Regard Dh(x) as an n× n matrix, the matrix of the linear transformation Dh(x) withrespect to the usual coordinates. Since x∈ Z, it follows that there exists an invertible matrixM such that MDh(x) is in row reduced echelon form with a row of zeros on the bottom.Therefore, using Theorem 11.7.4 about taking out the determinant of a transformation,
mp (h(B(x,r))) =∣∣det
(M−1)∣∣mp (M (h(B(x,r))))
(M−1)∣∣mp (M (Dh(x))(B(0,r))+MB(0,rη))
(M−1)∣∣α p−1 ∥M (Dh(x))∥p−1 (2r+2ηr)p−1 ∥M∥2rη
≤ C(∥M∥ ,
∣∣det(M−1)∣∣ ,∥Dh(x)∥)4p−1rp2η
Here αn is the volume of the unit ball in Rn. This is because M (Dh(x))(B(0,r)) +MB(0,rη) in the third line up is contained in a cylinder, the base in Rp−1 which hasradius ∥M (Dh(x))∥(2r+2ηr) and height ∥M∥2rη . Thus its measure is no more than∫Rp−1
∫ ∥Mrη∥−∥Mrη∥ dxpdmp−1.Then letting δx be still smaller if necessary, corresponding to suf-
ficiently small η ,mp (h(B(x,r)))≤ εmp (B(x,r)) .
The balls of this form constitute a Vitali cover of Z. Hence, by the covering theorem Corol-lary 9.12.5, there exists {Bi}∞
i=1 ,Bi =Bi (xi,ri) , a collection of disjoint balls, each of whichis contained in V, such that mp (h(Bi)) ≤ εmp (Bi) and mp (Z \∪iBi) = 0. Hence fromLemma 11.8.1,
mp (h(Z)\∪ih(Bi))≤ mp (h(Z \∪iBi)) = 0
mp (h(Z))≤∑i
mp (h(Bi))≤ ε ∑i
mp (Bi)≤ ε (mp (V ))≤ ε (mp (Z)+ ε) .
Since ε is arbitrary, this shows mp (h(Z)) = 0. What if A is not bounded? Then considerZn = Z∩B(0,n)⊆ A∩B(0,n) . From what was just shown, h(Zn) has measure 0 and so itfollows that h(Z) also does, being the countable union of sets of measure zero. ■
11.9 Change of Variables, Nonlinear MapsThis preparation leads to a good change of variables formula. First is a lemma which islikely familiar by now.
Lemma 11.9.1 Let h : Ω→ Rp where (Ω,F ) is a measurable space and suppose h iscontinuous. Then h−1 (B) ∈F whenenver B is a Borel set.
Proof: Measurability applied to components of h shows that h−1 (U) ∈F wheneverU is an open set. If G is consists of the subsets G of Rp for which h−1 (G) ∈F , then G isa σ algebra and G contains the open sets. ■
Definition 11.9.2 Let h : U → h(U) be continuous, U open, and let H ⊆ U bemeasurable and h is one to one and differentiable on H. Define λ (F)≡ mp (h(F ∩H)) .
Lemma 11.9.3 λ is a well defined measure on measurable subsets of U and λ ≪ mp.