to one on Ui with det(Dg (x)) having constant sign on Ui and g (Ui) is an open set contain-ing y. Then let ε be small enough that B(y,ε)⊆ ∩m

i=1g (Ui) . Also, y /∈ g(Ω\(∪n



a compact set. Let ε be still smaller, if necessary, so that B(y,ε)∩g(Ω\(∪n


= /0and let Vi ≡ g−1 (B(y,ε))∩Ui.





•x3 V1



Therefore, for any ε this small,∫Ω

φ ε (g (x)−y)detDg (x)dx =m



φ ε (g (x)−y)detDg (x)dx

The reason for this is as follows. The integrand on the left is nonzero only if g (x)−y ∈B(0,ε) which occurs only if g (x) ∈ B(y,ε) which is the same as x ∈ g−1 (B(y,ε)).Therefore, the integrand is nonzero only if x is contained in exactly one of the disjoint sets,Vi. Now using the change of variables theorem, (z= g (x)−y,g−1 (y+z) = x.)




φ ε (z)detDg(g−1 (y+z)

)∣∣detDg−1 (y+z)∣∣dz (15.2)

By the chain rule, I = Dg(g−1 (y+z)

)Dg−1 (y+z) and so in the above for a single Vi,

detDg(g−1 (y+z)

)∣∣detDg−1 (y+z)∣∣

= sgn(detDg

(g−1 (y+z)

))∣∣detDg(g−1 (y+z)

)∣∣ ∣∣detDg−1 (y+z)∣∣

= sgn(detDg

(g−1 (y+z)

))= sgn(detDg (x)) = sgn(detDg (xi)) .

Therefore, 15.2 reduces to



sgn(detDg (xi))∫g(Vi)−y

φ ε (z)dz =



sgn(detDg (xi))∫

B(0,ε)φ ε (z)dz =



sgn(detDg (xi)) .

In case g−1 (y) = /0, there exists ε > 0 such that g(Ω)∩B(y,ε) = /0 and so for ε this small,∫

φ ε (g (x)−y)detDg (x)dx = 0.■

As noted above, this will end up being d (g,Ω,y) in this last case where g−1 (y) = /0.

15.1. SARD’S LEMMA AND APPROXIMATION 415to one on U; with det (Dg (a)) having constant sign on U; and g (U;) is an open set contain-ing y. Then let € be small enough that B(y,€) CN, g (U;). Also, y ¢ g (Q\ (UU;)),a compact set. Let € be still smaller, if necessary, so that B(y,€) Ng (Q\ (UZ, U;)) = 0and let V; = g~! (B(y,€)) NU;.g(U3) g(U2)g(U1)Therefore, for any € this small,L o-(g y) det Dg (x) dx = y As Oe ( y) det Dg (x) dxThe reason for this is as follows. The integrand on the left is nonzero only if g(x) — y €B(0,€) which occurs only if g(a) € B(y,€) which is the same as x € g''(B(y,€)).Therefore, the integrand is nonzero only if x is contained in exactly one of the disjoint sets,V;. Now using the change of variables theorem, (z = g(x) —y,g"! (y+z) =2.)Vw (z)detDg (g-! (y+ 2)) |detDg”! (y+ z)| dz (15.2)g(V;By the chain rule, J = Dg (g~' (y+ z)) Dg! (y+ z) and so in the above for a single V;,detDg (g"' (y+ 2)) |detDg™! (y+ z)|= sgn (detDg (g7' (y+ z))) |detDg (g”' (y+2))| |detDg™! (y+ z)|= sgn (detDg (g”' (y+ 2))) = sgn (detDg (x)) = sgn (det Dg (x;)).Therefore, 15.2 reduces to¥ sen(detDg (x) | wy pte =i=lYom (det Dg (z;)) bow 6, (z)dz= y sgn (detDg (a;)).In case g~! (y) = 9, there exists € > 0 such that g (Q) OB(y,€) =@and so for € this small,[ele y) detDg (a)dx = 0. HIAs noted above, this will end up being d (g,Q, y) in this last case where g~! (y) = 0.