By Lemma 15.1.5, there exists g̃ such that y is a regular value of g̃ in addition to 15.9and g̃−1 (y)∩f (∂Ω) = /0. Then g̃−1 (y) is contained in the union of the Ki along with theunbounded component(s) and by Lemma 15.1.5 g̃−1 (y) is countable. As discussed there,

g̃−1 (y)∩Ki is finite if Ki is bounded. Let g̃−1 (y)∩Ki ={xi



j=1,mi ≤ ∞. mi could only

be ∞ on the unbounded component.Now use Lemma 15.1.5 again to get f̃ in C∞


)such that each xi

j is a regular

value of f̃ on Ω and also∥∥∥f̃ −f∥∥∥

is very small, so small that

d(g̃ ◦ f̃ ,Ω,y

)= d (g̃ ◦f ,Ω,y) = d (g ◦f ,Ω,y)

and d(f̃ ,Ω,xi


)= d

(f ,Ω,xi


)for each i, j.

Thus, from the above,

d (g ◦f ,Ω,y) = d(g̃ ◦ f̃ ,Ω,y


d(f̃ ,Ω,xi


)= d

(f ,Ω,xi

j)= d (f ,Ω,Ki)

d (g̃,Ki,y) = d (g,Ki,y)

Is y a regular value for g̃ ◦ f̃ on Ω? Suppose z ∈Ω and y= g̃ ◦ f̃ (z) so f̃ (z) ∈ g̃−1 (y) .

Then f̃ (z) = xij for some i, j and Df̃ (z)−1 exists. Hence

D(g̃ ◦ f̃

)(z) = Dg̃



Df̃ (z) ,

both linear transformations invertible. Thus y is a regular value of g̃ ◦ f̃ on Ω.What of xi

j in Ki where Ki is unbounded? As observed, the sum of sgn(

detDf̃ (z))

for z ∈ f̃−1(xi


)is d

(f̃ ,Ω,xi


)and is 0 because the degree is constant on Ki which is

unbounded.From the definition of the degree, the left side of 15.8 d (g ◦f ,Ω,y) equals


detDg̃(f̃ (z)


detDf̃ (z))

: z ∈ f̃−1 (g̃−1 (y)

)}The g̃−1 (y) are the xi

j. Thus the above is of the form

= ∑i









Df̃ (z)))

As mentioned, if xij ∈ Ki an unbounded component, then








Df̃ (z)))

= 0

and so, it suffices to only consider bounded components in what follows and the sum makessense because there are finitely many xi

j in bounded Ki. This also shows that if there are

15.6. PRODUCT FORMULA, SEPARATION THEOREM 427By Lemma 15.1.5, there exists g such that y is a regular value of g in addition to 15.9and g! (y) A f (9Q) = 0. Then g”! (y) is contained in the union of the K; along with theunbounded component(s) and by Lemma 15.1.5 g7! (y) is countable. As discussed there,. mjg! (y) OK; is finite if K; is bounded. Let g! (y) NK; = {ai} | ,m; <c. m; could onlyj=be co on the unbounded component. _ _Now use Lemma 15.1.5 again to get f in C™ (Q;R?) such that each a’, is a regularvalue of f on Q and also | f —f | is very small, so small thatd (Go f.2.y) =d(Go f,Q,y) =d(gof,2,y)and d (7.2,«') =d (7.2.2) for each i, j.Thus, from the above,d(gof.Q.y) = d(Gof.Qy).d(f,2,24) = d(f,Q,x') =d(f,2,Ki)d(g,Ki,y) = d(g,Ki,y)Is y a regular value for go f on Q? Suppose z € Qand y = go f (z) so f(z) eg | (y).Then f (z) = a, for some i, j and Df (z)~! exists. HenceD (GF) (2) = DG (a) PF (2).both linear transformations invertible. Thus y is a regular value of go f on Q.What of ar’, in K; where K; is unbounded? As observed, the sum of sgn (det f (z))~—] F ~ .for ze f (2) is d (7.2.27) and is 0 because the degree is constant on Kj which isunbounded.From the definition of the degree, the left side of 15.8 d(go f,Q,y) equalsy {sgn (detDg (F(2)) sen (aetDf (z)) 1ZE fi (g' (y)) }The g~ | (y) are the x’. Thus the above is of the form= “»y y? sgn (det (Dg (x'))) sgn (aet (DF (2)))rod zef | (x')As mentioned, if a’, € K; an unbounded component, thenY sgn (det (Dg (x) )) sgn (aet (DF (2)) =0zef! (x!)and so, it suffices to only consider bounded components in what follows and the sum makessense because there are finitely many 2’; in bounded Kj. This also shows that if there are