C is a matrix which has more columns than rows. Therefore, there are free variables andhence nonzero solutions to the system of equations. However, this contradicts the linearindependence of {u1, · · · ,uk} because, as explained above, ∑

kj=1 d ju j = 0. Similarly it

cannot happen that m > k. ■The following definition can now be stated.

Definition 8.5.16 Let V be a subspace of Fn. Then the dimension of V is defined to be thenumber of vectors in a basis.

Corollary 8.5.17 The dimension of Fn is n. The dimension of the space of m×n matricesis mn.

Proof: You only need to exhibit a basis for Fn which has n vectors. Such a basis is{e1, · · · ,en}. As to the vector space of m×n matrices, a basis consists of the matrices Ei jwhich has a 1 in the i jth position and 0 elsewhere. ■

Corollary 8.5.18 Suppose {v1, · · · ,vn} is linearly independent and each vi is a vector inFn. Then {v1, · · · ,vn} is a basis for Fn. Suppose {v1, · · · ,vm} spans Fn. Then m ≥ n. If{v1, · · · ,vn} spans Fn, then {v1, · · · ,vn} is linearly independent.

Proof: Let u be a vector of Fn and consider the matrix(v1 · · · vn u


Since each vi is a pivot column, the row reduced echelon form is(e1 · · · en w

)and so, since w is in span(e1, · · · ,en) , it follows from Lemma 8.2.5 that u is one of thevectors in span(v1, · · · ,vn) . Therefore, {v1, · · · ,vn} is a basis as claimed.

To establish the second claim, suppose that m < n. Then letting vi1 , · · · ,vik be the pivotcolumns of the matrix (

v1 · · · vm

)it follows k ≤ m < n and these k pivot columns would be a basis for Fn having fewer thann vectors, contrary to Theorem 8.5.14 which states every two bases have the same numberof vectors in them.

Finally consider the third claim. If {v1, · · · ,vn} is not linearly independent, then replacethis list with

{vi1 , · · · ,vik

}where these are the pivot columns of the matrix(

v1 · · · vn


{vi1 , · · · ,vik

}spans Fn and is linearly independent so it is a basis having less than n

vectors contrary to Theorem 8.5.14 which states every two bases have the same number ofvectors in them. ■

Example 8.5.19 Find the rank of the following matrix. If the rank is r, identify r columnsin the original matrix which have the property that every other column may be writtenas a linear combination of these. Also find a basis for the row and column spaces of thematrices.  1 2 3 2

1 5 −4 −1−2 3 1 0


168 CHAPTER 8. RANK OF A MATRIXC is a matrix which has more columns than rows. Therefore, there are free variables andhence nonzero solutions to the system of equations. However, this contradicts the linearindependence of {u,,--- ,u,} because, as explained above, Yin djuj = 0. Similarly itcannot happen that m > k.The following definition can now be stated.Definition 8.5.16 Let V be a subspace of F". Then the dimension of V is defined to be thenumber of vectors in a basis.Corollary 8.5.17 The dimension of F" is n. The dimension of the space of m x n matricesis mn.Proof: You only need to exhibit a basis for F” which has n vectors. Such a basis is{e1,--:,@n}. As to the vector space of m x n matrices, a basis consists of the matrices Ej;which has a | in the ij” position and 0 elsewhere. HlCorollary 8.5.18 Suppose {v1,--- ,V,} is linearly independent and each v; is a vector inF". Then {v\,-+-,Vn} is a basis for F". Suppose {v1,--+,Vm} spans F". Then m > n. If{v1,°°:,Vn} spans F", then {v1,-++ ,Vn} is linearly independent.Proof: Let u be a vector of F” and consider the matrix(ys wy a).Since each v; is a pivot column, the row reduced echelon form is(ee w)and so, since w is in span(e;,--- ,e,), it follows from Lemma 8.2.5 that u is one of thevectors in span(v1,---,V,) . Therefore, {v1,---,v,} is a basis as claimed.To establish the second claim, suppose that m < n. Then letting v;,,--- ,v;, be the pivotcolumns of the matrix(uw )it follows k < m <n and these k pivot columns would be a basis for F” having fewer thann vectors, contrary to Theorem 8.5.14 which states every two bases have the same numberof vectors in them.Finally consider the third claim. If {v,,--- ,v,} is not linearly independent, then replacethis list with {Vi, on Vi, } where these are the pivot columns of the matrix(nm)Then {vi, oon Vi, } spans F” and is linearly independent so it is a basis having less than nvectors contrary to Theorem 8.5.14 which states every two bases have the same number ofvectors in them.Example 8.5.19 Find the rank of the following matrix. If the rank is r, identify r columnsin the original matrix which have the property that every other column may be writtenas a linear combination of these. Also find a basis for the row and column spaces of thematrices.1 2 3 21 5 -4 -1—2 3 #1 0