Proof: Use block multiplication to write(AB 0B 0

)(I A0 I




I A0 I

)(0 0B BA




Therefore, (I A0 I

)−1(AB 0B 0

)(I A0 I


(0 0B BA

)Since the two matrices above are similar it follows that(

0 0B BA

)and (

AB 0B 0

)have the same characteristic polynomials. Therefore, noting that BA is an n×n matrix andAB is an m×m matrix,

tm det(tI−BA) = tn det(tI−AB)

and so det(tI−BA) = pBA (t) = tn−m det(tI−AB) = tn−m pAB (t). ■

13.2.2 Orthonormal Bases, Gram Schmidt ProcessNot all bases for Fn are created equal. Recall F equals either C or R and the dot product isgiven by

x ·y≡ (x,y)≡ ⟨x,y⟩= ∑j

x jy j.

The best bases are orthonormal. Much of what follows will be for Fn in the interest ofgenerality.

Definition 13.2.5 Suppose {v1, · · · ,vk} is a set of vectors in Fn. It is an orthonormal set if

vi ·v j = δ i j =

{1 if i = j0 if i ̸= j

Every orthonormal set of vectors is automatically linearly independent.

Proposition 13.2.6 Suppose {v1, · · · ,vk} is an orthonormal set of vectors. Then it is lin-early independent.

Proof: Suppose ∑ki=1 civi = 0. Then taking dot products with v j,

0 = 0 ·v j = ∑i

civi ·v j = ∑i

ciδ i j = c j.

Since j is arbitrary, this shows the set is linearly independent as claimed. ■It turns out that if X is any subspace of Fm, then there exists an orthonormal basis for

X . This follows from the use of the next lemma applied to a basis for X .

304 CHAPTER 13. MATRICES AND THE INNER PRODUCTProof: Use block multiplication to writeAB 0 ITA _ AB ABAB 0 071) \ B” BAIA 0 O _ { AB ABA0 1 B BA} \ BBA].-1IA AB 0O TA\ [0 00 1 BO 0 1} \B BASince the two matrices above are similar it follows that0 OB BAAB 0BOhave the same characteristic polynomials. Therefore, noting that BA is an n x n matrix andAB is an m X m matrix,Therefore,andt” det (tf — BA) = t” det (tl — AB)and so det (t? — BA) = papa (t) =t" "det (t2 —AB) =t" pap (t). Hf13.2.2. Orthonormal Bases, Gram Schmidt ProcessNot all bases for F” are created equal. Recall F equals either C or R and the dot product isgiven byx-y = (x,y) = (x,y) =P x7.JThe best bases are orthonormal. Much of what follows will be for F” in the interest ofgenerality.Definition 13.2.5 Suppose {v,--- , Vx} is a set of vectors in F". It is an orthonormal set iflifi=jViVi = Oi = r /Offi FjEvery orthonormal set of vectors is automatically linearly independent.Proposition 13.2.6 Suppose {v1,--- ,v,} is an orthonormal set of vectors. Then it is lin-early independent.Proof: Suppose ar civ; = 0. Then taking dot products with v;,0=0-v; = YVcivi- vj = Yi ci6ij = Cj.i iSince j is arbitrary, this shows the set is linearly independent as claimed.It turns out that if X is any subspace of F’”, then there exists an orthonormal basis forX. This follows from the use of the next lemma applied to a basis for X.