Index(−∞,∞], 238Ck, 193C1, 192C1 and differentiability, 192C∞
c , 366Cm
c , 366Fσ , 253Gδ , 534Gδ , 253L1
approximation, 315weak compactness, 631
definition, 359density of continuous functions, 363density of simple functions, 362density of smooth functions, 368norm, 359separability, 363
reflexive, 631weak compactness, 631
complex vector space, 286L1(Ω), 285L∞, 361Lp
compactness, 371continuity of translation, 365
Lp(Ω), 357Lp (Ω;X), 671L1
loc, 366X×Y
norm, 538ε net, 78Fn, 99D∗, 443G , 375L (X ,Y ), 535
Banach space, 535π systems, 243σ algebra, 237
a-priori estimates, 167absolutely continuous
existence of derivative, 346function, 345function and measure, 345integral of derivative, 349
integral of the derivative, 346Lipschitz, 347measure, 345
accumulation point, 71adapted, 786, 817adjoint linear map, 544adjugate, 49Alexander subbasis theorem, 507algebra, 141
Cartesian product, 524measure on algebra, 524recognizing one, 523
algebra of sets, 523approximate identity, 366apriori estimates, 167arcwise connected, 90
connected, 90, 144area measure
on manifold, 399arithmetic mean, 233Arzela Ascoli theorem
Banach space, 690Ascolil Arzela theorem
general form, 87at most countable, 61axiom of choice, 57, 61axiom of extension, 57axiom of specification, 57axiom of unions, 57
backwards Holder inequality, 373backwards Minkowski inequality, 374Baire
category, 533, 534Baire theorem, 122Banach
space, 533Banach Alaoglu theorem, 556Banach space, 106, 205, 359, 533, 711Banach Steinhaus theorem, 536barycenter, 157basis, 101basis of a topology, 501Bernstein polynomial
approximation of derivative, 133Besicovitch
covering theorem, 119, 317Besicovitch covering theorem, 263Bessel’s inequality, 585, 619