14.1. MANIFOLDS 395

thanks to the assumption that DS−1 (S (R−1 (x)))

is one to one. Thus from 14.2



∣∣(S (R−1 (x+h))−S

(R−1 (x)

))∣∣≤ ∣∣DR−1 (x)h+o(h)∣∣ (14.3)

Now ∣∣o(S (R−1 (x+h))−S

(R−1 (x)


≤∣∣o(S (R−1 (x+h)


(R−1 (x)

))∣∣∣∣S (R−1 (x+h))−S

(R−1 (x)

)∣∣∣∣S (R−1 (x+h)


(R−1 (x)


From 14.3, the second factor in the above is bounded. Now continuity of S ◦R−1 impliesthat as h→ 0, the first factor also converges to 0. Thus

o(S(R−1 (x+h)


(R−1 (x)

))= o(h)

Returning to 14.2,

DR−1 (x)h+o(h) = DS−1 (S (R−1 (x)))(S ◦R−1 (x+h)−S ◦R−1 (x)

)Thus if h= tv,


DS−1 (S (R−1 (x)))((S ◦R−1 (x+ tv)−S ◦R−1 (x)



= DR−1 (x)v+ limt→0


= DR−1 (x)v

By the above lemma, limt→0(S◦R−1(x+tv)−S◦R−1(x))

t = Dv

(S ◦R−1)(x) exists. Also

DS−1 (S (R−1 (x)))


(S ◦R−1)(x) = DR−1 (x)v

Let A(x) ≡ DS−1 (S (R−1 (x)))

. Then A∗A is invertible and x→ A(x) is continuous.Then


(S ◦R−1)(x) = A(x)∗DR−1 (x)v


(S ◦R−1)(x) =


)−1 A(x)∗DR−1 (x)v

so Dv

(S ◦R−1)(x) is continuous. It follows from Theorem 7.6.1 that S ◦R−1 is a func-

tion in C1(R(U ∩V

))because the Gateaux derivatives exist and are continuous. ■

Saying DR−1 (x) is one to one is the analog of the situation in calculus with a smoothcurve in which we assume the derivative is non zero and that the parametrization has con-tinuous derivative.

I will be assuming that we can replace “locally finite” with finite in the above definition.This would happen, for example if Ω were compact, but this is not necessary. First I needto verify that the idea of ∂Ω is well defined.

Definition 14.1.7 A compact subset Ω of Rq will be called a differentiable p di-mensional manifold with boundary if it is a C0 manifold and also has some differentiable

14.1. MANIFOLDS 395thanks to the assumption that DS! (S (7! (a))) is one to one. Thus from 14.2S\(s (R7'(x+h))—S(R! (x)))| <|DR' (x) h+o(h)| (14.3)Nowlo($(R'(a+h))—S(R!(x)))|\A|jo(S(RU (w@+h))—S(R (2) ))| [S(O @+h))—$ (Ro (@))|~ (|S(RU (w+h))—S(R'(#))| [>|From 14.3, the second factor in the above is bounded. Now continuity of So R™! impliesthat as h — 0, the first factor also converges to 0. Thuso($(R'(e@+h))—$(R'(«))) =o0(h)Returning to 14.2,DR (z)h+o(h)=DS"'(S(R'(x)))(SoR'(«+h)—-SoR'!(z))Thus if h = tv,t0 tlimDS~! ($(R-'(«))) (Se (w+1v) - So! ))= DR! (a) v +lim 20%) =DR'(«)vt~0 ot(SoR7!(x+1v)—SoR™!(w))tBy the above lemma, lim,_50 = Dy (So R') (a) exists. AlsoDS™'(S(R! (x))) Dy (SoR"') (x) =DR! (x) vLet A(x) = DS! (S(R™'(a))). Then A*A is invertible and 2 — A (a) is continuous.ThenA(x)°A(x)Dy(SoR)(a) = A(a)"DR'(a)vDy (SoR"')(x) = iteyatey) A(x)" DR" (a)so Dy (S ° R') (a) is continuous. It follows from Theorem 7.6.1 that So R™! is a func-tion in C! (R (UNV)) because the Gateaux derivatives exist and are continuous. iSaying DR! (a) is one to one is the analog of the situation in calculus with a smoothcurve in which we assume the derivative is non zero and that the parametrization has con-tinuous derivative.I will be assuming that we can replace “locally finite” with finite in the above definition.This would happen, for example if Q were compact, but this is not necessary. First I needto verify that the idea of 0Q is well defined.Definition 14.1.7 4 compact subset Q of R¢ will be called a differentiable p di-mensional manifold with boundary if it is a C° manifold and also has some differentiable