Proof: Let{
k=1 be a sequence in Q. Then for each i,{
k=1 is contained in [−r,r] .Therefore, taking a succession of p subsequences, one obtains a subsequence of
de-noted as {xnk} such that for each i≤ p,
}converges to some xi ∈ [−r,r]. It follows that
limk→∞ xnk = x where the ith component of x is xi. ■Since Rp is a metric space, Theorem 2.5.8 implies the following theorem.
Theorem 2.5.11 A nonempty set K contained in Rp is compact if and only if it issequentially compact.
Now the general result called the Heine Borel theorem comes right away.
Theorem 2.5.12 For K ⊆ Rp a nonempty set, the following are equivalent.
1. K is compact.
2. K is sequentially compact.
3. K is closed and bounded.
Proof: The first two are equivalent from Theorem 2.5.5. It remains to show that theseare equivalent to closed and bounded.⇒Suppose the first two hold. Why is K bounded? If not, there is kn ∈ K \B(0,n) .
Then {kn} cannot have a Cauchy subsequence and so no subsequence can converge thanksto Theorem 2.3.3. Why is K closed? Using Corollary 2.2.8, it suffices to show that ifkn→ k, then k ∈ K. We know that {kn} is a Cauchy sequence by Theorem 2.3.2. Since Kis sequentially compact, a subsequence converges to some l ∈ K. However, from Theorem2.3.3, the original sequence also converges to l and so l = k. Thus k ∈ K. The following isanother proof that K is closed given K is compact.⇐Suppose now that K is closed and bounded. Then it is a closed subset of [−r,r]p for
large r. Thus, it is a closed subset of a compact set by Corollary 2.5.10. Therefore, it iscompact by Proposition 2.5.2. ■
As shown above, every closed interval [a,b] is compact and sequentially compact. Nextis an easy observation about the product of compact sets. The proof was essentially usedabove.
Corollary 2.5.13 Suppose Ki is a compact subset of R. Then K ≡∏pi=1 Ki is a compact
subset of Rp.
Proof: This is easiest to see in terms of sequential compactness. Let {xn}∞
n=1 be asequence in K. Say xn =
n x2n · · · xp
n). By sequential compactness of each Ki, it
follows that taking p subsequences, one can obtain a subsequence, still denoted by {xn}such that for each i≤ p, limn→∞ xi
n = xi ∈ Ki. Then xn→ x ∈ K. ■Since Cp is just R2p, closed and bounded sets are compact in Cp also as a special case
of the above.A useful corollary of this theorem is the following, sometimes called the Weierstrass
Bolzano theorem.
Corollary 2.5.14 Let {xk}∞
k=1 be a bounded sequence in Rp or Cp. Then it has aconvergent subsequence.