Chapter 16

Hausdorff Measure16.1 Lipschitz Functions

Definition 16.1.1 A function f :U ⊆Rn→Rm is Lipschitz if there is a constant Ksuch that for all x,y ∈U, |f (x)−f (y)| ≤ K |x−y| . We assume U ̸= /0.

In what follows, dt will be used instead of dm in order to make the notation morefamiliar.

Lemma 16.1.2 Suppose f : [a,b]→ R is Lipschitz continuous. Then f ′ exists a.e., is inL1 ([a,b]) , and f (x) = f (a)+

∫ xa f ′ (t)dt. In fact, the almost everywhere existence of the

derivative holds with only the assumption that f is increasing or of bounded variation onfinite intervals. If f :R→ R is Lipschitz, then f ′ is in L1

loc (R) and the above formula holds.

Proof: Let the Lipschitz constant for f be K. Then let g(x)≡ 2Kx− f (x) and h(x)≡2K + f (x) . Then these are both increasing continuous functions. By Theorem 9.7.4 thereare Lebesgue Stieltjes measures µ f ,µg satisfying g(d)− g(c) = µg ([c,d]) = µg ((c,d))with a similar relation for µh. Also µg,µh≪ m1 and are Borel measures so by the RadonNikodym theorem, there exist nonnegative Borel measurable functions α,β such that forall E ⊆ [a,b] Borel, µg (E) =

∫E αdm,µh (E) =

∫E βdm. Let r (x) ≡ 1

2 (β (x)−α (x)) . Itfollows that f (x) = f (a)+

∫ xa r (t)dt. From the fundamental theorem of calculus, it follows

that r (x) = f ′ (x) a.e. Recall why this is: For x ∈ (a,b),∣∣∣∣ f (x+h)− f (x)h

∣∣∣∣≤ 21


∫ x+h

x−h|r (t)− f (x)|dt

which converges to 0 at Lebesgue points. The last claim follows similarly from the RadonNikodym theorem and its corollaries. ■

Recall that it was shown earlier that the derivative of an increasing function existsa.e.(Theorem 9.13.4.) This says more.

16.2 Lipschitz Functions and Gateaux DerivativesRecall the Gateaux derivative is Dv f (x) ≡ limh→0

f (x+hv)− f (x)h . Each of these is a Borel

function because they can be obtained as the limit of a sequence hn → 0 of continuousfunctions.

Corollary 16.2.1 Suppose f : Rp→ R is Lipschitz continuous,

| f (x)− f (y)| ≤ K |x−y| .

Then f (x+v)− f (x) =∫ 1

0 Dv f (x+ tv)dt where the integrand is the Gateaux derivativeand also |Dv f (x+ tv)| ≤ K |v| a.e. Also ∇ f (x) exists off a set of measure zero.

Proof: t → f (x+ tv)− f (x) ≡ g(t) is Lipschitz, so by the definition of the Gateauxderivative and Lemma 16.1.2, (See Theorem 7.5.2)

f (x+v)− f (x) =∫ 1

0g′ (t)dt =

∫ 1


f (x+ tv+h |v|(v/ |v|))− f (x+ tv)h |v|


=∫ 1

0Dv/|v| f (x+ tv/ |v|)dt |v|=

∫ 1

0Dv f (x+ tv)dt


Chapter 16Hausdorff Measure16.1 Lipschitz FunctionsDefinition 16.1.1 4 function f :U CR" > R" is Lipschitz if there is a constant Ksuch that for all x,y € U, |f (x) —f (y)| < K|x—y|. We assume U £90.In what follows, dt will be used instead of dm in order to make the notation morefamiliar.Lemma 16.1.2 Suppose f : |a,b| — R is Lipschitz continuous. Then f" exists a.e., is inL! ([a,b]), and f (x) = f (a) + J* f’ (t)dt. In fact, the almost everywhere existence of thederivative holds with only the assumption that f is increasing or of bounded variation onfinite intervals. If f : R > R is Lipschitz, then f' is in Lhoe (R) and the above formula holds.Proof: Let the Lipschitz constant for f be K. Then let g(x) = 2Kx— f (x) and h(x) =2K + f (x). Then these are both increasing continuous functions. By Theorem 9.7.4 thereare Lebesgue Stieltjes measures [,U, satisfying g(d) — g(c) = My ([e,d]) = My ((¢,d))with a similar relation for [1,. Also 1,,[, <r and are Borel measures so by the RadonNikodym theorem, there exist nonnegative Borel measurable functions a, B such that forall E C [a,b] Borel, wu, (EZ) = Jz adm, UM, (E) = Jz Bdm. Let r(x) = 5 (B (x) —a(x)). Itfollows that f (x) = f (a)+ Jr (¢) dt. From the fundamental theorem of calculus, it followsthat r(x) = f’ (x) a.e. Recall why this is: For x € (a,b),Fxth)—FO)| 41h ~ 2h Jx—hwhich converges to 0 at Lebesgue points. The last claim follows similarly from the RadonNikodym theorem and its corollaries. HiRecall that it was shown earlier that the derivative of an increasing function existsa.e.(Theorem 9.13.4.) This says more.1 x+hIr (t) — f (x)|at16.2 Lipschitz Functions and Gateaux DerivativesRecall the Gateaux derivative is D, f (x) = limy_o ethe)— fle) Each of these is a Borelfunction because they can be obtained as the limit of a sequence h, — 0 of continuousfunctions.Corollary 16.2.1 Suppose f : R’ > R is Lipschitz continuous,If (z)—f(y)| <K|a—yl.Then f (a+) —f (a) = fy Dv f (a +tv) dt where the integrand is the Gateaux derivativeand also |Dyf (a +tv)| < K|v| a.e. Also Vf (a) exists off a set of measure zero.Proof: t > f (x+tv) — f (a) = g(t) is Lipschitz, so by the definition of the Gateauxderivative and Lemma 16.1.2, (See Theorem 7.5.2)[sara [jy LOH +H eD) S2420 0h—0 h\v|f(@+v)— f(x)— [ Parnf@+ee/lolyariol = [Des (e+ee)ar0 0437