In this case you can let U be given by

U =


√2 − 1




√2 1



)Lets check this. U∗AV =(


√2 1



− 12

√2 1





5 45


5 025


5 45


5 0


√5 − 2


√5 0


√5 1


√5 0

0 0 1


(4 0 00 0 0

)This illustrates that if you have a good way to find the eigenvectors and eigenvalues for

a Hermitian matrix which has nonnegative eigenvalues, then you also have a good way tofind the singular value decomposition of an arbitrary matrix.

13.6 Approximation In The Frobenius Norm∗

The Frobenius norm is one of many norms for a matrix. It is arguably the most obvious ofall norms. First here is a short discussion of the trace.

Definition 13.6.1 Let A be an n×n matrix. Then



just the sum of the entries on the main diagonal.

The fundamental property of the trace is in the next lemma.

Lemma 13.6.2 Let A= S−1BS. Then trace(A) = trace(B). Also, for any two n×n matricesA,B

trace(AB) = trace(BA)

Proof: Consider the displayed formula.

trace(AB) = ∑i


Ai jB ji, trace(BA) = ∑j∑

iB jiAi j

they are the same thing. Thus if A = S−1BS,

trace(A) = trace(S−1 (BS)

)= trace

(BSS−1)= trace(B) . ■

Here is the definition of the Frobenius norm.

Definition 13.6.3 Let A be a complex m×n matrix. Then

||A||F ≡ (trace(AA∗))1/2

Also this norm comes from the inner product

(A,B)F ≡ trace(AB∗)

Thus ||A||2F is easily seen to equal ∑i j∣∣ai j∣∣2 so essentially, it treats the matrix as a vector in


320 CHAPTER 13. MATRICES AND THE INNER PRODUCTIn this case you can let U be given byI 1y (v2 -Wv2yV2 V2Lets check this. U*AVyV2 V21 5v22|MINon- OO2V2V5 sv2V5 02V2V5. $v2V5_ 0{40 0~\0 0 0This illustrates that if you have a good way to find the eigenvectors and eigenvalues fora Hermitian matrix which has nonnegative eigenvalues, then you also have a good way tofind the singular value decomposition of an arbitrary matrix.UIN WloaMm] NnleaNn13.6 Approximation In The Frobenius Norm*The Frobenius norm is one of many norms for a matrix. It is arguably the most obvious ofall norms. First here is a short discussion of the trace.Definition 13.6.1 Let A be ann x n matrix. Thentrace (A) = Ajiijust the sum of the entries on the main diagonal.The fundamental property of the trace is in the next lemma.Lemma 13.6.2 Let A= S~'BS. Then trace (A) = trace (B). Also, for any two nx n matricesA,Btrace (AB) = trace (BA)Proof: Consider the displayed formula.trace (AB) = VY AijB ii, trace (BA) = VY BiAimt home 7ijthey are the same thing. Thus if A = S~'BS,trace (A) = trace (S~' (BS)) = trace (BSS~') = trace (B). IHere is the definition of the Frobenius norm.Definition 13.6.3 Let A be a complex m x n matrix. Then[|All = (trace (AA*))!?Also this norm comes from the inner product(A, B) , = trace (AB*); ; 2 ; ; ; ;Thus ||A| Fr is easily seen to equal Y;;|a;j| so essentially, it treats the matrix as a vector inRU,