(0,∞] µ ([ f > t])F ′ (t)dt =∫
ΩF ( f )dµ
Lemma 10.11.5 Suppose s≥ 0 is a simple function, s(ω)≡∑nk=1 akXEk (ω) where the
ak are the distinct nonzero values of s,a1 < a2 < · · · < an. Suppose F is an increasingfunction defined on [0,∞),F (0) = 0,F being continuous at 0 from the right and continuousat every ak. Then letting µ be a measure and (Ω,F ,µ) a measure space,∫
(0,∞]µ ([s > t])dν =
F (s)dµ.
where the integral on the left is the Lebesgue integral for the Lebesgue Stieltjes measure ν
which comes from the increasing function F as in Theorem 10.10.1 above.
Proof: This follows from the following computation. Since F is continuous at 0 andthe values ak, ∫
0µ ([s > t])dν (t) =
µ ([s > t])dν (t)
µ (E j)dF (t) =n
µ (E j)j
ν ((ak−1,ak])
µ (E j)j
(F (ak)−F (ak−1)) =n
µ (E j)F (a j)≡∫
F (s)dµ ■
Now here is the generalization to nonnegative measurable f .
Theorem 10.11.6 Let f ≥ 0 be measurable with respect to F , (Ω,F ,µ) a mea-sure space, and let F be an increasing continuous function defined on [0,∞) and F (0) = 0.Then
F ( f )dµ =∫(0,∞] µ ([ f > t])dν (t) where ν is the Lebesgue Stieltjes measure de-
termined by F as in Theorem 10.10.1 above.
Proof: By Theorem 9.1.6 on Page 239 there exists an increasing sequence of nonnega-tive simple functions, {sn} which converges pointwise to f . By the monotone convergencetheorem and Lemma 10.11.5,∫
F ( f )dµ = limn→∞
F (sn)dµ = limn→∞
µ ([sn > t])dν =∫(0,∞]
µ ([ f > t])dν ■