11.16. EXERCISES 355
26. Find the area of the bounded region R, determined by 5x+ y = 1,5x+ y = 9,y = 2x,and y = 5x.
27. Here are three vectors. (1,2,3)T ,(1,0,1)T , and (2,1,0)T . These vectors determinea parallelepiped, R, which is occupied by a solid having density ρ = y. Find themass of this solid. To find the mass of the solid, you integrate the density. Thus, ifP is this parallelepiped, the mass is
∫P ydm3 Hint: Let h : [0,1]3 → P be given by
h(t1, t2, t3) = t1
+ t2
+ t3
then by definition of what is meant
by a parallelepiped, h([0,1]2
)= P and h is one to one and onto.
28. Suppose f ,g ∈ L1 (Rp) . Define f ∗ g(x) by∫
f (x−y)g(y)dmp (y) . First showusing the preceding problem that there is no loss of generality in assuming thatboth f ,g are Borel measurable. Next show this makes sense a.e. x and that infact for a.e. x,
∫| f (x−y)| |g(y)|dmp (y) < ∞. Next show
∫| f ∗g(x)|dmp (x) ≤∫
| f |dmp∫|g|dmp. Hint: You can use Fubini’s theorem to write∫ ∫
| f (x−y)| |g(y)|dmp (y)dmp (x) =∫ ∫| f (x−y)| |g(y)|dmp (x)dmp (y) =
∫| f (z)|dmp
29. Suppose X : (Ω,F ,P) where P is a probability measure and suppose X : Ω→ R ismeasurable. That is, X−1 (open set)∈F . Then consider the distribution measure λ Xdefined on the Borel sets of Rp and given as follows. λ X (E) = P(X ∈ E). Explainwhy this is a probability measure on B (R) and why X−1 (B) ∈F whenever B is aBorel set. Next show that if X ∈ L1 (Ω) ,
XdP =∫R xdλ X . Suppose h is a complex
valued Borel measurable function defined on R which is also bounded. Show that∫h(x)dλ X (x) =
∫h(X (ω))dP
Hint: Recall that from the definition of the integral,∫R|x|dλ X =
0λ X (|x|> α)dα =
0P(|X |> α)dα =
|X |dP < ∞
30. Let h : U → h(U) be one to one and C1. Use the inverse function theorem to give amuch easier proof of the change of variables formula.
31. If a continuous function is one to one on a compact set, explain why its inverse iscontinuous.
32. Suppose U is a nonempty set in Rp. Let ∂U consist of the points p ∈ Rp such thatB(p,r) contains points of U as well as points of Rp \U . Show that U is contained inthe union of the interior of U, denoted as int(U) with ∂U . Now suppose that f : U→Rp and is one to one and continuous. Explain why int(f (U)) equals f (int(U)).
33. Prove the Radon Nikodym theorem, Theorem 11.13.2 in case λ ≪ µ another wayby using the earlier general Radon Nikodym theorem, Theorem 10.13.7 or its corol-lary and then identifying the function ensured by that theorem with the symmetricderivative, using the fundamental theorem of calculus, Theorem 11.4.2.