Integrate this integral by parts to get

tβ Dα F−1 f (t)= (2π)−n/2∫Rn

i|β |eit·xDβ ((ix)a f (x))dx. (13.15)

Here is how this is done.∫R

eit jx j tβ jj (ix)α f (x)dx j =

eit jx j

it jtβ jj (ix)α f (x) |∞−∞ +


eit jx j tβ j−1j De j((ix)α f (x))dx j

where the boundary term vanishes because f ∈ S. Returning to 13.15, use the fact that|eia|= 1 to conclude∣∣∣tβ Dα F−1 f (t)


∣∣∣Dβ ((ix)a f (x))∣∣∣dx < ∞.

It follows F−1 f ∈S. Similarly F f ∈S whenever f ∈S. ■Of course S can be considered a subset of G ∗ as follows. For ψ ∈S,ψ (φ)≡

∫Rn ψφdx.

Theorem 13.2.22 Let ψ ∈ S. Then(F ◦F−1

)(ψ) = ψ and (F−1 ◦F)(ψ) = ψ

whenever ψ ∈S. Also F and F−1 map S one to one and onto S.

Proof: The first claim follows from the fact that F and F−1 are inverses of each otheron G ∗ which was established above. For the second, let ψ ∈ S. Then ψ = F



Thus F maps S onto S. If Fψ = 0, then do F−1 to both sides to conclude ψ = 0. Thus Fis one to one and onto. Similarly, F−1 is one to one and onto. ■

13.2.4 ConvolutionTo begin with it is necessary to discuss the meaning of φ f where f ∈ G ∗ and φ ∈ G . Whatshould it mean? First suppose f ∈ Lp (Rn) or measurable with polynomial growth. Thenφ f also has these properties. Hence, it should be the case that φ f (ψ) =

∫Rn φ f ψdx =∫

Rn f (φψ)dx. This motivates the following definition.

Definition 13.2.23 Let T ∈ G ∗ and let φ ∈ G . Then φT ≡ T φ ∈ G ∗ will be definedby

φT (ψ)≡ T (φψ) .

The next topic is that of convolution. It was just shown that

F ( f ∗φ) = (2π)n/2 FφF f , F−1 ( f ∗φ) = (2π)n/2 F−1φF−1 f

whenever f ∈ L2 (Rn) and φ ∈ G so the same definition is retained in the general casebecause it makes perfect sense and agrees with the earlier definition.

Definition 13.2.24 Let f ∈ G ∗ and let φ ∈ G . Then define the convolution of fwith an element of G as follows.

f ∗φ ≡ (2π)n/2 F−1 (FφF f ) ∈ G ∗

388 CHAPTER 13. FOURIER TRANSFORMSIntegrate this integral by parts to gett?p°*F-'f (t) = ny"? [ Bl eit@ pB ((ia)* f (a)) dx. (13.15)Here is how this is done.I eit (ia) fw) dx; = a (ee) eo twhere the boundary term vanishes because f € G. Returning to 13.15, use the fact that|e“| = 1 to concludeptr 'f(t)| <C[DP ((iae)" f (w))) dx <0,It follows F~! f € G. Similarly F f € G whenever f ¢ 6.Of course G can be considered a subset of Y* as follows. For y € G, w(@) = fan whdx.Theorem 13.2.22 Let we. Then (FoF!) (yw) = wand (F-!oF)(y) =wwhenever w € ©. Also F and F~' map © one to one and onto ©.Proof: The first claim follows from the fact that F and F~! are inverses of each otheron Y* which was established above. For the second, let y€ G. Then y=F (F~'y).Thus F maps G onto G. If Fy = 0, then do F~! to both sides to conclude y = 0. Thus Fis one to one and onto. Similarly, F —! is one to one and onto. I13.2.4 ConvolutionTo begin with it is necessary to discuss the meaning of @f where f € Y* and @ € Y. Whatshould it mean? First suppose f € L? (IR") or measurable with polynomial growth. Thenof also has these properties. Hence, it should be the case that Of (W) = fan @fwdx =Jpn f (OW) dx. This motivates the following definition.Definition 13.2.23 Let T € Y* and let @ €Y. Then OT =To €F* will be definedbyOT (Ww) =T (ow).The next topic is that of convolution. It was just shown thatF (f*) = 20)" FOFS, F' (fo) =(20)"? FOF 'fwhenever f € L”(IR") and @ € Y so the same definition is retained in the general casebecause it makes perfect sense and agrees with the earlier definition.Definition 13.2.24 Le: f €FY* and let 6 € Y. Then define the convolution of fwith an element of G as follows.fx = (20)? F | (FOFf) eG"