Lemma 17.3.1 Let h : G→ Rm be Lipschitz. Let B ⊆ A+ where B is Borel and whereA consists of the points x ∈ G where Dh(x) exists and A+ consists of those points x ∈ Awhere for Dh(x) = R(x)U (x) in which R∗R = I, det(U (x))> 0. Then if h is one to oneon B,

H n (h(B)) =∫

Bdet(U (x))dmn (x) (17.9)

Also for Z ≡ A\A+,H n (h(Z)) = 0 (17.10)

regardless of whether h is one to one. Letting #(y) be the number of points in h−1 (y) ≡{x ∈ G : h(x) = y}∩B, in the general case where h is not required to be one to one,∫

h(B)#(y)dH n (y) =


det(U (x))dmn (x)

Proof: Let the {Ek,Tk} be as described above where Tk goes with Ek. Let the unionof these Ek be A+. Since the Ek are disjoint and h is one to one, 17.9 follows from 17.8applied to B∩Ek and summing over k, since ε is arbitrary.

Consider now the next assertion which is a form of Sard’s lemma. Let P be the projec-tion onto Rm. Now consider 17.8 where we assume h is Lipschitz on G. Since this holdsfor any small positive ε, it follows that

H n (h(Ek ∩B)) =∫h(B)

Xh(Ek∩B) (y)dH n (y) =∫

Ek∩B|det(U (x))|dmn (x) (17.11)

First suppose G is bounded. Let kε (x) ≡(h(x)εx

)so kε is one to one. Then for all

x ∈ A, det(Dkε (x)

∗Dkε (x))= det

(Dh(x)∗Dh(x)+ ε2In

)> 0. Note that Pkε = h and

for kε , A = A+. Letting {Ek} be the disjoint Borel sets on which kε is Lipschitz and oneto one with inverse also Lipschitz, it follows

H n (kε (Z∩Ek)) =∫


det(Dh(x)∗Dh(x)+ ε



Also, since h = Pkε , where P is Lipschitz with Lipschitz constant no more than 1, itfollows from Lemma 17.1.2 that

H n (h(Z∩Ek))≤∫


det(Dh(x)∗Dh(x)+ ε



Then, h(Z)⊆ ∪kh(Z∩Ek). Hence,

H n (h(Z)) ≤ ∑k

H n (h(Z∩Ek))≤∑k


det(Dh(x)∗Dh(x)+ ε




Zdet(Dh(x)∗Dh(x)+ ε



Since h is assumed Lipschitz, the expression in the integrand is bounded independent of ε

and so, since G is bounded, the dominated convergence theorem applies and it follows that

H n (h(Z))≤∫


)1/2 dx = 0 (17.12)

458 CHAPTER 17. THE AREA FORMULALemma 17.3.1 Let h: G— R” be Lipschitz. Let B C A* where B is Borel and whereA consists of the points x € G where Dh(a) exists and At consists of those points x € Awhere for Dh (a) = R(a)U (a) in which R*R = I, det(U (a)) > 0. Then if h is one to oneon B,)) = | aer( det (U (a)) dim (x) (17.9)Also forZ=A\A*,H" (h(Z)) =0 (17.10)regardless of whether h is one to one. Letting #(y) be the number of points in ho! (y)={xz €G:h(x) =y}NB, in the general case where h is not required to be one to one,[4 yd" (y )= | aer( det (U (a)) dit (x)n(B)Proof: Let the {E,,7;,} be as described above where 7, goes with E;. Let the unionof these Ex, be A*. Since the E; are disjoint and h is one to one, 17.9 follows from 17.8applied to BN E; and summing over k, since € is arbitrary.Consider now the next assertion which is a form of Sard’s lemma. Let P be the projec-tion onto R”. Now consider 17.8 where we assume h. is Lipschitz on G. Since this holdsfor any small positive €, it follows thatHOWE OB) =f Fiero (y)d7e"0) = det U (@))|dm (2) TADEBso Ke is one to one. Then for allh(a) )First suppose G is bounded. Let kg (a) = ( cxx € A, det (Dk¢ (x)* Dk¢ (x)) = det (Dh (x)* Dh (a) + €7J,) > 0. Note that Pke = h andfor ke, A=A™. Letting {E;} be the disjoint Borel sets on which kg is Lipschitz and oneto one with inverse also Lipschitz, it followsFH" (ke (ZN E)) = [| det(Dh(@y" Dh(a w) + ely)" axAlso, since h = Pkg, where P is Lipschitz with Lipschitz constant no more than 1, itfollows from Lemma 17.1.2 thatH"(h(ZNED) < f det (Dh (x)* Dh (a) -+€2h,) dxThen, h(Z) C Uzh (ZN Ex). Hence,HO (h(Z)) < Ye" (h(ZF) <¥ [ot (Dh («)* Dh (a) + €2y) "dx[act (Dh (x)* Dh (x) +€7I, )? axSince h is assumed Lipschitz, the expression in the integrand is bounded independent of €and so, since G is bounded, the dominated convergence theorem applies and it follows thatZ))< [ect (Dh (a)* Dh(x))'? dx =0 (17.12)