Proof: It is a repeat of the proof of Theorem 2.5.37. ■One can consider convergence of infinite series the same way as done in calculus.

Definition 2.5.40 The symbol ∑∞k=1 fk (x) is defined as the limit of the sequence of

partial sums limn→∞ ∑nk=1 fk (x) provided this limit exists. This is called pointwise conver-

gence of the infinite sum. The infinite sum is said to converge uniformly on a set S if thesequence of paritial sums converges uniformly, that is


∥∥∥∥∥ ∞





∥∥∥∥∥≡ limn→∞


∥∥∥∥∥ ∞


fk (x)−n


fk (x)


= 0.

Note how this theorem includes the case of ∑∞k=1 ak as a special case. Here the ak don’t

depend on x.The following theorem is very useful. It tells how to recognize that an infinite sum is

converging or converging uniformly. First is a little lemma which reviews standard calcu-lus.

Lemma 2.5.41 Suppose Mk ≥ 0 and ∑∞k=1 Mk converges. It follows that



Mk = 0.

Proof: By assumption, there is N such that if m≥ N, then if n > m,∣∣∣∣∣ n





∣∣∣∣∣= n


Mk < ε/2

Then letting n→ ∞, one can pass to a limit and conclude that ∑∞k=m+1 Mk < ε . It follows

that for m > N,∑∞k=m Mk < ε . The part about passing to a limit follows from the fact that

n→∑nk=m+1 Mk is an increasing sequence which is bounded above by ∑

∞k=1 Mk. Therefore,

it converges by completeness of R. ■

Theorem 2.5.42 Let Y be a Banach space, Cp for example, fk : S→ Y . For x ∈ S,if ∑

∞k=1 ∥fk (x)∥ < ∞, then ∑

∞k=1 fk (x) converges pointwise. If there exists Mk such that

Mk ≥ ∥fk (x)∥ for all x ∈ S, then ∑∞k=1 fk (x) converges uniformly.

Proof: ∥·∥ will denote either the uniform norm or the norm in X depending on context.Let m < n. Then ∥∑n

k=1 fk (x)−∑mk=1 fk (x)∥ ≤ ∑

∞k=m ∥fk (x)∥ < ε/2 whenever m is large

enough due to the assumption that ∑∞k=1 ∥fk (x)∥ < ∞. Thus the partial sums are a Cauchy

sequence and so the series converges pointwise.If Mk ≥ ∥fk (x)∥ for all x ∈ S, then for M large enough,∥∥∥∥∥ n


fk (x)−m


fk (x)

∥∥∥∥∥≤ ∞

∑k=m∥fk (x)∥ ≤


Mk < ε/2

Thus, taking sup, ∥∑nk=1 fk (·)−∑

mk=1 fk (·)∥≤ ε/2< ε and so the partial sums are uniformly

Cauchy sequence. Hence they converge uniformly to what is defined as ∑∞k=1 fk (x) for

x ∈ S. ■

58 CHAPTER 2. BASIC TOPOLOGY AND ALGEBRAProof: It is a repeat of the proof of Theorem 2.5.37. HlOne can consider convergence of infinite series the same way as done in calculus.Definition 2.5.40 The symbol Yee1 fk (x) is defined as the limit of the sequence ofpartial sums lity. Vp_) fi (x) provided this limit exists. This is called pointwise conver-gence of the infinite sum. The infinite sum is said to converge uniformly on a set S if thesequence of paritial sums converges uniformly, that is)=0Note how this theorem includes the case of )\;"_, ay as a special case. Here the a; don’tdepend on x.The following theorem is very useful. It tells how to recognize that an infinite sum isconverging or converging uniformly. First is a little lemma which reviews standard calcu-lus.co¥ f(x) — ¥ fe (x)k=lk=1limn—-0coro) nyi-Yhk=l k=l= im (wexeSLemma 2.5.41 Suppose M, > 0 and Yj, My converges. It follows thatlim y M;, =0.k=m—sooProof: By assumption, there is N such that if m > N, then if n > m,n= y? M, <e/2k=m+1n mym YMk=1 k=1Then letting 2 — o9, one can pass to a limit and conclude that Ye, ,; Mx < €. It followsthat form > N,Yy_,, My < €. The part about passing to a limit follows from the fact thatn— Yhem+1 Mk is an increasing sequence which is bounded above by Yi; Mx. Therefore,it converges by completeness of R.Theorem 2.5.42 Let Y be a Banach space, C? for example, f,:S—Y. Forx €S,if Dey |Ife (x) || < 00, then VP_) fk (x) converges pointwise. If there exists My, such thatMx > || (x)|| for all x € S, then Ye_, f; (x) converges uniformly.Proof: ||-|| will denote either the uniform norm or the norm in X depending on context.Let m <n. Then ||¥2_, fk (x) — EL fe (x) || < LE,, |lfe (x) || < €/2 whenever m is largeenough due to the assumption that )7_, ||f; (x)|| < oe. Thus the partial sums are a Cauchysequence and so the series converges pointwise.If My > ||f; (x)|| for all x € S, then for M large enough,co<¥ |< Ym <e/2k=mk=m¥ f(x) — ¥ f(x)k=1 k=1Thus, taking sup, ||[7_) fe (-) — EL, fk (-) || < €/2 < € and so the partial sums are uniformlyCauchy sequence. Hence they converge uniformly to what is defined as )7_, fy (x) forx¢S. i