Proof: 1. Let Rn≡B(x0,n) ,R0 = /0. If E is measurable, let En≡E∩(Rn \Rn−1) . Thusthese En are disjoint and their union is E. By outer regularity, there exists open Un ⊇ Ensuch that µ (Un \En) < ε/2n. Now if U ≡ ∪nUn, it follows that U \E ⊆ ∪n (Un \En) soµ (U \E)≤∑



2n = ε . This has shown that there exists an open set U containing E suchthat µ (U \E) ≤ ε . Let Vn be open, containing E and µ (Vn \E) < 1

2n ,Vn ⊇ Vn+1. Let G ≡∩nVn. This is a Gδ set containing E and µ (G\E)≤ µ (Vn \E)< 1

2n and so µ (G\E) = 0.By inner regularity, there is Fn an Fσ set contained in En with µ (En \Fn) = 0. Then letF ≡ ∪nFn. This F is an Fσ set and µ (E \F) ≤ ∑n µ (En \Fn) = 0. Thus F ⊆ E ⊆ G andµ (G\F)≤ µ (G\E)+µ (E \F) = 0.

2. If f is measurable and nonnegative, from Theorem 9.1.6 there is an increasing se-quence of simple functions sn such that limn→∞ sn (x) = f (x) . Say sn (x)≡∑

mnk=1 cn

kXEnk(x) .

Let mp(En

k \Fnk

)= 0 where Fn

k is an Fσ set. Replace Enk with Fn

k and let s̃n be the result-ing simple function. Let g(x) ≡ limn→∞ s̃n (x) . Then g is Borel measurable and g ≤ fand g = f except for a set of measure zero, the union of the sets where sn is not equal tos̃n. As to the other claim, let hn (x) ≡ ∑

∞k=1 XAkn (x)

k2n where Akn is a Gδ set containing

f−1(( k−1

2n , k2n ])

for which µ(Akn \ f−1

(( k−1

2n , k2n ]))≡ µ (Dkn) = 0. If N = ∪k,n Dkn, then

N is a set of measure zero. On NC, hn (x)→ f (x) . Let h(x) = liminfn→∞ hn (x). Notethat XAkn (x)

k2n ≥X f−1(( k−1

2n , k2n ]) (x)

k2n and so hn (x)≥ h(x) and liminfn→∞ hn (x) is Borel

measurable because each hn is.

3. Let Kn ⊆ E ⊆ Vn with Kn compact and Vn open such that Vn ⊆ B(x0,r) and alsothat µ (Vn \Kn)< 2−(n+1). Then from Lemma 3.12.4, there is hn with Kn ≺ hn ≺Vn. Then∫|hn−XE |dµ < 2−n and so


(|hn−XE |>




)n ∫[|hn−XE |>( 2

3 )n]|hn−XE |dµ




By Lemma 9.2.5 there is a set of measure zero N such that if x /∈N, it is in only finitely manyof the sets

[|hn−XE |>

( 23

)n]. Thus on NC, eventually, for all k large enough, |hk−XE | ≤( 2


)kso hk (x)→XE (x) off N. The assertion about convergence of the integrals follows

from the dominated convergence theorem and the fact that each hn is nonnegative, boundedby 1, (Kn ≺ hn ≺ Vn) and is 0 off some ball. In the last claim, it only remains to verifythat hnXÑC converges to an indicator function because each hnXÑC is Borel measurable.(Ñ ⊇N and Ñ is a Borel set and µ

(Ñ \N

)= 0) Thus its limit will also be Borel measurable.

However, hnXÑC converges to 1 on E ∩ ÑC,0 on EC ∩ ÑC and 0 on Ñ. Thus E ∩ ÑC = Fand hnXÑC (x)→XF where F ⊆ E and µ (E \F)≤ µ

(Ñ)= 0.

