Next suppose f (y)− f (x) =∫ y

x f ′ (t)dt where f ′ ∈ L1. If f is not absolutely continu-ous, there exists ε > 0 and sets Vn each of which is the union of non-overlapping intervalssuch that m(Vn)< 2−n but

∫Vn| f ′ (t)|dt ≥ ε . However, by the Borel Cantelli lemma, there

exists a set of measure zero N such that for x /∈N, it follows that x is in only finitely many ofthe Vn. Thus XVn (x)→ 0. Then a use of the dominated convergence theorem implies thatlimn→∞

∫Vn| f ′ (t)|dt = 0 which is a contradiction. Thus f must be absolutely continuous.

■The following picture illustrates the main items shown so far about functions of one


Lipschitzabsolutely continuous

∫ yx f ′(t)dt = f (y)− f (x)

11.16 Exercises1. Show that if f is absolutely continuous on [a,b] and if V (x) is the total variation of

f on [0,x] , then V is also absolutely continuous.

2. In Problem 5 on Page 310, you showed that if f ∈ L1 (Rp) , there exists h whichis continuous and equal to 0 off some compact set such that

∫| f −h|dm < ε. De-

fine fy (x) ≡ f (x−y) . Explain why fy is Lebesgue measurable and∫| fy|dmp =∫

| f |dmp. Now justify the following formula.∫| fy− f |dmp ≤

∫| fy−hy|dmp +∫

|hy−h|dmp +∫|h− f |dmp ≤ 2ε +

∫|hy−h|dmp. Now explain why the last term

is less than ε if ∥y∥ is small enough. Explain continuity of translation in L1 (Rp)which says that limy→0

∫Rp | fy− f |dmp = 0

3. This problem will help to understand that a certain kind of function exists. Let f (x)=e−1/x2

if x ̸= 0 and let f (x) = 0 if x = 0. Show that f is infinitely differentiable. Notethat you only need to be concerned with what happens at 0. There is no questionelsewhere. This is a little fussy but is not too hard.

4. ↑Let f (x) be as given above. Now let f̂ (x) = f (x) if x ≤ 0 and let f̂ (x) = 0 ifx > 0. Show that f̂ (x) is also infinitely differentiable. Now let r > 0 and defineg(x) ≡ f̂ (−(x− r)) f̂ (x+ r). Show that g is infinitely differentiable and vanishesfor |x| ≥ r. Let ψ (x) = ∏

pk=1 g(xk). For U = B(0,2r) with the norm given by ∥x∥=

max{|xk| ,k ≤ p} , show that ψ ∈C∞c (U).

5. ↑Using the above problem, show there exists ψ ≥ 0 such that ψ ∈C∞c (B(0,1)) and∫

ψdmp = 1. Now define ψn (x) ≡ npψ (nx). Show that ψn equals zero off a com-pact subset of B

(0, 1



∫ψndmp = 1. We say that spt(ψn)⊆ B

(0, 1


). spt( f ) is

defined as the closure of the set on which f is not equal to 0. Such a sequence of func-tions as just defined {ψn} where

∫ψndmp = 1 and ψn ≥ 0 and spt(ψn) ⊆ B

(0, 1


)is called a mollifier.

6. ↑It is important to be able to approximate functions with those which are infinitelydifferentiable. Suppose f ∈ L1 (Rp) and let {ψn} be a mollifier as above. We de-fine the convolution as follows. f ∗ψn (x) ≡

∫f (x−y)ψn (y)dmp (y) Here the

notation means that the variable of integration is y. Show that f ∗ψn (x) exists

350CHAPTER 11. REGULAR MEASURESNext suppose f (y) — f (x) = J? f’ (t) dt where f’ € L'. If f is not absolutely continu-ous, there exists € > 0 and sets V, each of which is the union of non-overlapping intervalssuch that m(V,) <2~” but Jy, |f’ (t)|dt => €. However, by the Borel Cantelli lemma, thereexists a set of measure zero N such that for x ¢ N, it follows that x is in only finitely many ofthe V,. Thus 2y, (x) > 0. Then a use of the dominated convergence theorem implies thatlimy yo Jy, |f" (t)| dt = 0 which is a contradiction. Thus f must be absolutely continuous.The following picture illustrates the main items shown so far about functions of onevariable.absolutely continuousLipschitzSe f' Oat = fy) — FQ)11.16 Exercises1.Show that if f is absolutely continuous on [a,b] and if V (x) is the total variation off on [0,x], then V is also absolutely continuous.In Problem 5 on Page 310, you showed that if f € L'(IR”), there exists h whichis continuous and equal to 0 off some compact set such that {| f—h|dm < e. De-fine fy (x) = f(a—y). Explain why f, is Lebesgue measurable and f | fy|dmp =J |f|dmp. Now justify the following formula. [|fy—f|dmp < J |fy—hy|dmp +J hy —h|dmy + f|h—fldmp < 2€+ f |hy —h|dm,. Now explain why the last termis less than € if ||y|| is small enough. Explain continuity of translation in L! (R?)which says that limy-+o Jap [fy — f|dmp = 0. This problem will help to understand that a certain kind of function exists. Let f (x) =e/? if x # Oand let f (x) = 0 if x =0. Show that f is infinitely differentiable. Notethat you only need to be concerned with what happens at 0. There is no questionelsewhere. This is a little fussy but is not too hard.tLet f(x) be as given above. Now let f(x) = f(x) if x <0 and let f(x) =0 ifx >0. Show that f(x) is also infinitely differentiable. Now let r > 0 and defineg(x) = f(—(x—r)) f(x+r). Show that g is infinitely differentiable and vanishesfor |x| > r. Let w(x) =[Th_, g (x). For U = B(0,2r) with the norm given by ||x|| =max {|x;|,k < p}, show that y € C2 (U).. tUsing the above problem, show there exists y > 0 such that y € C? (B(0,1)) andJ wdm, = 1. Now define y,, (x) =n’ y (na). Show that y,, equals zero off a com-pact subset of B(0,+) and f y,dmp, = 1. We say that spt(y,,) C B (0, +). spt(f) isdefined as the closure of the set on which f is not equal to 0. Such a sequence of func-tions as just defined {y,,} where [ y,dm, = 1 and y, > 0 and spt(y,,) CB (0,+)is called a mollifier. 7fIt is important to be able to approximate functions with those which are infinitelydifferentiable. Suppose f € L' (IR?) and let {w,,} be a mollifier as above. We de-fine the convolution as follows. f* wy, (x) = f f(x—y) VW, (y)dmp (y) Here thenotation means that the variable of integration is y. Show that f * y,, (a) exists