2.5 Compactness and Continuous FunctionsAs usual, we are not worrying about empty sets. Fussing over these is usually a waste oftime. Thus if a set is mentioned, the default is that it is nonempty.
Definition 2.5.1 A metric space K is compact if whenever C is an open cover of K,there exists a finite subset of C {U1, · · · ,Un} such that K ⊆ ∪n
k=1Uk. In words, every opencover admits a finite sub-cover.
Directly from this definition is the following proposition.
Proposition 2.5.2 If K is a closed, nonempty subset of a nonempty compact set H, thenK is compact.
Proof: Let C be an open cover for K. Then C ∪{
is an open cover for H. Thusthere are finitely many sets from this last collection of open sets, U1, · · · ,Um which coversH. Include only those which are in C . These cover K because KC covers no points of K. ■
This is the real definition given above. However, in metric spaces, it is equivalent toanother definition called sequentially compact.
Definition 2.5.3 A metric space K is sequentially compact means that whenever{xn} ⊆ K, there exists a subsequence
}such that limk→∞ xnk = x ∈ K for some point x.
In words, every sequence has a subsequence which converges to a point in the set.
There is a fundamental property possessed by a sequentially compact set in a metricspace which is described in the following proposition. The special number described iscalled a Lebesgue number.
Proposition 2.5.4 Let K be a sequentially compact set in a metric space and let C bean open cover of K. Then there exists a number δ > 0 such that whenever x ∈ K, it followsthat B(x,δ ) is contained in some set of C .
Proof: If C is an open cover of K and has no Lebesgue number, then for each n∈N, 1n is
not a Lebesgue number. Hence there exists xn ∈K such that B(xn,
)is not contained in any
set of C . By sequential compactness, there is a subsequence{
}such that xnk → x ∈ K.
Now there is r > 0 such that B(x,r)⊆U ∈ C . Let k be large enough that 1nk
< r2 and also
large enough that xnk ∈ B(x, r
). Then B
(xnk ,
)⊆ B
(xnk ,
)⊆ B(x,r) contrary to the
requirement that B(
xnk ,1nk
)is not contained in any set of C . ■
In any metric space, these two definitions of compactness are equivalent.
Theorem 2.5.5 Let K be a nonempty subset of a metric space (X ,d). Then it iscompact if and only if it is sequentially compact.
Proof: ⇐ Suppose K is sequentially compact. Let C be an open cover of K. ByProposition 2.5.4 there is a Lebesgue number δ > 0. Let x1 ∈ K. If B(x1,δ ) covers K, thenpick a set of C containing this ball and this set will be a finite subset of C which covers K.If B(x1,δ ) does not cover K, let x2 /∈ B(x1,δ ). Continue this way obtaining xk such thatd (xk,x j)≥ δ whenever k ̸= j. Thus eventually {B(xi,δ )}n
i=1 must cover K because if not,you could get a sequence {xk}which has every pair of points further apart than δ and hence