It is very important to observe that the inverse of a matrix, if it exists, is unique. Anotherway to think of this is that if it acts like the inverse, then it is the inverse.

Theorem 5.1.30 Suppose A−1 exists and AB = BA = I. Then B = A−1.

Proof:A−1 = A−1I = A−1 (AB) =


)B = IB = B. ■

Unlike ordinary multiplication of numbers, it can happen that A ̸= 0 but A may fail tohave an inverse. This is illustrated in the following example.

Example 5.1.31 Let A =

(1 11 1

). Does A have an inverse?

One might think A would have an inverse because it does not equal zero. However,(1 11 1





and if A−1 existed, this could not happen because you could write(00

)= A−1


))= A−1





)( −11

)= I





a contradiction. Thus the answer is that A does not have an inverse.

Example 5.1.32 Let A =

(1 11 2

). Show

(2 −1−1 1

)is the inverse of A.

To check this, multiply(1 11 2

)(2 −1−1 1


(1 00 1


and (2 −1−1 1

)(1 11 2


(1 00 1

)showing that this matrix is indeed the inverse of A.

5.1. MATRIX ARITHMETIC 93It is very important to observe that the inverse of a matrix, if it exists, is unique. Anotherway to think of this is that if it acts like the inverse, then it is the inverse.Theorem 5.1.30 Suppose A~! exists and AB = BA =1. Then B= A™!.Proof:A’! =A'1=A"'(AB)=(A_'A)B=/B=B.8Unlike ordinary multiplication of numbers, it can happen that A 4 0 but A may fail tohave an inverse. This is illustrated in the following example.1 1 .Example 5.1.31 Let A = rat Does A have an inverse?One might think A would have an inverse because it does not equal zero. However,1 1 -1 \) [011 1} \oand if A~! existed, this could not happen because you could write9 yaa {{ 2 \\eatfa( 7! ))=0 0 1—1 —l —l= (a7! A) —] =1 1 1a contradiction. Thus the answer is that A does not have an inverse.1 1 2 -lExample 5.1.32 Let A = ( 12 ) . Show ( 11 ) is the inverse of A.To check this, multiplyaN=NONeaSs—— |—NellaNCo- ©NeandaNNO— |—NeaN=NONellaNoe- ©Ne—lshowing that this matrix is indeed the inverse of A.