9.2.3 ProjectionsIn Physics it is important to consider the work done by a force field on an object. Thisinvolves the concept of projection onto a vector. Suppose you want to find the projection ofa vector v onto the given vector u, denoted by proju (v) This is done using the dot productas follows.

proju (v) =(v ·u

u ·u


Because of properties of the dot product, the map v7→proju (v) is linear,

proju (αv+βw) =

(αv+βw ·u

u ·u

)u = α

(v ·uu ·u


(w ·uu ·u


= α proju (v)+β proju (w) .

Example 9.2.5 Let the projection map be defined above and let u =(1,2,3)T . Does thislinear transformation come from multiplication by a matrix? If so, what is the matrix?

You can find this matrix in the same way as in the previous example. Let ei denote thevector in Rn which has a 1 in the ith position and a zero everywhere else. Thus a typicalvector x =(x1, · · · ,xn)

T can be written in a unique way as

x =n


x je j.

From the way you multiply a matrix by a vector, it follows that proju (ei) gives the ith

column of the desired matrix. Therefore, it is only necessary to find

proju (ei)≡( ei·u

u ·u


For the given vector in the example, this implies the columns of the desired matrix are


 123

 ,214

 123

 ,3


 123

 .

Hence the matrix is


 1 2 32 4 63 6 9

 .

9.2.4 Matrices Which Are One To One Or OntoLemma 9.2.6 Let A be an m×n matrix. Then A(Fn) = span(a1, · · · ,an) where a1, · · · ,andenote the columns of A. In fact, for x = (x1, · · · ,xn)

T ,

Ax =n



192 CHAPTER 9. LINEAR TRANSFORMATIONS9.2.3 ProjectionsIn Physics it is important to consider the work done by a force field on an object. Thisinvolves the concept of projection onto a vector. Suppose you want to find the projection ofa vector v onto the given vector u, denoted by proj, (v) This is done using the dot productas follows.oj, (Vv) = (=) uPPOJu\W) = (ayBecause of properties of the dot product, the map v++proj, (Vv) is linear,av+Bw-u (X) (~)a = ————qqx«- = a|— ——proj, (a@v+Bw) ( Lu ja wu u+f nu)"= G@projy (v) + B projy (w).Example 9.2.5 Let the projection map be defined above and let u= (1,2,3)". Does thislinear transformation come from multiplication by a matrix? If so, what is the matrix?You can find this matrix in the same way as in the previous example. Let e; denote thevector in R” which has a | in the i” position and a zero everywhere else. Thus a typicalvector x =(x1,-°- Xn) can be written in a unique way asnx= y Xje;.j=lFrom the way you multiply a matrix by a vector, it follows that proj, (e;) gives the i”column of the desired matrix. Therefore, it is only necessary to findpeje) = (£22)u-uFor the given vector in the example, this implies the columns of the desired matrix are1 1 5 1 3 1m2 Joua| 2 Joa3 3Hence the matrix is12 3+ 4 61499.2.4 Matrices Which Are One To One Or OntoLemma 9.2.6 Let A be anm xn matrix. Then A (F") = span (a1,--- ,a,) where aj,--+ , andenote the columns of A. In fact, for X = (%1,°°* ;Xn)’ ;nAX = y Xa.k=1