Proof: First note that the inequalities 2.3 and 2.4 show that both θ−1 and θ are contin-
uous. Thus these take convergent sequences to convergent sequences.Let {wk}∞
k=1 be a Cauchy sequence. Then from 2.4, {θwk}∞
k=1 is a Cauchy sequence.Thanks to Theorem 2.5.26, it converges to some β ∈ Fp. It follows that limk→∞ θ
−1θwk =
limk→∞ wk = θ−1
β ∈V . This shows completeness.Next let K be a closed and bounded set. Let {wk}⊆K. Then {θwk}⊆ θK which is also
a closed and bounded set thanks to the inequalities 2.3 and 2.4. Thus there is a subsequencestill denoted with k such that θwk → β ∈ Fp. Then as just done, wk → θ
−1β . Since K is
closed, it follows that θ−1
β ∈ K.Finally, why are the only compact sets those which are closed and bounded? Let K be
compact. If it is not bounded, then there is a sequence of points of K,{km}∞
m=1 such that∥km∥ ≥ m. It follows that it cannot have a convergent subsequence because the points arefurther apart from each other than 1/2. Hence K is not sequentially compact and conse-quently it is not compact. It follows that K is bounded. It follows from Proposition 2.5.16that K is closed.
The last part is identical to the proof in Theorem 2.5.26. You just take a convergentsubsequence of a minimizing (maximizing) sequence and exploit continuity. ■
Next is the theorem which states that any two norms on a finite dimensional vectorspace are equivalent. In particular, any two norms on Rp are equivalent.
Theorem 2.7.4 Let ∥·∥ ,∥|·∥| be two norms on V a finite dimensional vector space.Then they are equivalent, which means there are constants 0 < a < b such that for all v,
a∥v∥ ≤ ∥|v∥| ≤ b∥v∥
Proof: In Lemma 2.7.2, let δ ,∆ go with ∥·∥ and δ̂ , ∆̂ go with ∥|·∥|. Then using theinequalities of this lemma,
∥v∥ ≤ ∆ |θv| ≤ ∆
δ̂∥|v∥| ≤ ∆∆̂
δ̂|θv| ≤ ∆
and so δ̂
∆∥v∥ ≤ ∥|v∥| ≤ ∆̂
δ∥v∥ . Thus the norms are equivalent. ■
2.8 Norms on Linear MapsTo begin with, the notion of a linear map is just a function which is linear. Such a function,denoted by L, and mapping Rn to Rm is linear means
In other words, it distributes across additions and allows one to factor out scalars. Hopefullythis is familiar from linear algebra. If not, have a look at a Linear Algebra book. Any ofmy on line books has this material.
Definition 2.8.1 We use the symbol L (Rn,Rm) to denote the space of linear trans-formations, also called linear operators, which map Rn to Rm. For L ∈L (Rn,Rm) onecan always consider it as an m×n matrix A as follows. Let
A =(
Le1 Le2 · · · Len)