13.1.2 Symmetric And Skew Symmetric Matrices

Definition 13.1.8 A real n× n matrix A, is symmetric if AT = A. If A = −AT , then A iscalled skew symmetric.

Theorem 13.1.9 The eigenvalues of a real symmetric matrix are real. The eigenvalues ofa real skew symmetric matrix are 0 or pure imaginary.

Proof: The proof of this theorem is in [13]. It is best understood as a special case ofmore general considerations. However, here is a proof in this special case.

Recall that for a complex number a+ ib, the complex conjugate, denoted by a+ ib isgiven by the formula a+ ib = a− ib. The notation, x will denote the vector which has everyentry replaced by its complex conjugate.

Suppose A is a real symmetric matrix and Ax = λx. Then

λxT x =(Ax)T x = xT AT x = xT Ax = λxT x.

Dividing by xT x on both sides yields λ = λ which says λ is real. (Why?)Next suppose A =−AT so A is skew symmetric and Ax = λx. Then

λxT x =(Ax)T x = xT AT x =−xT Ax =−λxT x

and so, dividing by xT x as before, λ =−λ . Letting λ = a+ ib, this means a− ib =−a− iband so a = 0. Thus λ is pure imaginary. ■

Example 13.1.10 Let A =

(0 −11 0

). This is a skew symmetric matrix. Find its eigen-


Its eigenvalues are obtained by solving the equation det

(−λ −11 −λ

)= λ

2 +1 = 0.

You see the eigenvalues are ±i, pure imaginary.

Example 13.1.11 Let A =

(1 22 3

). This is a symmetric matrix. Find its eigenvalues.

Its eigenvalues are obtained by solving the equation, det

(1−λ 2

2 3−λ

)= −1−

4λ +λ2 = 0 and the solution is λ = 2+

√5 and λ = 2−


Definition 13.1.12 An n×n matrix A = (ai j) is called a diagonal matrix if ai j = 0 when-ever i ̸= j. For example, a diagonal matrix is of the form indicated below where ∗ denotesa number. 

∗ 0. . .

0 ∗


13.1. SYMMETRIC AND ORTHOGONAL MATRICES 29113.1.2. Symmetric And Skew Symmetric MatricesDefinition 13.1.8 A real n x n matrix A, is symmetric if A’ = A. If A= —A', then A iscalled skew symmetric.Theorem 13.1.9 The eigenvalues of a real symmetric matrix are real. The eigenvalues ofareal skew symmetric matrix are 0 or pure imaginary.Proof: The proof of this theorem is in [13]. It is best understood as a special case ofmore general considerations. However, here is a proof in this special case.Recall that for a complex number a + ib, the complex conjugate, denoted by a+ ib isgiven by the formula a + ib = a— ib. The notation, x will denote the vector which has everyentry replaced by its complex conjugate.Suppose A is a real symmetric matrix and Ax = Ax. ThenAX x= (Ax) "y= xT AlTx =X Ax = AX’ x.Dividing by x’x on both sides yields A = A which says A is real. (Why?)Next suppose A = —A’ so A is skew symmetric and Ax = Ax. ThenAx’ x= (Ax)" x =x! Alx = —x’ Ax = —Ax’ xand so, dividing by x’ x as before, A = —A. Letting A = a+ib, this means a— ib = —a—iband so a = 0. Thus A is pure imaginary. Ml0 -!1Example 13.1.10 Let A = ( 1 0 . This is a skew symmetric matrix. Find its eigen-values.-A -1Its eigenvalues are obtained by solving the equation det ( 1 rN =17+1=0.You see the eigenvalues are +/, pure imaginary.1 2Example 13.1.11 Let A = ( > 3 ) . This is a symmetric matrix. Find its eigenvalues.1-2 2Its eigenvalues are obtained by solving the equation, det ( 5 34 ) =-l-4A +A? =O and the solution is A = 2+ /5 and A =2—V5.Definition 13.1.12 Ann xn matrix A = (aj;) is called a diagonal matrix if ajj = 0 when-ever i # j. For example, a diagonal matrix is of the form indicated below where * denotesa number.* 0)