Lemma 11.6.4 If h∈C2(


and h : B(0,R)→B(0,R), then h has a fixed point

x such that h(x) = x.

Proof: Suppose the lemma is not true. Then for all x, |x−h(x)| ̸= 0. Then defineg (x) = h(x)+ x−h(x)

|x−h(x)| t (x) where t (x) is nonnegative and is chosen such that g (x) ∈∂B(0,R) .

This mapping is illustrated in the following picture.



If x→ t (x) is C2 near B(0,R), it will follow g is a C2 retract onto ∂B(0,R) contraryto Lemma 11.6.3. Thus t (x) is the nonnegative solution t to∣∣∣∣h(x)+ x−h(x)

|x−h(x)|t (x)

∣∣∣∣2 = |h(x)|2 +2(h(x) ,


)t + t2 = R2 (11.9)

then by the quadratic formula,

t (x) =−(h(x) ,



√(h(x) ,





Is x→ t (x) a function in C2? If what is under the radical is positive, then this is so becauses→√

s is smooth for s > 0. In fact, this is the case here. The inside of the radical ispositive if R > |h(x)|. If |h(x)| = R, it is still positive because in this case, the anglebetween h(x) and x−h(x) cannot be π/2 because of the shape of the ball. This showsthat x→ t (x) is the composition of C2 functions and is therefore C2. Thus this g (x) is aC2 retract and by the above lemma, there isn’t one. ■

Now it is easy to prove the Brouwer fixed point theorem. The following theorem is theBrouwer fixed point theorem for a ball.

Theorem 11.6.5 Let BR be the above closed ball and let f : BR→BR be continuous.Then there exists x ∈ BR such that f (x) = x.

Proof: Let f k (x)≡f(x)

1+k−1 . Thus

∥f k−f∥ = maxx∈BR

{∣∣∣∣ f (x)

1+(1/k)−f (x)

∣∣∣∣}= maxx∈BR

{∣∣∣∣f (x)−f (x)(1+(1/k))1+(1/k)

∣∣∣∣}= max


{∣∣∣∣f (x)(1/k)1+(1/k)

∣∣∣∣}≤ R1+ k

Letting ∥h∥ ≡max{|h(x)| : x ∈ BR} , It follows from the Weierstrass approximation the-orem, there exists a function whose components are polynomials gk such that ∥gk−f k∥<

Rk+1 . Then if x ∈ BR, it follows

|gk (x)| ≤ |gk (x)−f k (x)|+ |f k (x)|<R

1+ k+

kR1+ k

= R

328 CHAPTER 11. REGULAR MEASURESLemma 11.6.4 [fheC? (B (B0.R) (0, R)) and h: B(0,R) > B(0,R), then h has a fixed pointx such that h(x) = x.Proof: Suppose the lemma is not true. Then for all x,|a —h(a)| #0. Then defineg(x) = h(a) + eet (a) where ¢ (a) is nonnegative and is chosen such that g(a) €OB(0,R).This mapping is illustrated in the following picture.g(x)If 2 > t(a) is C? near B(0,R), it will follow g is a C? retract onto 0B (0,R) contraryto Lemma 11.6.3. Thus ¢ (a) is the nonnegative solution ¢ toz—h(a) °nw) Soe E He)then by the quadratic formula,t (a) = — (m(e) eet oy (ne. ania), (R?—|n(@)/?)Is a —+ (a) a function in C?? If what is under the radical is positive, then this is so because5 — ,/s is smooth for s > 0. In fact, this is the case here. The inside of the radical ispositive if R > |h(ax)|. If |h(x)| = R, it is still positive because in this case, the anglebetween h(a) and a — h(a) cannot be 2/2 because of the shape of the ball. This showsthat x —> t (a) is the composition of C? functions and is therefore C?. Thus this g(a) is aC? retract and by the above lemma, there isn’t one. HiNow it is easy to prove the Brouwer fixed point theorem. The following theorem is theBrouwer fixed point theorem for a ball.= h(a) +2 (n(e), SP) ee =R* (11.9)Theorem 11.6.5 Lez Br be the above closed ball and let f : Br + Br be continuous.Then there exists « € Br such that f (x) =a.Proof: Let f;, (x) = fe) Thusfi— fl|32val=a| — ngs {| £2)= Faye)_ au) R me~ mg +(1/b) etLetting ||h|| = max {|h(x)|: 2 € Br}, It follows from the Weierstrass approximation the-orem, there exists a function whose components are polynomials g, such that ||g,; — fx|| <Then if a € Bp, it followsaaR kRle (@)| < lox (@) — Fu (@)|+ \Fe(@)l < y+ 74g