Explain why (An +an−1An−1 + · · ·+a1A+a0I

)v = 0

If A is nondefective, give a very easy proof of the Cayley Hamilton theorem basedon this. Recall this theorem says A satisfies its characteristic equation,

An +an−1An−1 + · · ·+a1A+a0I = 0.

50. Suppose an n×n nondefective matrix A has only 1 and −1 as eigenvalues. Find A12.

51. Suppose the characteristic polynomial of an n×n matrix A is 1−λn. Find Amn where

m is an integer. Hint: Note first that A is nondefective. Why?

52. Sometimes sequences come in terms of a recursion formula. An example is theFibonacci sequence.

x0 = 1 = x1, xn+1 = xn + xn−1

Show this can be considered as a discreet dynamical system as follows.(xn+1



(1 11 0








)Now use the technique of Problem 48 to find a formula for xn. This was done in thechapter. Next change the initial conditions to x0 = 0,x1 = 1 and find the solution.

53. Let A be an n×n matrix having characteristic polynomial

det(λ I−A) = λn +an−1λ

n−1 + · · ·+a1λ +a0

Show that a0 = (−1)n det(A).

54. Find

(32 1− 1

2 0


. Next find


(32 1− 1

2 0


55. Find eA where A is the matrix

(32 1− 1

2 0

)in the above problem.

56. Consider the dynamical system



(.8 .8−.8 .8


). Show

eigenvalues and eigenvectors are 0.8+ 0.8i←→


),0.8− 0.8i←→



Find a formula for the solution to the dynamical system for given initial condition(x0,y0)

T . Show that the magnitude of (x(n) ,y(n))T must diverge provided the initialcondition is not zero. Next graph the vector field for(

.8 .8−.8 .8





28650. 12. SPECTRAL THEORYExplain why(A” +.a,1A" | +-+-+a)A+apl) v =0If A is nondefective, give a very easy proof of the Cayley Hamilton theorem basedon this. Recall this theorem says A satisfies its characteristic equation,A” +ay_)A” | +---+a)A +aol = 0.Suppose an n x n nondefective matrix A has only 1 and —1 as eigenvalues. Find A!*.Suppose the characteristic polynomial of ann x n matrix A is 1 — A”. Find A’””” wheremis an integer. Hint: Note first that A is nondefective. Why?Sometimes sequences come in terms of a recursion formula. An example is theFibonacci sequence.X09 = 1 =X1, Xnp1 =Xn+Xn-1Show this can be considered as a discreet dynamical system as follows.Xn+1 _ 1 1 Xn Dal _ 1Xn ~\ 10 Xn-1 J? \ x0 NyNow use the technique of Problem 48 to find a formula for x,. This was done in thechapter. Next change the initial conditions to x) = 0,x; = 1 and find the solution.Let A be ann x n matrix having characteristic polynomialdet (AZ—A) =A” tana" | +--+» +.ajA +aShow that ap = (—1)" det (A).35Fa ( 1 ,) . Next find—; 02wllim 1noo -3 035 1Find e4 where A is the matrix ( 2 0 ) in the above problem.1 . .Consider the dynamical system x(n+1) = s 8 ¥(n) . Showy(n+1) —8 8 y(n)Nireigenvalues and eigenvectors are 0.8 + 0.8i <> 1 ) ,0.8 — 0.87 <> ( )Find a formula for the solution to the dynamical system for given initial condition(xo,yo)’ . Show that the magnitude of (x(n) ,y(n))’ must diverge provided the initialcondition is not zero. Next graph the vector field for2.96)