Let M f : Rp→ [0,∞] by

M f (x)≡{



∫B(x,r) | f |dµ if x /∈ Z

0 if x ∈ Z.

I will begin using ∥ f∥1 for the integral∫

Ω| f |dµ .

The special points described in the following theorem are called Lebesgue points.

Theorem 11.4.2 Let µ be a Radon measure and let f ∈ L1 (Rp,µ) meaning that∫Ω| f |dµ < ∞. Then for µ a.e.x, limr→0


∫B(x,r) | f (y)− f (x)|dµ (y) = 0. Also

µ ([M f > ε])≤ Npε−1 ∥ f∥1 .

Proof: First consider the following claim which is called a weak type estimate.Claim 1: The following inequality holds for Np the constant of the Besicovitch cover-

ing theorem, Theorem 4.5.8: µ ([M f > ε])≤ Npε−1 ∥ f∥1Proof of claim: First note [M f > ε]∩ Z = /0 and without loss of generality, you can

assume µ ([M f > ε])> 0. Let U be an open set containing [M f > ε] such that µ ([M f > ε])Next, for each x∈ [M f > ε] there exists a ball Bx =B(x,rx) with rx≤ 1 and the followinginequality holding. µ (Bx)

−1 ∫B(x,rx) | f |dµ > ε. Let F be this collection of balls so that

[M f > ε] is the set of centers of balls of F . By the Besicovitch covering theorem, Theorem4.5.8, [M f > ε] ⊆ ∪Np

i=1 {B : B ∈ Gi} where Gi is a collection of disjoint balls of F . Nowfor some i, µ ([M f > ε])/Np ≤ µ (∪{B : B ∈ Gi}) because if this is not so, then for alli,µ ([M f > ε])/Np > µ (∪{B : B ∈ Gi}) and so

µ ([M f > ε])≤Np


µ (∪{B : B ∈ Gi})<Np


µ ([M f > ε])

Np= µ ([M f > ε]),

a contradiction. Therefore for this i,

µ ([M f > ε])

Np≤ µ (∪{B : B ∈ Gi}) = ∑


µ (B)≤ ∑B∈Gi


B| f |dµ

≤ ε−1∫Rp| f |dµ = ε

−1 ∥ f∥1 .

This shows Claim 1.Claim 2: If g is any continuous function defined on Rp, then for x /∈ Z,


1µ (B(x,r))


|g(y)−g(x)|dµ (y) = 0


1µ (B(x,r))


g(y)dµ (y) = g(x). (11.5)

Proof: Since g is continuous at x, whenever r is small enough,

1µ (B(x,r))


|g(y)−g(x)|dµ (y)≤ 1µ (B(x,r))


ε dµ (y) = ε.

11.5 follows from the above and the triangle inequality. This proves the claim.

324 CHAPTER 11. REGULAR MEASURESLet Mf : R? = [0,00] byMf(a) = SUPrs! ama Jaen fldu if x ¢ ZOifeEeZI will begin using || f||,; for the integral [a |f| du.The special points described in the following theorem are called Lebesgue points.Theorem 11.4.2 Let u be a Radon measure and let f € L! (R?,U) meaning thatJolfldu <%. Then for Ml a.e.x, lim,0 ame So.w.r) \f (y) — f (@)| du (y) = 0. AlsoH((Mf > €]) <Npe"|Ifll-Proof: First consider the following claim which is called a weak type estimate.Claim 1: The following inequality holds for N, the constant of the Besicovitch cover-ing theorem, Theorem 4.5.8: @ ((Mf > €]) <Npe! |l fl,Proof of claim: First note [Mf > €] MZ = @ and without loss of generality, you canassume I ([M/f > e€]) > 0. Let U be an open set containing [Mf > €] such that W ([Mf > e])Next, for each x € [Mf > €] there exists a ball Bz = B(a,rz) with rz < 1 and the followinginequality holding. (Bz)! Ja(w.rp) f|d > €. Let F be this collection of balls so that[Mf > €] is the set of centers of balls of ¥. By the Besicovitch covering theorem, Theorem4.5.8, [Mf >] Cc UN, {B: BEG} where Y; is a collection of disjoint balls of F. Nowfor some i, H([Mf > €])/Np < u(U{B: BE Y}) because if this is not so, then for alli, ([Mf > €])/N, > u(U{B: BE G}) and soMf > €])Np Np —MMP >e) <P a(vie:Bea}) < YAY N =H (|Mf > €}),a contradiction. Therefore for this 7,i((Mmus > el) < w(U{B:BeS}) = Y ulB)< Ye" ifidu, BEY; BEG4 _ el< ¢ [\flau=e aleThis shows Claim 1.Claim 2: If g is any continuous function defined on R?, then for x ¢ Z,. 1tim Ber) yay (Y) ~8(@) 4H 0) =0and \lin Be) | ep SV AHO) = (2) (115)Proof: Since g is continuous at x, whenever r is small enough,! 1ae lren Is(y) —8(@)|du(y) < Tea) Ihren ® (y) =e.11.5 follows from the above and the triangle inequality. This proves the claim.