Now continue simplifying using the multilinear property of the determinant.∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣



· · · 1...

... · · ·...



10 0 · · · 1


n−1k=1 (an−ak)

∏nk=1 (an +bk)

∏n−1k=1 (bn−bk)

∏n−1k=1 (ak +bn)

Expanding along the bottom row, what has just resulted is∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣1

a1+b1· · · 1

a1+bn−1... · · ·


an−1+b1· · · 1



n−1k=1 (an−ak)

∏nk=1 (an +bk)

∏n−1k=1 (bn−bk)

∏n−1k=1 (ak +bn)

By induction this equals

∏ j<i≤n−1 (ai−a j)(bi−b j)

∏i, j≤n−1 (ai +b j)

∏n−1k=1 (an−ak)

∏nk=1 (an +bk)

∏n−1k=1 (bn−bk)

∏n−1k=1 (ak +bn)

=∏ j<i≤n (ai−a j)(bi−b j)

∏i, j≤n (ai +b j)■

1.10 The Cayley Hamilton TheoremDefinition 1.10.1 Let A be an n× n matrix. The characteristic polynomial is de-fined as

qA (t)≡ det(tI−A)

and the solutions to qA (t) = 0 are called eigenvalues. For A a matrix and p(t) = tn +an−1tn−1 + · · ·+a1t +a0, denote by p(A) the matrix defined by

p(A)≡ An +an−1An−1 + · · ·+a1A+a0I.

The explanation for the last term is that A0 is interpreted as I, the identity matrix.

The Cayley Hamilton theorem states that every matrix satisfies its characteristic equa-tion, that equation defined by qA (t) = 0. It is one of the most important theorems in linearalgebra2. The proof in this section is not the most general proof, but works well when thefield of scalars is R or C. The following lemma will help with its proof.

Lemma 1.10.2 Suppose for all |λ | large enough,

A0 +A1λ + · · ·+Amλm = 0,

where the Ai are n×n matrices. Then each Ai = 0.

2A special case was first proved by Hamilton in 1853. The general case was announced by Cayley some timelater and a proof was given by Frobenius in 1878.

1.10. THE CAYLEY HAMILTON THEOREM 53Now continue simplifying using the multilinear property of the determinant.1 1wih) why OO!: : vee Met (dn — ax) Met (bn — bx)1 1 n n—1(bi+Gn—1) (bo +4n-1) 1 | Tk=1 (an +e) Tea) (ae + bn)Expanding along the bottom row, what has just resulted is1 1+b _ +by— _ _“ . “ Woy (an — ax) Mei (bn — bx)' ~ ; Tai (an + Be) TM} (ae + bn)Gy—1FD, yp FB]By induction this equalsIj<i<n-1 (ai — aj) (bi — bj) hot (an — ax) Met (bn — by)Tlij<n—1 (ai + b,) Than (4m + bx) TE} (ae + bn)_ [j<i<n (a; — aj) (bi — bj) PlIij<n (41 + 43)1.10 The Cayley Hamilton TheoremDefinition 1.10.1 Le A be ann xn matrix. The characteristic polynomial is de-fined asga (t) = det (tl — A)and the solutions to qa(t) = 0 are called eigenvalues. For A a matrix and p(t) =t"+yt"! +-++»+ at +a, denote by p(A) the matrix defined byp(A) =A" +an,_1A" | +-+-4+ajA +aol.The explanation for the last term is that A° is interpreted as I, the identity matrix.The Cayley Hamilton theorem states that every matrix satisfies its characteristic equa-tion, that equation defined by gq, (t) = 0. It is one of the most important theorems in linearalgebra”. The proof in this section is not the most general proof, but works well when thefield of scalars is R or C. The following lemma will help with its proof.Lemma 1.10.2 Suppose for all |A| large enough,Ao tAiA+-++++AmA™” =0,where the A; are n Xx n matrices. Then each A; = 0.2A special case was first proved by Hamilton in 1853. The general case was announced by Cayley some timelater and a proof was given by Frobenius in 1878.