

∂ t(f (t,h(t,x)))det(F)dmp (x)+


f (t,h(t,x)) trace(F ′F−1)det(F)dmp (x)




∂ tf (t,h(t,x))+∑





∂ t

)det(F)dmp (x)



f (t,h(t,x)) trace(F ′F−1)det(F)dmp (x)



∂ tf (t,y)dmp (y)+






∂ t+f (t,y) trace

(F ′F−1)dmp (y)

Now v ≡ ∂

∂ th(t,x) and also, as noted above, y ≡ h(t,x) defines y as a function of x andso trace

(F ′F−1

)= ∑α



∂yi. Hence the double sum ∑α,i



∂yiis ∂vi

∂yi= ∇y · v. The

above then gives


∂ tf (t,y)dmp (y)+







∂ t+f (t,y)∇y ·v

)dmp (y)



∂ tf (t,y)dmp (y)+


(D2f (t,y)v+f (t,y)∇y ·v)dmp (y) (18.13)

Now consider the ith component of the second integral in the above. It is∫Vt

∇y fi (t,y) ·v+ fi (t,y)∇y ·vdmp (y) =∫


∇y · ( fi (t,y)v)dmp (y)

At this point, use the divergence theorem to get this equals∫

∂Vtfi (t,y)v ·ndH p−1. There-

fore, from 18.13 and 18.12,



f (t,y)dmp (y) =∫


∂ tf (t,y)dmp (y)+


f (t,y)v ·ndH p−1 (18.14)

this is the Reynolds transport formula.

Proposition 18.9.4 Let y= h(t,x) where h is C1 and let f be Lipschitz continuousand let Vt ≡ h(t,V0) where V0 is a bounded open set which is on one side of a Lipschitzboundary so that the divergence theorem holds for V0. Then 18.14 is obtained.

As with the divergence theorem, Some generalization should be possible to the casewhere h giving the motion is only Lipschitz by using the version of the chain rule inTheorem 17.3.5 in the above argument when needed.

18.10 Exercises

1. Let f :Rn→R be given by f (x)≡(




)1/2where each ai > 0. Thus for y > 0

f−1 (y) is the boundary of an n dimensional ellipsoid. Using change of variablesformula and the coarea formula, find the area of f−1 (r).

494 CHAPTER 18. DIFFERENTIAL FORMS0= I, Py (f (t,h(t,a@))) det (F) dmy (x) +f, f (t,h (t,x) trace (F’F~') det (F) dm, (x)7]- [, (Gren cA ESE a (F) ding (a~)+] f(t,h(t,a)) trace (FFdet (F')dmP p(x)Of Oy;= [Sf (t,y) dmp (y +05, a + f (t,y) trace (F’F~') dmp (y)Now v= sh (t,a) and also, as noted above, y = h (t,x) defines y as a function of x andso trace (F/F~') = Yq ee Fa. Hence the double sum Yq; i oe is ot = =V,-v. Theabove then givesOf oy;[st (t, y)dmp (y +f (xs a +f (ty) Vy dntfa)= | 5,f udm, (9) + [Daf (u)e+ Fu) Vy-v)dmp(y) (18.13)Now consider the i” component of the second integral in the above. It isI Vyfi(t.y) vt filt,y) Vy-vdmp (y) = [ Vy (fi(t,y)v) dy (y)t tAt this point, use the divergence theorem to get this equals av, fi(t, y)v-ndH?—', There-fore, from 18.13 and 18.12,d (e)— d =| = dmp nd0?-' 18.14aL Fada) = [SF (ou )dmp(o) +f fley)e-n (18.14)this is the Reynolds transport formula.Proposition 18.9.4 Let y =h(t,a) where h is C! and let f be Lipschitz continuousand let V, = h(t,Vo) where Vo is a bounded open set which is on one side of a Lipschitzboundary so that the divergence theorem holds for Vo. Then 18.14 is obtained.As with the divergence theorem, Some generalization should be possible to the casewhere h giving the motion is only Lipschitz by using the version of the chain rule inTheorem 17.3.5 in the above argument when needed.18.10 Exercises2\ 1/21. Let f: R" > R be given by f(x) = ( yy *5) where each a; > 0. Thus for y > 0f—!(y) is the boundary of an n dimensional ellipsoid. Using change of variablesformula and the coarea formula, find the area of f~! (r).