Proposition 14.4.3 Suppose A is invertible, b ̸= 0, Ax = b, and A1x1 = b1 where

∥A−A1∥< 1/∥∥A−1∥∥



≤ 1(1−∥A−1 (A1−A)∥)



). (14.11)

Proof: It follows from the assumptions that

Ax−A1x+A1x−A1x1 = b−b1.

HenceA1 (x−x1) = (A1−A)x+b−b1.

Now A1 = (A+(A1−A)) and so by the above lemma, A−11 exists and so

(x−x1) = A−11 (A1−A)x+A−1

1 (b−b1)

= (A+(A1−A))−1 (A1−A)x+(A+(A1−A))−1 (b−b1) .

By the estimate in Lemma 14.4.2,

∥x−x1∥ ≤∥∥A−1

∥∥1−∥A−1 (A1−A)∥

(∥A1−A∥∥x∥+∥b−b1∥) .

Dividing by ∥x∥ ,



∥∥1−∥A−1 (A1−A)∥

(∥A1−A∥+ ∥b−b1∥



Now b = Ax = A(A−1b

)and so ∥b∥ ≤ ∥A∥

∥∥A−1b∥∥ and so


∥∥≥ ∥b∥/∥A∥ .Therefore, from 14.12,



∥∥1−∥A−1 (A1−A)∥





1−∥A−1 (A1−A)∥




This shows that the number,∥∥A−1

∥∥∥A∥ , controls how sensitive the relative change inthe solution of Ax = b is to small changes in A and b. This number is called the conditionnumber. It is bad when it is large because a small relative change in b, for example, couldyield a large relative change in x.

342 CHAPTER 14. NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS OF LINEAR SYSTEMSProposition 14.4.3 Suppose A is invertible, b 4 0, Ax = b, and Ax, = b, where|A—Ai|| <1/||A™"|x; —x 1 A,—A b—bIIx! (1—||A~! (Ai —A)]||) |All |bProof: It follows from the assumptions thatAx — Ajx+A ,x—A x; =b—by.HenceA, (x—x1) = (A —A)x+b—by.Now A; = (A+ (A; —A)) and so by the above lemma, A;' exists and so(x—x,) =A,' (A; —A)x+A,'(b—b1)=(A+(A1—A)) (Ay —A)x+(A+(A1—A)) | (b—bi),By the estimate in Lemma 14.4.2,ja“_ < A,—A b—by,||)-I|x xi || < 1—||A-! (Ay —A)|| (|| 1 Il IxI] + || il)Dividing by ||x||,IIx—xi | A" ( |b —bil|< _ \|Ay —A]| + ——— (14.12)| 1—||A~' (Ai —A)| Ix|Now b = Ax =A (A™'b) and so ||b|| < ||A|| ||A~'b]] and solIx|| = ||A~"D|| > ||bl| / A].Therefore, from 14.12,IIx—xil] A" (4 Ai ~All NAT a)IIx] ~~ 1 |[A~* (Ar —A)|| I|Al| |b]a7 (al . bil) 2~ 1=||AT(Ar—A)|| (AI |b]This shows that the number, ||A~'|| ||A|| , controls how sensitive the relative change inthe solution of Ax = b is to small changes in A and b. This number is called the conditionnumber. It is bad when it is large because a small relative change in b, for example, couldyield a large relative change in x.