Now I =(Ri ◦S−1


)◦(S j ◦R−1


)and so the chain rule implies that the product of the two

Jacobians is 1. Hence 14.7 equals





∫Ri(V j∩Ui)


i (u))

ψ i(R−1

i (u))

η j(R−1

i (u))

Ji (u)du







i (u))

ψ i(R−1

i (u))

η j(R−1

i (u))

Ji (u)du





i (u))

ψ i(R−1

i (u)) s


η j(R−1

i (u))

Ji (u)du





i (u))

ψ i(R−1

i (u))

Ji (u)du = L( f )

Thus L is a well defined positive linear functional. ■

Definition 14.2.3 By the representation theorem for positive linear functionals,Theorem 11.2.2, there exists a complete Radon measure σ p defined on the Borel sets ofΩ such that L f =


f dσ p. Then σ p is what is meant by the measure on the differentiablemanifold Ω.

If O is an open set in Ω, what is σ p (O)? Let fn ↑XO where fn is continuous. Then bythe monotone convergence theorem,

σ p (O) = limn→∞

L( fn) = limn→∞





i (u))

ψ i(R−1

i (u))

Ji (u)du

= limn→∞





i (u))

ψ i(R−1

i (u))

Ji (u)du





i (u))

ψ i(R−1

i (u))

Ji (u)du.

If K is a compact subset of some Ui, then use Corollary 12.6.5 to obtain a partition ofunity which has ψ i = 1 on K so that all other ψ j equal 0. Then∫

XKdσ p =∫Ri(Ui)


i (u))

Ji (u)du

It then follows from regularity of the measure and the monotone convergence theorem thatif E is any measurable set contained in Ui, you can replace K in the above with E. Ingeneral, this implies that for nonnegative measurable f , having support in Ui,∫

f dσ p =∫Ri(Ui)


i (u))

Ji (u)du

Indeed, ∂Ω is a closed subset of Ω and so X∂Ω is measurable. That part of the boundarycontained in Ui would then involve a Lebesgue integral over a set of mp measure zero. Thisshows the following proposition.

Proposition 14.2.4 Let Ω be a differentiable manifold as discussed above and let σ pbe the measure on the manifold defined above. Then σ p (∂Ω) = 0.

14.2. THE AREA MEASURE ON A MANIFOLD 399Now [= (R, ° S;') o(SjoR; ') and so the chain rule implies that the product of the twoJacobians is 1. Hence 14.7 equalsf (R;! (w)) W; (Rj! (u)) nj; (R;! (u)) Ji (w) duMe:uM:i(VjNU;)aIlIlunIM-M>f (Rj (u)) yi; (Re (u)) nj (Rj (w)) Ji(u) duiTaNSs=IMM:iS5Ssf (BR; (u)) y; (RF! (w)) Ji=Sx=ItN=IMM:lleThus L is a well defined positive linear functional. MlDefinition 14.2.3 By the representation theorem for positive linear functionals,Theorem 11.2.2, there exists a complete Radon measure Oy defined on the Borel sets ofQ such that Lf = Ja fdop. Then Op is what is meant by the measure on the differentiablemanifold Q.If O is an open set in Q, what is 6, (O)? Let f, t %o where f, is continuous. Then bythe monotone convergence theorem,o,(0) = limL(f,) = iim [ant (u)) y; (Ry! ()) J(u) dun—yoo n—yoon—yoo= lim) J, snot RT (2) Wi (Ba) S(t) de- y heir Xo Bj" (u)) Wi (Rj! (w)) Ji (w) du.If K is a compact subset of some U;, then use Corollary 12.6.5 to obtain a partition ofunity which has y; = | on K so that all other y; equal 0. Then[ Xxd6y = I. uy THRE (wiltIt then follows from regularity of the measure and the monotone convergence theorem thatif E is any measurable set contained in Uj, you can replace K in the above with FE. Ingeneral, this implies that for nonnegative measurable f, having support in U;,[faen= [ pf (Bi (w) Ala) duIndeed, OQ is a closed subset of Q and so 23g is measurable. That part of the boundarycontained in U; would then involve a Lebesgue integral over a set of mp measure zero. Thisshows the following proposition.Proposition 14.2.4 Let Q be a differentiable manifold as discussed above and let 6pbe the measure on the manifold defined above. Then 6, (OQ) =