and so if ∥v∥ ≤ 1,


∥∥∥Bkv∥∥∥≤ ∆




∣∣∣Bki j


and so ∥∥∥Bk∥∥∥≤ ∆





∣∣∣Bki j


the quantity on the right converging to 0. ■More generally, you might want to consider linear transformations L (V,W ) where

V,W are finite dimensional normed linear spaces. In this case, the operator norm definedabove is the same and it is well defined.

Proposition 2.8.8 Let L ∈L (V,W ) where V,W are normed linear spaces with V finitedimensional. Then the operator norm defined above as

∥L∥ ≡ sup∥v∥≤1


is finite and satisfies all the axioms of a norm. Also ∥Lv∥ ≤ ∥L∥∥v∥.

Proof: I won’t bother with the subscript on the norms and allow this to be determinedby context in what follows. Let (v1, ...,vn) be a basis for V . For v ∈V, let v = ∑

nj=1 a jv j so

the a j are the coordinates of v in F. Let h(v)≡ a where a = (a1, ...,an) with v = ∑nj=1 a jv j.

Thus h(v)i = ai. Obviously h is linear, one to one, and onto. Define ∥|v∥| ≡ |h(v)| wherethe last is the usual Euclidean norm on Fn. Then this is obviously a norm because ∥|v∥|= 0if and only if h(v) = 0 if and only if v= 0. It is also clear that ∥|αv∥| ≡ |h(αv)|= |α| |h(v)|whenever α is a scalar. It only remains to show the triangle inequality. However, this isalso easy because we know it for |·| .

∥|v+w∥| ≡ |h(v+w)| ≤ |h(v)|+ |h(w)| ≡ ∥|v∥|+∥|w∥| .

It follows the two norms are equivalent. Thus ∥|v∥| ≤ ∆∥v∥ for some ∆. Hence


∥Lv∥W ≤ sup∥|v∥|≤∆

∥Lv∥W = sup|h(v)|≤∆


h(v)i vi

∥∥∥∥∥≤ sup



≤ sup|h(v)|≤∆







≤ ∆




< ∞

Thus the operator norm is well defined. That it satisfies the axioms of a norm on L (V,W )follows in the same way as above for the case where V = Rn and W = Rm.

2.8. NORMS ON LINEAR MAPS 67) 22ni)j<3 (E(xand so if ||v|| < 1,ksf] <a(5(5Land so1/2the quantity on the right converging to 0.More generally, you might want to consider linear transformations “(V,W) whereV,W are finite dimensional normed linear spaces. In this case, the operator norm definedabove is the same and it is well defined.Proposition 2.8.8 Let L <¢ & (V,W) where V,W are normed linear spaces with V finitedimensional. Then the operator norm defined above as|L|| = sup IEvllwIIvllsis finite and satisfies all the axioms of a norm. Also ||Lv|| < ||L|| ||v|].Proof: I won’t bother with the subscript on the norms and allow this to be determinedby context in what follows. Let (v1,...,v,) be a basis for V. For v € V, let v = Li=1 4jVj 80the a; are the coordinates of v in F. Let h(v) = a where a = (a1,...,dn) with v = )i_) ajvj.Thus h(v); = a;. Obviously h is linear, one to one, and onto. Define |||v||| = |h(v)| wherethe last is the usual Euclidean norm on F”. Then this is obviously a norm because |||v||| =0if and only if h (v) = 0 if and only if v = 0. It is also clear that |||av||| = |h (av) | = |@| |h(v)|whenever & is a scalar. It only remains to show the triangle inequality. However, this isalso easy because we know it for |-|.II|v+ wl] = lh(v+w)| < [h(v)|+ | Ow)] = I vll] + [lwIt follows the two norms are equivalent. Thus |||v||| < A||v|| for some A. Hencesup |[Lv||y < sup |lZy|ly = sup JL) h(), v7Ivist lvilisa In(v)|<a |] 7< sup P|h()| ||LvillyIn(v)|<A71/2 1/22 2< sup (Emer) (Ein?)In(v) sa \“F ;1/2< a (Sent <0eThus the operator norm is well defined. That it satisfies the axioms of a norm on 2% (V,W)follows in the same way as above for the case where V = R” and W = R”.