Definition 11.4.5 Let E be a measurable set. Then x ∈ E is called a point of den-sity ifx /∈Z and limr→0

µ(B(x,r)∩E)µ(B(x,r)) = 1. Recall Z is the set of pointsxwhere µ (B(x,r))= 0

for some r > 0.

Proposition 11.4.6 Let E be a measurable set. Then µ a.e. x ∈ E is a point of density.

Proof: This follows from letting f (x) = XE (x) in Theorem 11.4.4. ■From Theorem 11.4.2, µ ([M f > λ ])≤ Np

λ∥ f∥L1 .

M f ≡ supr≤1

1µ (B(x,r))


| f |dµ ≤ supr≤1

1µ (B(x,r))


(| f |X[| f |> λ

2 ]+




= M(

f X[| f |> λ2 ]




Therefore, [M f > λ ]⊆[M(

f X[| f |> λ2 ]

)> λ/2


[M f > 2λ ]⊆[M(

f X[| f |>λ ]

)> λ




∫[| f |>λ ]

| f |dµ.

This shows the following modified weak estimate.

Corollary 11.4.7 Let f be in L1 (Rp,µ) . Then µ ([M f > 2λ ])≤ Npλ

∫[| f |>λ ] | f |dµ .

11.5 Strong Estimates for Maximal FunctionHere p > 1, not the dimension. Let ∥ f∥p

Lp(Rn)≡∫Rn | f |p dµ. Let λ

1/p ≡ 2η so λ = 2pη p

and dλ = 2p pη p−1dη . Then use Corollary 11.4.7 so

∫|M f |p dµ =


([M f > λ


dλ =∫

0µ ([M f > 2η ])2p pη




∫[| f |>η ]

| f |2p pηp−1dµdη = N2p p

∫ ∫ | f |0| f |η p−2dηdµ =Cp

∫| f |p dµ

Of course this is all assuming that M f is measurable. This is most easily shown ifµ = mn Lebesgue measure and this is the case of most interest to me. Consider x→∫

B(x,r) | f (y)|dm ≡ fr (x). This is continuous assuming f ∈ L1loc thanks to continuity of

translation of Lebesgue measure. Thus x→ 1B(x,r)

∫B(x,r) | f (y)|dm is continuous. Now it

follows that M f (x) = sup0<r<1 fr (x) = sup0<r<1,r∈Q fr (x) is Borel measurable. There-fore, we can state the following corollary.

Corollary 11.5.1 Let ∥ f∥Lp <∞ where µ =mn inRn. Then ∥M f∥Lp ≤Cp ∥ f∥Lp whereC depends only on p> 1 and the dimension. This is called a strong estimate for the maximalfunction as opposed to the one from Theorem 11.4.2 for p = 1 which is called a weakestimate.

326 CHAPTER 11. REGULAR MEASURESDefinition 11.4.5 Ler E be a measurable set. Then x € E is called a point of den-sity if x ¢ Z and lim,-50 eee = 1. Recall Z is the set of points x where u (B(x,r)) =0for some r > 0.Proposition 11.4.6 Let E be a measurable set. Then u a.e. x € E is a point of density.Proof: This follows from letting f (a) = Ae (@ ) in Theorem 11.4.4.From Theorem 11.4.2, u ([Mf > A]) < MP WfAuP Ba. TW hron tS? acaem Inar (Ui Finsayt 7) ae~ M(f ipsa) + +4Therefore, [Mf >A] C [M (F Zina) > 2/2] soMfNp[Mf > 2a] c [M(f2i\p\>2)) >A] < rain r [f|du.This shows the following modified weak estimate.Corollary 11.4.7 Lert f be in L' (R”,W). Then w({Mf > 2A)) < F Sura |f|du.11.5 Strong Estimates for Maximal FunctionHere p > 1, not the dimension. Let IF lito R") = fn |f\? du. Let A'/? =2n s0 4 = 2? NPand dA = 2? pn?—'dn. Then use Corollary 11.4.7 so[imran = [aw ([mr>avr)) aa = [wig >2m))2°pnrtanoN f - pifxf [ iri2rene tana =n2"p [ |” pin? Pdnan = cy [franJo 1 JU f|>n] J 40 ;Of course this is all assuming that Mf is measurable. This is most easily shown if[L. = m,, Lebesgue measure and this is the case of most interest to me. Consider x >Jae, r) ) | Sf (y)|dm = f, (a). This is continuous assuming f €L},. thanks to continuity oftranslation of Lebesgue measure. Thus x + 5-5 Ji B(w,r) |f (y)| dm is continuous. Now it(a, wT) (a, r)follows that Mf (a) = supge,<; fr (x) = SUP hs tne f(a) is Borel measurable. There-fore, we can state the following corollary.locCorollary 11.5.1 Let || f\\,» <°o where f =m, inR". Then ||Mf\\pp <Cp || f ||; whereC depends only on p > 1 and the dimension. This is called a strong estimate for the maximalfunction as opposed to the one from Theorem 11.4.2 for p = 1 which is called a weakestimate.