4. It suffices to assume f ≥ 0 because you can consider the positive and negative partsof the real and imaginary parts of f and reduce to this case. Let fn (x)≡XB(x0,n) (x) f (x) .Then by the dominated convergence theorem, if n is large enough,

∫| f − fn|dµ < ε. There

is a nonnegative simple function s ≤ fn such that∫| fn− s|dµ < ε. This follows from

picking k large enough in an increasing sequence of simple functions {sk} converging to fnand the dominated convergence theorem. Say s(x) = ∑

mk=1 ckXEk (x) . Then let Kk ⊆ Ek ⊆

Vk where Kk,Vk are compact and open respectively and ∑mk=1 ckµ (Vk \Kk)< ε . By Lemma

316 CHAPTER 11. REGULAR MEASURESProof: 1. Let R, = B(xo0,7) ,Ro = 9. If E is measurable, let E, = EM(Rn \ Rn—1). Thusthese E,, are disjoint and their union is FE. By outer regularity, there exists open U, > E,such that U (U,\ En) < €/2". Now if U = U,nUn, it follows that U \ E C Un (Un \ En) soHW (U\E) < YP) 57 = €. This has shown that there exists an open set U containing E suchthat (U \ E) < €. Let V;, be open, containing E and ft (V,\ E) < 37,Vn 2 Vn4i. Let G=AnVn- This is a Gg set containing E and (G\ E) < u(V,\E) < 5m and so w(G\ E) =0.By inner regularity, there is F, an Fg set contained in E, with u (E, \ F,) =0. Then letF = UnFy. This F is an Fo set and w(E\F) <¥,u(En\F,) =0. Thus F C E C GandM(G\F) <H(G\E) +H (E\F)=0.2. If f is measurable and nonnegative, from Theorem 9.1.6 there is an increasing se-quence of simple functions s, such that limps. 5p (x) = f (x) . Say Sn (x) = Lp" cy Rep (x).Let mp (E? \ Fi") = 0 where F/" is an Fg set. Replace E? with F;" and let 5; be the result-ing simple function. Let g(x) = lim,-,..5, (x). Then g is Borel measurable and g < fand g = f except for a set of measure zero, the union of the sets where s,, is not equal to5,. As to the other claim, let hy, (x) = Ye, 2a, (x) an where Ax, is a Gg set containingf! (SH ’ i) for which Hu (Ain \fo! (SH ’ xl) =U (Din) =0. IfN= Ukn Din, thenN is a set of measure zero. On N©, hy (x) > f (x). Let h(x) = liminfy +. Mp (x). Notethat 2%, (x) & > Ky ((‘it. 4) (x) & and so hy (x) > A(x) and liminfy, 520 Mn (x) is Borel2M 92)measurable because each hy is.3. Let K, C E CV, with K, compact and V, open such that V, C B(xo,r) and alsothat L (Vp \ Kn) < 27+"). Then from Lemma 3.12.4, there is hy with Ky < hy < Vy. ThenJ \tn — 2e|du < 2™ and so+ (m—2el> (5)')<((2) Jacaaveyn 2a) (3)By Lemma 9.2.5 there is a set of measure zero N such that if x ¢ N, it is in only finitely manyof the sets lin — 2z\> (3)"] . Thus on N©, eventually, for all k large enough, |hy — 2e| <(2) so hy (x) > Xz (x) off N. The assertion about convergence of the integrals followsfrom the dominated convergence theorem and the fact that each h, is nonnegative, boundedby 1, (Ky ~ hn ~ V;,) and is 0 off some ball. In the last claim, it only remains to verifythat h, Zc converges to an indicator function because each hy, Zjc is Borel measurable.(N > N and N isa Borel set and U (N \N ) = 0) Thus its limit will also be Borel measurable.However, hy 2jc converges to 1 on EN NS,0 on E©NN© and 0 on N. Thus ENN = Fand hy 2iyc (x) + 2p where F C E and u(E\F) <p (N) =0.4. It suffices to assume f > 0 because you can consider the positive and negative partsof the real and imaginary parts of f and reduce to this case. Let fn (x) = 2a (x,n) (4) f ()-Then by the dominated convergence theorem, if n is large enough, {| f — f,|dp < €. Thereis a nonnegative simple function s < f, such that [|f,—s|du < €. This follows frompicking & large enough in an increasing sequence of simple functions {s,} converging to fy,and the dominated convergence theorem. Say s(x) = V7L, cx Xz, (x). Then let Ky C Ex CV; where K;,,V, are compact and open respectively and )7"_, cx (Vk \ Kx) < €. By Lemma